Friday, June 3, 2011

June 3, 2011 | An explosion from Vexen's lab

Vexen Keter Hunter

-An explosion sounds from one of the labs- So... close!

um well don't do that again

Vexen Keter Hunter
-jumps- I've almost got it! I just need to adjust the amount of... *mutters to himself*

Riku Hitachin
Peeks in need help??

 Vexen Keter Hunter
-whirls around- That's quite all right! I've got this.

Riku Hitachin
Ok call if u need me

Harley Marly Barley
Marluxia walks in swinging his hips and a vine-
“Something wrong IV? You’re not setting my castle on fire again? Are you?”
-Marluxia set him self down on to Vexen’s desk crossing his legs.-

Luxord Fosness
Vexen what the hell is that!

Riku Hitachin
Smirks and sits on edge of Vexen's desk next to Marly -"and how are u today mar?"

Luxord Fosness
its a 2 foot mouse!
that cant be good

Riku Hitachin

 Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen gritted his teeth and glared at Marluxia- The Superior may have granted you this castle, but I will never accept your authority! Now get off my desk!

Harley Marly Barley
-Marly crosses his leg the other way- "could be better if Vexen would stop playing around and get something done..."

Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen's gaze hardened- I am NOT playing around! I know exactly what I'm doing! Now hand me that vial to your left and do not shake it.

Riku Hitachin
-laughs and moves leaning against the wall smiling evily- so DAD, what we doing today? - Cheshire grins at him laughing-

Vexen Keter Hunter

Riku Hitachin
-smirks and looks at marly smiling-

Harley Marly Barley
"I belve he was talking to me Vexen. your the mother."
59 minutes ago · Like

 Vexen Keter Hunter
EXCUSE ME!? I have never been, nor will I ever be, anyone's "mother"!

Riku Hitachin
smiles evilly- calm down sperm donor- leans against marly- whatcha got planned??

Luxord Fosness
um I toke care of the mouse

 Vexen Keter Hunter

Riku Hitachin
laughs and looks at marly- whatever, so wats up parental?

Harley Marly Barley
"Not that you know of... -Evil grin- would you care to Vexen? I'm sure this world could use another you walking around." -Marly smirked and pated Rikus head.- "and thank you Luxord you have all ways been so helpful."

Luxord Fosness
I have
I'm kidding

Riku Hitachin
-Yawns and lays head in marly's lap- so boring

Vexen Keter Hunter
Marluxia, please. I don't find your childish antics amusing. -folds arms across his chest- And for your information, I already have over 40 replicas of myself hidden away somewhere you will never access.

Luxord Fosness
um not sure wats going on but um

Vexen Keter Hunter

Luxord Fosness

Riku Hitachin
- yawns and leaves- your boring dude, why did I have to be related to you?? Mar, I'm gonna go tend the roses in the garden

Harley Marly Barley
'now is that any way to talk to you son? any way seeing as I'm the father, I'm the sperm donor any way."

Riku Hitachin

Vexen Keter Hunter
That annoying child is in no way my son! -tosses hair- Hmph! And as you know, it's biologically impossible for two men to conceive a child together!

Riku Hitachin
Dude I'm married and I'm not insest dad is all urs uke boy- steps into portal to the garden-

 Vexen Keter Hunter
*tosses a drop of liquid nitroglycerin on the floor for the satisfying exploding sound*

Luxord Fosness
an explosion turns into this?

Vexen Keter Hunter
Yes, another explosion.
It makes perfect sense!

Luxord Fosness
it sure does................................................................. not

Harley Marly Barley
“Vexen my castle, pleas clean it up. You’re making a mess. I really don’t what to punish you right now." –Marly said spreading his legs slightly and looking at the messy floor- “Clean it…” –he demanded.-

Riku Hitachin 
-laughs and hovers next to marly smiling evilly-

Vexen Keter Hunter 
You clean it. As you say, it's YOUR castle. I was just assigned here.
Weren't you meant to be in the garden?

Riku Hitachin 
- rolls his eyes- I can be where I chose

Vexen Keter Hunter
Impetuous child. -gets back to work on his potion-

Harley Marly Barley
“Don’t make me tell you twice Vexen." He madly got up and pulled Vexen by the cloak. "I’m lord of this castle, you are merely the help, now clean it up!" Marluxia madly throw the man to the floor.

Luxord Fosness
that creates 3 foot mice

Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen grabbed Marluxia's hand and twisted his wrist- I am the highest-ranked Organization member in this castle. As far as I am concerned, Saïx only assigned you here out of pity! You have no authority over me.

Riku Hitachin
-laughs and walks off again-

Vexen Keter Hunter
Mice are adorable.

Luxord Fosness
not one that crawls threw the walls eating a whole matrase and that keep growing its 5 feet

Harley Marly Barley
"Vexen... you dear attack me? Over a mess that you made that you refuse to clean up. It’s a petty argument. Now let me go before, I have you restrained and you force me to report to Xemnas that you have gone mad."

Vexen Keter Hunter
Luxord, I think you're thinking of rats, not mice.
-Vexen smiled dangerously- I went mad LONG before I became a part of this Organization. -He pulled Marly closer until their bodies were pressed flush against each other- It'll clear itself up in a day or two.

Luxord Fosness
here how bout this........... i got nothing

Vexen Keter Hunter
Aw, Luxord. You're handsome, so you don't have to be smart.

Riku Hitachin
-hands luxord rum and chugs a bottle of SoCo-

Harley Marly Barley
"and what if Xemnas came and sliped on the mess. then whos head would be on a plater? " Marluxia run his hand across Vexen's face softly. "I swear some times you act a child."

Luxord Fosness
WAIT......thank you um do strip poker that's how my mum and pa settled things mum always won or roll the dice? lol

Vexen Keter Hunter
(Liquid nitroglycerin makes stuff go black and a nice explosion sound. A single drop wouldn't leave a mess.)
-Vexen looked down at the blackened floor, which wasn't even wet- Since when does the Superior ever come to Castle Oblivion? -He cupped Marluxia's hand and smiled despite himself-

Luxord Fosness
no strip poker ........... why am I at castle oblivion

Harley Marly Barley
"Since I invited him over for supper and a meeting." Marluxia smirked and nearly kisses his lover. “Do you what to joined the meeting Vexen? I'm Shure he would love to know your progress.” Marluxia sliped from his eldest grip with a playing “hard to get” smile and setback down on the desk.

Riku Hitachin
Sets up a poker game

Vexen Keter Hunter
"So kind of you to invite me," said Vexen sarcastically, nonetheless sitting next to Marluxia on the desk. "Anyway, what he asked me to do is not related to the Organization." He leaned into Marluxia and whispered in his ear. "He wants something for Saïx's libido."

Luxord Fosness
this post is getting out of hand

Vexen Keter Hunter
(That's the point of these groups. To RP and have fun.)

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