Monday, August 6, 2012

Rant of the day, copypasted from Skype

So there's this dude on my friend list who RPs as Lexaeus, but not very well. Anyway, he randomly decided that he *~loves~* me.  I've told him that I'm in love with Frey and incapable of attraction to ANYONE else, after I casually mentioned that I considered him a friend and he was all, "Oh... I thought I could be your backup in case things don't work out with Frey." Which is both presumptuous and rude.

Anyway, he's aware of this, and yet he's constantly trying to work into the conversation his *~feelings~* for me and saying that he misses sex-- which he hasn't had in two years, big surprise-- but he wants to wait until he has an emotional connection.

So then yesterday he texted me boasting about how some random chick agreed to boff him and I was all, "Thought you said you wanted to wait for an emotional connection," and he was all "I do but I can't go on like this!" and I was all, "You're contradicting yourself," etc.

And then later he starts hitting on me again while simultaneously whinging about how ugly he is. And I'm like, "Well, I'm incapable of being attracted to anyone other than Frey, but you're not below average.  You're not Quasimodo or the Phantom of the Opera, so be happy." By which I mean that even if I /were/ capable of being attracted to other people, I wouldn't be attracted to him because he's strictly average and not at all my type, but he's not ugly either.

So he suggests that I'm lying and I ask what I would possibly have to gain from that, since I don't lie unless I absolutely need to, for the sake of my show or for the sake of a close friend. He's involved in neither, though I am tempted to put our conversations in the show just to show how fucking pigheaded dudes can be, right?

Anyway, I tell him I don't lie and then he asks, "If you don't lie, then can I ask you a question? Will I ever get to see your breasts?"

And I'm like, dude, that's HIGHLY inappropriate. I said it depended which sites he was on and whatnot since I do have those kinds of pictures on Tumblr, just, because I could.  And he's all, "Do tell," and I said, "No, shant." And he said, "Pweeeeeeeeeeeeease?" and I said, "No = No." And he said, "Fine, I'll just go to sleep and dream about your body."

So then I asked him why he feels the need to be such a fucking perv, only, y'know, more politely.  And he said, "I still have *~feelings~* for you" (emphasis mine).  And I said, "...but why do you feel the need to TELL me these things? It's very unnecessary." And by 'unnecessary,' I mean rude and inappropriate.  So then he said, "I'll try not to."

Dude? Seriously? It's a fucking text message conversation. There's no real "trying" involved. You edit your fucking hands and don't hit the fucking send button.

So THEN, early this morning I was having trouble getting to sleep so I decided to try and exhaust myself by other means. Basically I started crying and kind of freaked out and sent a few text messages to a couple Facebook accounts about it, just 'cause I needed to express it and I didn't want to turn on my lamp or find my diary.

Anyway, this afternoon I wake up and I get a message from him saying "What happened?" So I say, "Nothing 'happened'." And he said, "You said you were crying." And I was all, "Yeah, I shouldn't BE crying. Usually when emotions get to be too much for me, I shut down and stop feeling stuff."  And then I explained that the only emotions I should be able to feel are triumph, frustration, hollowness, and satisfaction.

And so I was still confused on why I was feeling strongly enough to start crying-- I said, "I miss him more than I should." And he said, "Well that's normal." And I said, "Yes, but I'm /not/." And then he responds with =_=, which I assume is an unamused face. I wasn't even TRYING to be amusing, so that's pretty rude too.

I repeated that I /shouldn't be able to feel these things/ because of how my body WORKS, and he was very snippy about it and said, "Well guess what? You do." Excuse the fuck out of me? Nothing I said warranted that kind of attitude.

 And he was the one who butted in in the first place.

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