Thursday, September 22, 2022

AU Vaemond's CS

General Info.

Name. Vaemond Valaryon

Nickname. None

Race: Valyrian

Home description. Depends in this verse

Siblings. Corlys Valaryon

Occupations. Mechanic, Drag Racer

Hobbies. Cars definitely. Guns another big one.

Music taste. Mixture or Rap and Metal

Favorite foods. CHEESE… Pizza, Chips, Nachos…. Literally eating plain cheese while cooking type of person.

Favorite weather. Cool and clear


Height. 5.9


Hair color. White

Hair style. Dreads

Eye Color. Dark brown

Scars. Several scattered chest down

Tattoos. None

Piercings. None

Usual dress style. Comfortable? He's not one to really care so long as it's not to tight.

Favorite clothing. Sweat and a t-shirt duh


Temperament. Moody, LOUD, Reserved and a bit of a glass half empty sort. Bit of a shit starter around his own family or when he's drunk. Short tempered, sensitive, definitely can't take what he dishes out in most cases. The entire world know when he's mad or even slightly upset. Though as sensitive as he is about shit he's usually fairly easy to talk to and understanding of others.

Habits. Jumping to conclusions almost immediately at times even over simple shit

Quirks. His need to over exaggerate… like everything

Fears. Spiders, and almost any bug that bites.

Skills. Decent war tactician when he actually thinks. Far better however at things involving stealth missions. Also pretty smart when it comes to working with his hands having done a good bit of blacksmithing work before which transferred to this AU in the form of learning mechanics and working with different weapons.

NSFW section.

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Bisexual

Relationships of past or present. none notable

View on love? Doesn't exist. Child's fantasy. The real world is far more grim.

View on sex? Make babies, get pleasure everyone does it right?

Physical type? Has a thing more masculine women and the same goes for dudes. But he also won't turn down anyone for a one-night stand so long as you don't look like a troll.

Type of personality or other things attracted to? Quieter, more serious types. Probably because it's everything he's not and getting them riled or making them laugh is amusing for him. Until it's not… 🤣

First time information. His aunt and uncle while drunk off his ass one night.

Role in the bedrooms. Sub leaning Switch.

Vanilla, Rough or kinky? Rough and wild.

View on cheating and have they ever? Yeah sometimes it's needed given the fact he's used to dealing with his ex-wife. But not on someone he's actually into.

How do they spend Valentine’s day? Drunk as a mother fucking skunk

Would they ever sleep with someone or be with someone for money or possessions? Definitely considering where he's from. That nearly normal to him. Take some, give some right?

If my muse saw a shrink.

Most notable trauma. Nearly being beaten to death as a kid while traveling with his mother.

Physical diagnosis. None

Mental diagnosis. Probably some sort of depression and PTSD

Drug addictions. None

Rap sheet. Drunk driving. Assault

Unconvicted crimes. Assault


Serena: YAY, we're the same height! And I made fondue!

 "Are you attempting to butter me up? Believe me after last night there's no need" Vaemond replied with a bit of a flirtatious tone. "But bring the food over here I'm hungry!"

 "No, silly! This is a thank-you for last night. Also, I really like cooking. You'll learn that!" Serena chirped as she wheeled the fondue and various foods for dipping over to him. "Okay, so this side is the cheese fondue, with meat bits and veggies and pota-- well, potatoes are a vegetable too, aren't they? And then this side is chocolate, and there's strawberries and bananas and-- well, you can see." She looked very pleased with herself as she sat next to him and artfully arranged some little bamboo skewers.

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