Helena: "you're... lucky? you didn't pick the one of us who's into that."
"Mmm well considering I only dislike
you so far.... Point invalid" Daemon remarked in a smart-ass tone.
"I'm the only one you dislike so far,
or the only thing you feel towards me so far is dislike?" Helena asked,
being pedantic for literally no reason
Daemons eyes rolled and he muttered something
very clearly in a strange tongue beneath his breath. "Both.... Now, be a
good girl and go be obnoxiously dull old maid somewhere else" He replied
all to smartly, hand moving to gesture dismissively at her.
Serena: Where's your nearest whorehouse?
"Depends.... What are you looking for?
Exotic? Men? Women?" Daemon replied from where he sat playing with a nail.
"A job, actually. My follow-up was
going to be, 'Are they hiring?'"
"Ah, well, I could introduce you to
someone if you wish. I'm sure she'd welcome the help" He replied finally
looking up at her.
Serena nodded. "Yeah, as long as the
clientele is okay with... Gosh, how would you say it here?" *gonna be lazy
and say she explains the thing*
Daemon actually rose a brow and began to
chuckle after a moment. "She has a few of those .... She runs the more
exotic house in the city. Foreigners and ... Those of different, genders"
He replied bluntly moving to sit back in his seat arms folding over his chest.
Serena nodded and wiped her eyes with the
back of her hand, sniffling. "Good. Okay. Let me fix my makeup and then
show me the way."
Head slightly cocking to the side Daemon
noted her current mood rather quickly, though for now he merely nodded
"Ok... Go ahead. I've got time" he added the last bit with a faint chuckle.
She nodded and left for a minute.
Trent smiled faintly at Daemon. "Under
your rough exterior, you're a nice person," he decided.
Sort of bristling when he heard Trent's
voice and noticed he was standing there Daemon heaved a bit of a sigh.
"I've no idea what you mean?" He replied with a bit smartly moving to
lean back in the chair he sat again, going back filing at a nail with a sort of
blackened stone looking thing.
"Neither does he," said
"What? What's wrong?" Trent
Looking between them both Daemon merely
rolled his eyes "I'm perfectly fine. Unless it is Nathaniel you mean. In
which case perhaps the stick got wedged to far up his ass today. I hear that's
painful business" He remarked all to casually with a tiny smirk.
Nathaniel snorted and rolled his eyes.
Trent smiled at Daemon.
"You're pretty when you smile,"
he said.
"Wow, that's one I haven't heard
before exactly. Aren't you simply charming" He replied with a hint of
flirtation in his tone.
Trent smiled back at him uncertainly.
"Am I?" he asked hesitantly. "I've tried... before. Flirting. It
fell flat."
Daemon paused, finally moving to toss the
stone onto the nearby table before snickering "No actually it's a bit ...
Well you seem more like you're trying to hard. But it's cute I'll give you
that" He replied with a bit of a shrug moving to stand from his seat
finally as he was getting a bit stir crazy.
Trent's smile grew a bit more confident.
"You think I'm cute?" he asked eagerly, striding over and taking his
"Well..." Daemon glanced briefly
down to where the other had grabbed his hand before slightly smirking and
letting his eyes move back up to Trent. "That is what I said.... " He
clarified with a chuckle.
Trent leaned over and kissed Daemon's cheek
shyly. He normally wasn't one to make the first move... unless watching someone
constantly was a move... but he was realizing life was short.
And on the cheek!? Daemon, expression was
probably fairly unreadable as Trent moved to do that, his eyes soon moving to
Trent he smirked. Moving his hand so that his pointer briefly brushed downwards
over Trent's chin he snickered. "Yeah definitely cute" He remarked
before moving to start off only pausing long enough to lean in whispering in
Trent's ear. "Now, whenever you're ready to step it up a notch. I'll be
waiting" He purred, in such a whisper it was obvious what he meant as he'd
started for the doorway to go make sure he had at least a few available horses
to help deliver Serena to his friend at the brothel.
Smiling-- softer than usual-- at the
compliment, Trent leaned forward, as if for another kiss, and whispered,
"I'm free tonight if you are." (and we can fade to black on that bc
if I try to write a sex scene it will look like it came out of My Immortal)
Serena cleaned her face, wiped her tears,
and put on fresh makeup. She was relieved to hear that her particular situation
wouldn't be unheard-of at this brothel Daemon was going to take her to. She'd
been dying for a fuck. To be more precise, she'd been craving the touch of one
man in particular. He was good at saying what he thought she wanted to hear and
tossing a hug her way once in a while, but she knew, and hated to admit, that
he wasn't as interested in her as he'd been in his previous girlfriends. She'd
spent a month putting off the advances of a gorgeous, attentive man, had
thought-- hoped-- that *her* (for lack of a better word) lover would come for
her and bring her back home. She even thought she might have hallucinated at
some point that he had, but...
"Daemon," she said as she came
out, half-dazed and somewhat lost in thought, "do you believe we make our
own destiny or that people-- lovers and the like-- are written in the
A reassuring squeeze to Trent's arm.... As
much confirmation as Daemon had given the other male before he'd made it just
outside to where his horse had been tied. After giving an order to one of his
men who patrolled this part of the keep a second horse had been brought and was
waiting when Serena had finally appeared.
Daemon now perched in the saddle, and holding
the reigns in one hand rose an eyebrow. An interesting question to be sure, but
perhaps it explained her clear mood. "Nothing is written in the stars ...
Not for people like you. Or people like me for that matter. And certainly not
love" He replied, all to bluntly. Perhaps not something most women would
have loved to hear but it was the truth, and Serena also wasn't most women.
Offering her the reigns he gave her a bit of sympathetic look, "Don't let
others hold your heart. It'll always end up in ruin" He added finally
moving to sit up again and turn his own horse for the direction they'd be
"Need help up?" A nearby good
cloak questioned. Sort of eyeing her a bit suspiciously.
"Alright," she said thoughtfully
as she-- rather absentmindedly-- mounted a horse. "Because my thinking is,
if love is written in the stars like Trent thinks it is-- yes, don't... don't
get me started on him-- well, then it means that some encounters just aren't meant
to be. But if fatalism isn't real and we're all responsible for our own
choices, then my ex-boyfriend's... kind of a dick, I guess. I don't like
admitting it. As for my heart," she huffed, "I can't help that. I'm
certainly no place for my own heart so it might as well belong to someone
Hearing her somewhat beginning to ramble
her thoughts out loud Daemon actually chuckled, reigning his horse in enough
they were soon riding side by side. "Ah, you don't say? Well, I've no idea
what it is he has done but if after all of it.... You know the truth is that
he's a moron at best, than it clearly wasn't in any stars or meant to be. It
was merely a detour you chose to take that unfortunately lead to... You know
better than anyone" He replied with a small shrug. Really he hadn't a clue
who she meant but from the looks of it, it was done or in the least needed to
be considering she'd cried not moments before and was now riding with him to
the exotic whore house in the rather slummier parts of Kings Landing.
Serena shrugged. She didn't like what
Daemon had to say, but she didn't have the energy to defend the man she still
loved, either. "Actually, whoring is just something I do when I'm lonely.
I quit for him. It's what I do, I quit when I find someone to keep me company
and then I start back up again when I'm neglected." She said it simply and
without much emotion. "So tell me about this brothel and your friend who
runs it."
Daemon seemed to think after she'd spoke.
Perhaps he just didn't understand why she needed to charge for the sex if it
was solely to seek comfort but ... He to didn't comment and soon shifted back
in his saddle, eyes moving back to her as she spoke again. "Mysaria... She
... She herself is not from here. Which will likely be noticeable when she
speaks. She's ran this place for at least six years however, long before I even
came back to begin any position in court" He informed her slowing the
horse down a small bit as the turned onto a large street, that was seemingly
filled with a lot more people. "Her clientele from what I've seen, is
mostly my gold cloaks. Mainly because I buy out her entire place a few times a
week. The other nights you may see a good amount of sailor's, pirates even.
They aren't uncommon given the city port" He added, at least so she knew
what she might be getting into as well.
Serena thought Mysaria was a pretty name.
She kept her horse close behind Daemon's, listening as he talked about Mysaria
and the clientele. "Gee, I've always wanted to do a pirate," she said
a little dryly, but not without humor. "Anyway, I hope we get along. I
usually don't, you know, with... with women."
Chuckling Daemon
shrugged "Women .... Women are, not particularly easy to get along with ever,
are they?" He replied, his tone a bit teasingly though he did speak from
experience. If anyone could be more frustrating to deal with in his position it
was people like Rhaenyra, though he loved her she could be difficult as her
mother or Rhaenys his cousin. God forbid anyone angered her.... And that wasn't
even getting into things he knew of Mysaria and his wife who, gods she drove
him insane.
"I've heard some
are," Serena replied dryly. "Helena's pretty easy-going, at least
with me. Maze has only ever been nice to me. But women like... some of my
friends' wives? I can't stand them. From the way you talk about yours, I
probably wouldn't be able to stand her either."
Daemons eyes rolled a
bit at the mention of Helena, but he said nothing on the matter. Not that he
could really place why he disliked her so much, perhaps her vague resemblance
to someone else? How she seemed to just immediately find him intolerable
without much speaking to him but still. And Maze however he would never admit
but that one surely had balls bigger than his or any man he knew with how she
carried herself. So did she really count?
"Aw yes, she's
intolerable at best. But of course should you ever meet her the story would be
that I'm the one who's an insufferable cunt. One of the things women always do
.... Make themselves out to be the victim and usually everyone believes them"
He replied, the last bit a hint smartly as he sort of huffed. Then reigning in
his horse as the neared the rather loud sounding building, he nodded to her.
"we're here"
"That's probably
why I don't like them much," Serena agreed.
"Ooh!" she
said as they arrived. She dismounted and scampered on in, eyes wide as she took
in her surroundings.
Daemon merely chuckled
and as she seemed to be heading in on her own, he stayed, long enough to tie up
both horses at least.
Meanwhile inside the
place was a bit quite given the time, but a few moans could be heard from
further in. The air of course smelt of sex but several places he'd incense that
burned and made the place smell of a soft hint of sage.
"Madam?" A
red headed women whispered to a female who frankly looked a bit young for a
madam in most cases. Her dark colored eyes moved up to blandly look towards the
female who'd walked in a for the moment. She just seemed to look at her
Serena boldly walked
over to the two women and introduced herself. "Prince Daemon said you
might be so kind as to hire me," she said, with a Trent-grade bright,
sweet smile.
For a moment the dark-haired
woman frowned and then slowly she stood up looking Serena over for a moment
before her lips pierced tonight. "Mmm yes, we have plenty who like them
young and blonde. Have you any experience?" She asked, though she'd been
fairly skeptical of her claims until she caught the sound of heavier footsteps
entering and glanced over to see Daemon stepping in, still wearing the light-colored
gold cloak and armor from whatever he'd been doing with the city watch prior.
Perhaps why at first a
tiny blonde had come walking towards him with a bright seductive smile. Daemons
eyes slightly glanced the woman over, who of course was completely naked.
Though they soon moved to Mysaria who had a rather annoyed expression and
suddenly she hissed. Yes, practically his before waiving a hand at the woman,
snapping at her in a language even Daemon wasn't very good at understanding.
The girls quickly
nodded, said nothing and turned to move off. Cheeks a bit tinted with
"Really? Need you
be so hard on them ? It's not as if you're the only one I've come to see
here?" Daemon purred as he moved up his arm snaking about the woman's
waste. Again something was muttered in her native tongue, and she rolled her
eyes. "When they are new! They must learn! Now, she says you sent
her?" She questioned glancing to Daemon before back to Serena, Daemon
meanwhile moving up behind her to rest his chin on her shoulder.
"I did
indeed" He replied, though now he was clearly distracted nuzzling into her
hair from behind, arms laced about her midsection.
"Yes, I have
three years' experience," Serena said. "Oh, hello!" she greeted
the smaller, nude blonde girl, though she didn't expect a response. Daemon
seemed pretty popular here, which made sense, considering what he had told her.
She noted the madam's
reaction to the girl who'd approached Daemon and filed it away in her brain.
/No snuggling up to the prince without the madam's say so, got it./ She nodded
to herself. She was pleased to have someone the madame actually seemed to like
as a reference; hopefully it would help her in... some... way... yeah, she
wasn't too sure where she was going with that train of thought.
"Sh-should I tell
her...? Or...?" she asked Daemon uncertainly.
"Tell me
what?" Mysaria asked, and for a moment she was even nudging Daemon back
enough to give him a bit of a stern look as if she was now worried what it was
the two hadn't told her.
"What? Tell her
what?" Daemon asked, glancing over to Serena as if confused, which frankly
he was given he'd already forgotten and had been unable to resist the urge of
nuzzling up on Mysaria and becoming for a moment blissfully distracted.
Mysaria’s eyes
couldn't have rolled harder honestly, and she was soon looking at Serena.
"Well I think you must tell me because he left his brain with the
horse" She replied, her tone still fairly tense but Daemon hardly seemed
phased. In fact as she had said that he was soon stifling a bit of a laugh.
"Oh, God,"
Serena grumbled dramatically, hiding her face in her hands. This was her least
favorite thing to disclose; it always felt awkward. "Yeah. Alright,
well...." Fidgeting uncomfortably, she mumbled out the answer.
Mysaria nearly seemed to snap. Clearly not very patient on the matter.
Eyes rolling Daemon
gave her a nudge and once her eyes had met his he sort of gave her puppy eyes.
Mysaria let out a slow
breath and nodded "I'm sorry, please.... Sit... But do continue" She
finally said gesturing to the nearby lavish sofa as she pulled from Daemon just
enough to take him by the hand and lead him over to join her on the opposite
loveseat. The red head only then turning to move away and soon returning with a
pitcher of ale to poor in three of the cups that sat on the table. Occasionally
glancing curiously at Serena before she'd turned to head off again.
alright," Serena sighed, sitting. "Yes, so, the last time I did this
it was my pimp who disclosed this for me, so I didn't have to worry about
it." She made a little face at herself; what was she so worried about?
Daemon had specifically said this was an exotic brothel. Continuing on
nervously, she finally explained her situation, looking down at her hands,
which were folded in her lap, the whole time.
"Oh.... Well, I
don't see why that was such a big deal" She remarked and for a moment she
nearly seemed disappointed. As if she had been expecting some big dramatic
reveal. Leaning back and seeming to Relax she moved her hand to Daemons inner
thigh beginning to draw circles with a finger as if in thought.
"You can work
with me for tonight. I'll see how you do, and we'll go from there. Sound
fair?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"See, I told you
she'd be agreeable!" Daemon commented as if to merely keep the topic
going, one hand snatching ahold of Mysaria’s to stop what she was doing before
he ended up there for far too long. As much as he wanted to be he didn't need
any rumors about him spending hours midday at his favorite whore house when
there were things like trials being held, three executions and a meeting to
attend to and that was merely half of it.
"Mostly because
he couches for you.... For now we will see" Mysaria added glancing to
Daemon who was now standing and smirking a bit knowing she'd definitely started
to get him a bit riled up. "Will you be by tonight?" She asked
curiously as he'd began to move between them.
"I wouldn't dream
to miss it" Daemon mused with a faint smirk before casting a wink to both
of them and turning to head for the door again. Damn her! He'd half a mind to
turn around and demand something quick but he'd delt with worse and wasn't
going to give her the satisfaction!
"Bye bye my
prince!" Mysaria mused, her voice a bit of a cheery tease before her eyes
went back to Serena and she giggled.
This has been a cause
of embarrassment for Serena in the past and she visibly relaxed.
"Yes, that sounds
perfect," Serena said with a sigh of relief. "Ah, sorry, but...
what's your name?" She remembered introducing herself, but not learning
the madam's name.
Serena giggled also.
"You seem quite close," she observed. "Did you, uh... meet
She replied, finally a bit of a genuine smile on her lips. Even more so as she
sat back and for a moment seemed to think. "Yes, while I was still one of
the old madam’s whores" she replied with a nod in remembrance.
Serena was surprised
Mysaria hadn't been madam forever, but then, she reasoned, of course she
probably hadn't.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mysaria. Did you get promoted because of seniority, or are you just better at handling people than the others?" She gestured round.
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