Monday, September 12, 2011

Viktoria Emerson character sheet

 Name: Viktoria Emerson

Age: 15 (born 09/27/1997)

Appearance: Petite and curvy with long blonde hair. Tiny little voice with Basildon accent. Most comfortable in floaty clothes and sandals.

Strengths: Good with science, booksmart, good at keeping quiet when she needs to, good at cleaning and organizing, can fit in with almost any crowd.

Weaknesses: Overbearing older sister, morally dubious connections, comes off as naïve.

Likes: the beach, moonlight, chemicals, gossip

Dislikes: getting in the middle of things

Other: can switch quickly and easily between being the good little girl and shameless bitch with a sugary voice who can and will exploit anyone who's told she must. Very mild-mannered and obedient-seeming. Often seems clueless and in need of direction.

Monday, August 29, 2011

August 29, 2011 | Cygnet's Diary

 I think I may be falling in love with Brandy. This is bound to end badly. I'm meant to be showing her that not everyone is as hateful as the Lathories and to show one of her personas some love, loyalty-- the romantic or sexual kind of loyalty--and affection.

No promises. No demands.

It wouldn't do to fall in love with the woman herself. She's perfectly lovely, but I don't trust myself not to hurt her if this becomes more than just an experiment.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 16, 2011 | Vexen Emerson quote

 "You truly are a rose, Marluxia. Beautiful. Deceptively delicate-looking, but anyone who crosses you experiences firsthand your thorns."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"I luffles yew" - Naminé/Marluxia

Wednesday, July 27, 2011 | 1:44 PM
Naminé written by Naminé Rose Darklover



I luffles yew

MARLUXIA takes a step back

Have you been in my marijuana garden?

Um, no.

MARLUXIA pats Namine on the head.

Very well, then.

Wait… you have a…

I have a section of my garden that’s devoted to intoxicants. Xigbar’s request.

NAMINE, XD, runs off to check it out!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vexen flashes leg - Vexen/Marluxia

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 | 9:00 AM
Vexen written by Vexen Itetsuku Gakkyu

VEXEN flashes leg.

MARLUXIA blinks.


I had a dream like this once.


Did you want something, Vexen? Or have you, by any chance, been in the “intoxication” section of my garden?

….. I wondered why there was a lock on it.

MARLUXIA buries his face in his hands.

Oh no, you’re high as a kite. But… wait. You of all people should have some sort of an antidote, right?


MARLUXIA shakes his head.

Alright, well, don’t go in that part of the garden again.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

NAMINE was in her maid uniform.... - Marluxia/Naminé

Tuesday, July 26, 2011 | 7:46 PM
Naminé written by Naminé Rose Darklover

NAMINE was in her maid uniform, cleaning the castle.

MARLUXIA’s eyes caught on her as he passed.

Hello, Namine. My, don’t you look… spiffy.

NAMINE looks down, a new collar on her.

Yeah, I guess.

May I ask where this came from?

My new master. He’s a new Nobody. Rey Flameseeker.

NAMINE shook her pigtails.

I’m freezing in this uniform.

Perhaps you should put on a cloak.

I don’t have one… I’m not part of the Organization.

Neither is Riku and somehow he managed to obtain one.

MARLUXIA removes his cloak, revealing a black wifebeater and silver jeans.

Here. Take mine, but I expect it washed when you return it.

NAMINE nods and takes it, putting it on.

Yes, sir.

Good girl.


Foolish child. Why don’t you take better care of yourself?

NAMINE looks down
I’m too busy drawing for you.

If you end up fading from sickness, you won’t be able to draw or be of use to me in general.

I know, Mar, I just-- *sneezes*

[exit NAMINE]

Friday, June 10, 2011

June 10, 2011 | Alan x Vexie


Almost forgot, darling. I won't be on much longer. That horrid troll friend of hers convinced <Falcon> to go gallivanting off to Texas and I've got to see her off and make sure Dr. Troll isn't planning any mischief. I don't much like Texas, myself. The atmosphere disagrees with my complexion.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 9, 2011 (unknown character diary) (Falcon-side)

 Sinead has been quite the darling. It mustn't be easy, living with someone as insane as myself. But she stays with me. She's patient and kind. She'll never leave me.

Friday, June 3, 2011

3 June 2011 | Sinead diary


I think my master may be insane. She modeled me after someone called Vexie. She calls me "New Vexie." I'm a golem. I depend on her to give me livelihood, but I think she depends more on me to feel loved and warm. She leans on me. When she holds me a peaceful smile spreads across her face and she disappears into her own mind. She promised if I take care of her, she'll love me forever. I promised her the same. She hasn't seemed as depressed the past couple of days, but I know she misses the original of me.

June 3, 2011 | An explosion from Vexen's lab

Vexen Keter Hunter

-An explosion sounds from one of the labs- So... close!

um well don't do that again

Vexen Keter Hunter
-jumps- I've almost got it! I just need to adjust the amount of... *mutters to himself*

Riku Hitachin
Peeks in need help??

 Vexen Keter Hunter
-whirls around- That's quite all right! I've got this.

Riku Hitachin
Ok call if u need me

Harley Marly Barley
Marluxia walks in swinging his hips and a vine-
“Something wrong IV? You’re not setting my castle on fire again? Are you?”
-Marluxia set him self down on to Vexen’s desk crossing his legs.-

Luxord Fosness
Vexen what the hell is that!

Riku Hitachin
Smirks and sits on edge of Vexen's desk next to Marly -"and how are u today mar?"

Luxord Fosness
its a 2 foot mouse!
that cant be good

Riku Hitachin

 Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen gritted his teeth and glared at Marluxia- The Superior may have granted you this castle, but I will never accept your authority! Now get off my desk!

Harley Marly Barley
-Marly crosses his leg the other way- "could be better if Vexen would stop playing around and get something done..."

Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen's gaze hardened- I am NOT playing around! I know exactly what I'm doing! Now hand me that vial to your left and do not shake it.

Riku Hitachin
-laughs and moves leaning against the wall smiling evily- so DAD, what we doing today? - Cheshire grins at him laughing-

Vexen Keter Hunter

Riku Hitachin
-smirks and looks at marly smiling-

Harley Marly Barley
"I belve he was talking to me Vexen. your the mother."
59 minutes ago · Like

 Vexen Keter Hunter
EXCUSE ME!? I have never been, nor will I ever be, anyone's "mother"!

Riku Hitachin
smiles evilly- calm down sperm donor- leans against marly- whatcha got planned??

Luxord Fosness
um I toke care of the mouse

 Vexen Keter Hunter

Riku Hitachin
laughs and looks at marly- whatever, so wats up parental?

Harley Marly Barley
"Not that you know of... -Evil grin- would you care to Vexen? I'm sure this world could use another you walking around." -Marly smirked and pated Rikus head.- "and thank you Luxord you have all ways been so helpful."

Luxord Fosness
I have
I'm kidding

Riku Hitachin
-Yawns and lays head in marly's lap- so boring

Vexen Keter Hunter
Marluxia, please. I don't find your childish antics amusing. -folds arms across his chest- And for your information, I already have over 40 replicas of myself hidden away somewhere you will never access.

Luxord Fosness
um not sure wats going on but um

Vexen Keter Hunter

Luxord Fosness

Riku Hitachin
- yawns and leaves- your boring dude, why did I have to be related to you?? Mar, I'm gonna go tend the roses in the garden

Harley Marly Barley
'now is that any way to talk to you son? any way seeing as I'm the father, I'm the sperm donor any way."

Riku Hitachin

Vexen Keter Hunter
That annoying child is in no way my son! -tosses hair- Hmph! And as you know, it's biologically impossible for two men to conceive a child together!

Riku Hitachin
Dude I'm married and I'm not insest dad is all urs uke boy- steps into portal to the garden-

 Vexen Keter Hunter
*tosses a drop of liquid nitroglycerin on the floor for the satisfying exploding sound*

Luxord Fosness
an explosion turns into this?

Vexen Keter Hunter
Yes, another explosion.
It makes perfect sense!

Luxord Fosness
it sure does................................................................. not

Harley Marly Barley
“Vexen my castle, pleas clean it up. You’re making a mess. I really don’t what to punish you right now." –Marly said spreading his legs slightly and looking at the messy floor- “Clean it…” –he demanded.-

Riku Hitachin 
-laughs and hovers next to marly smiling evilly-

Vexen Keter Hunter 
You clean it. As you say, it's YOUR castle. I was just assigned here.
Weren't you meant to be in the garden?

Riku Hitachin 
- rolls his eyes- I can be where I chose

Vexen Keter Hunter
Impetuous child. -gets back to work on his potion-

Harley Marly Barley
“Don’t make me tell you twice Vexen." He madly got up and pulled Vexen by the cloak. "I’m lord of this castle, you are merely the help, now clean it up!" Marluxia madly throw the man to the floor.

Luxord Fosness
that creates 3 foot mice

Vexen Keter Hunter
-Vexen grabbed Marluxia's hand and twisted his wrist- I am the highest-ranked Organization member in this castle. As far as I am concerned, Saïx only assigned you here out of pity! You have no authority over me.

Riku Hitachin
-laughs and walks off again-

Vexen Keter Hunter
Mice are adorable.

Luxord Fosness
not one that crawls threw the walls eating a whole matrase and that keep growing its 5 feet

Harley Marly Barley
"Vexen... you dear attack me? Over a mess that you made that you refuse to clean up. It’s a petty argument. Now let me go before, I have you restrained and you force me to report to Xemnas that you have gone mad."

Vexen Keter Hunter
Luxord, I think you're thinking of rats, not mice.
-Vexen smiled dangerously- I went mad LONG before I became a part of this Organization. -He pulled Marly closer until their bodies were pressed flush against each other- It'll clear itself up in a day or two.

Luxord Fosness
here how bout this........... i got nothing

Vexen Keter Hunter
Aw, Luxord. You're handsome, so you don't have to be smart.

Riku Hitachin
-hands luxord rum and chugs a bottle of SoCo-

Harley Marly Barley
"and what if Xemnas came and sliped on the mess. then whos head would be on a plater? " Marluxia run his hand across Vexen's face softly. "I swear some times you act a child."

Luxord Fosness
WAIT......thank you um do strip poker that's how my mum and pa settled things mum always won or roll the dice? lol

Vexen Keter Hunter
(Liquid nitroglycerin makes stuff go black and a nice explosion sound. A single drop wouldn't leave a mess.)
-Vexen looked down at the blackened floor, which wasn't even wet- Since when does the Superior ever come to Castle Oblivion? -He cupped Marluxia's hand and smiled despite himself-

Luxord Fosness
no strip poker ........... why am I at castle oblivion

Harley Marly Barley
"Since I invited him over for supper and a meeting." Marluxia smirked and nearly kisses his lover. “Do you what to joined the meeting Vexen? I'm Shure he would love to know your progress.” Marluxia sliped from his eldest grip with a playing “hard to get” smile and setback down on the desk.

Riku Hitachin
Sets up a poker game

Vexen Keter Hunter
"So kind of you to invite me," said Vexen sarcastically, nonetheless sitting next to Marluxia on the desk. "Anyway, what he asked me to do is not related to the Organization." He leaned into Marluxia and whispered in his ear. "He wants something for Saïx's libido."

Luxord Fosness
this post is getting out of hand

Vexen Keter Hunter
(That's the point of these groups. To RP and have fun.)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 2, 2011 | Levine diary


Told Rini I drugged K with sedatives and she isn't in a real coma.

Rini, your little friend broke her and I'll do whatever it takes to put her back together again. I printed this Megu person's face and put it on the Hope doll she made. You should have seen her face light up when I brought it in for her. Course, she was too hopped up on sedatives to know it wasn't real. But it made her feel better and that's what matters.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

May 15, 2011 | Marluxia and Axel

Sunday, May 15, 2011 | 8:00 AM
Axel written by 'Pyro Axel

Hey, Axel.

Hey there, Marlu.

What are you up to?

Oh, nothin’. I just got up. What about ya?

I’ve been up all night working on a new design idea. It’s a flowy top with slightly puffy sleeves that cuts off just below the pectorals. Honestly, Vexen spilled something on a favorite blouse, and it stained, so I had to… adjust the hemline. To just below the pectorals. I’m not sure what to sew onto it to extend it. I’m afraid I can’t wear it, myself.

Huh? Why can’t you wear it?

Well, it would look rather silly over a corset. And it may be a little too small once I finish sewing.

Oh. Make someone else wear it?

Hmm, everyone else seems far too modest, except Larxene, and the last time I asked her to wear something I made or modified, my greenhouse got electrocuted.

That’s awful.

She thought I was trying to get in bed with her.

That girl is somethin’ else. Like, seriously.

Yes. I’m not interested in her that way and I never have been.

She always thinks someone is interested in her.

Including Lexaeus. That was rather disturbing.



MARLUXIA shudders

Even I wouldn’t touch… that.

Well… she tried to seduce me once.

Yes, well, you’re easier on the eyes than Lex.

*chuckles* Lex is nice. He’s just too manly.

I don’t mind manly, but he is too butch for my tastes. Xigbar’s definitely a man, but he’s not as off-putting.

Xigbar’s not that bad. He’s just old.

MARLUXIA blushes and tucks hair behind his ear.

He’s not that old.

Well… I know that. But he’s definitely older than me.


This is true. But I suppose it pays off. After all, he is… well, amazing.

*chuckles* He sure is.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

3 May 2011 | Désmoda diary

3:50 a.m.


It's been over a year since Illybrius's death. I don't think anyone, not even my own dear cousin, realises the impact his death had on me, who knew him the longest, if not the best. When he came back and had the opportunity to speak with us, it was the newcomers Akuma and Orion he chose to impart with his last words. Now he's gone.

I may have taken his death the hardest of everyone. We were close. Never as close as Maheone and he, but close enough. I suppose he thought that since I'm stronger and handle myself better than the Enzerus, I wasn't in need of a last word. He thought I'd go through it stone-faced, like I do everything else. No emotion. No tears. Just a strong guiding hand like always. No. I couldn't keep his counterpart, whose life he entrusted to me, out of trouble. I was too busy thinking about myself and my grief to keep an eye on her. What happened last month was as much my fault as it was that man's. I could have kept her away, but I didn't, and she's still suffering because of it. She and Illybrius both depended on me to protect her. It was my duty. I failed in that duty.

Foolish. I'm the reason she and Keyi didn't work out in the first place. I filled her head with intellectual elitism and closed her mind and heart against the human race because of my own suffering. I put it in her head to bully and manipulate her way into someone's bed, and for what? She made the choice, but I put it in her head!

When I came back, I promised I would take better care of her, and I haven't. I have taken care not to fill Ord's head with the same elitist fluff, but for Cinnamon, nothing. Her grades and scholastic motivation have slipped. She's hardly recognisable. As strong as she'd like to be, that man damaged her. It's my fault and I feel a disgrace. I feel I've failed Illybrius all over again.

All because I wanted to know why he didn't say goodbye to me.

It's in your hands now, Levine. Take good care of her for me and try to undo some of my mistakes.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February 23, 2011

 I wrote a letter to Terri saying that I'm considering moving back to Switzerland, because as it is, I'm a complete monster and need to rehabilitate myself, and my relationship with Marie is getting too complicated. I wonder how much she'll pass onto Corri. Corri's speaking to me again. Bastion contacted me to ask a favour, then made himself unavailable almost immediately.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

February 6, 2011

 On the night of his birthday-- Friday night-- Levine slept with a man for the first time. That man was Hansel Zuckerman, his roommate from Santa Cruz. Being quite a talented proctologist, Hansel knew how to bring Levine pleasure, but the pain was an unfortunate side effect as Levine is unaccustomed to that kind of sex. Hansel slept with me, too, and in this way blackmailed Levine into becoming his lover. Levine said he's fine with it as long as I'm safe.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011

 Sunday | 4:16 p.m.

I tire of useless people, including myself. It won't be my responsibility to help the proletariat more than he asks for. I'll bet he doesn't even show up tomorrow. Not that I care, but I won't waste my time either way. How can he possibly justify objecting to my use of a code name for him when he's off with his head in the clouds? I mean, honestly, changing his whole persona so his mean old family won't pick on him anymore? How sickeningly pedestrian.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 29, 2011

 Saturday | 5:28 p.m.

I'm so tired. I've been watching things like Bones, Burn Notice, and Gossip Girl. I've been hoping they'd give me some clue as to how to deal with Corri, but I've had no lightbulb moments, nothing to illuminate the way. It gets exhausting keeping track of appearances and personas all the time. I can't even control my dream scenarios as well as I used to. I'm just so tired. I can barely keep my own image straight, let alone help Bastion with his. He wants to become a "gentleman rogue". But the reasoning is so... silly. He wants to feel like other than a slave to his family and build up his self-confidence. A persona won't help with that. It's the sort of thing that comes from within.

I can't even handle my own imaging. How am I meant to help anyone else with theirs? I roleplay to escape myself, not to become someone. I'm so childish.

Typical. Wants my help and yet can't be bothered to pick up the phone. The way he comes across is so awkward. It's obvious he's trying to force himself to be someone he's not. He's trying too hard. Unfortunately, being so low in self-confidence means he'll grasp at any validation he can get. It's like an auction. He has no loyalty because his standing constantly shifts to go with the highest bidder. Also, we never discussed what I would be getting in return. It's certainly not the charm of his company, and I'm not naïve enough to think he's asking my help because I'm the only one out there he trusts. Neither of us can really trust the other, so I have to be careful. There's a reason he's getting involved again, one that he won't readily tell me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

Meeting up with Bastion later. Gave Corri an epic verbal bitch slap on Facebook. Mom complimented me on it. Heh. Corri says she hates me and wishes we'd never met. Guess she's not a sociopath, then.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

11 January 2011

 Tuesday | 2:22 p.m.

So once again we're speaking. Not Corri and me. The other one. He sent me an e-card out of nowhere. Finally, he seems to accept that he can never have me. Anyway, he's still a simpleton, but any information on Corri can potentially be of use to me.

Monday, January 3, 2011

January 3, 2011

 Monday | 6:00 a.m.

How is this possible? I touched a few papers from the ⭐🚸folder that used to belong to Bastion and immediately got dizzy the same way I dissociated with Corri. I'm taking a shower now. I feel vile.