Thursday, December 23, 2021

December 23, 2021 | Side chat with Bex, from Trent's account

SIGYN, 7:25 p.m.



He's making an awful lot of assumptions about what Sebastian wants.


Why would it sting? It's not real life!


The problem with "I would have told you who I was," is that, what reason would we have to believe you if we'd just asked? It sucks that it's like this, but sometimes the best way to get answers is through subterfuge.


Someone else's pre-existing relationship "felt intentional to hurt you". HOW?


"You're lucky I don't play Gossip Girl or I'd end him"? How? What does that mean? How would that even work? Friends don't "do that" in your world? Do what? What are you getting butthurt about? What's shady, and how? Can you even explain whatever bullshit you're going on about?


It wouldn't bother Sebastian if you went and dated Rebecca, but also, that would be up to her anyway, so it's not really a good thing to try to threaten.


What a whiny bitch. This guy needs to Low-Tier-God himself. He needs to do a flip.


A lot of people have abandonment issues and don't fucking act like this. Your excuse is not valid.


I fuckin hope these sent in order

he literally won't explain anything lmao make it make sense


BEX, 7:32 p.m.

one sec...gonna read



Oh thank god you're awake



Wow! That's....just a lot of what it is




Looks like there's more



I mean...the whole 'imma go date Rebecca' just made me laugh

like hysterically



oh yeah

And there's fixing to be more



oh no.... *giggles*

why do you do this to youself? :P



Is that code for, “I don’t want to hear it”?




we haven't RPed lately cause we've both been super busy with holiday prep & your muses are quiet, so I'm falling back on my other entertainment: spy games

omg this bitch

I'ma wait till he shuts up for a sec

Ok round 2


You're not complicated, and you weren't joking. Using trauma to justify abusing others is not valid. Maybe your suicidal depression is just good common sense. You wouldn't be so lonely if you didn't treat people like crap. If you want a best friend, try NOT treating people like crap. I bet it would help.


The reason people don't care about you is because you don't let them. If you were "fine with it", you wouldn't have pulled any of that bullshit in the first place. The measure of whether somebody likes or cares about you also isn't whether or not they'd fuck you, ESPECIALLY if you've just met.


Did you give him a chance to "get you"? Or did you just do this shut-down manipulative bullshit and push him away every time he tried to get to know you? No-one "gets you" because this is how you treat people. This is your fault. No, actually, it's your parents' fault for not teaching you better. If you "didn't want to fuck Trent", why are you complaining that Trent didn't want to fuck you? 


If you hate how you made him, then make him differently. It's that simple. No-one is "everyone's cup of tea", but the reason you're not is because this is how you treat people, and I think you're actually aware of that; I'm belaboring the point because it's just what I do. Your character rubbed his bulge against someone else's and you're surprised he thought you wanted to fuck? I think there's something fundamentally wrong with you. 


No-one cares if you're a real-life nymphomaniac. Go have sex with someone in real life, then, instead of guilting people into writing smut with you. If you don't like your character, stop writing him. Write someone you like. Stop WHINING! He doesn't "fit in" anywhere because your idea of "fitting in" is fitting your dick into someone's arse, and that's not always going to work out for you. You could communicate like an adult but you choose not to and then you blame it on not liking your own character. Honestly, Vincent is even more dogshit than Freya because, while Freya is poorly-written in that she exists only to ship with Faustus and all of Bex's other sock puppets shill for her, at least Freya's writer likes her, and you know what? We would, too, if it wasn't her only purpose for existing to ship with someone. If she was a stronger character in her own right, and if Bex let other people decide whether or not to like her rather than shilling for her and overprotecting her, she'd probably be pretty good! There's no hope for Vincent, though. He doesn't have a single redeeming quality that I can see.


AND THIS the conversation we had last night about it

So he fuckin lying



wow....I have no idea what to say



"Could you please explain straightforwardly?"

"No, no, it's fine. I know I'm garbage."

^this is so frustrating



Oh he's sending vox clips

Will fwd them on Bash

(I'm on Messenger as ...whatever this account is and Messenger Lite as Bash)

8:00 p.m.



No-one believes you actually feel bad. If you have such a hard time trusting people, you should stay off social networking sites and stop talking to strangers. You're not a "monster", you're just a dickhead. Please provide citations to what exactly you've "given" that isn't "valued". Please go to therapy and stop expecting unpaid strangers to put in emotional labor for your bullshit.


Calling yourself "crazy" is an insult to people with mental illness who are making an effort to seek treatment. You're "the issue" because your behavior is making you "the issue". Nice people don't do what you're doing. If you want to be respected and loved, consider doing things that earn respect and love. You alienate yourself by treating people poorly and then whine that no-one understands or accepts you. You did not mean well and none of what you're saying is in good faith.


If you "spill your guts" all over the linoleum, it would be less messy than what you're doing here.


(my vox messages are TL;DR same shit I said before)

(8:07 p.m.)

Fuck this entire bitch


Wow. That's controlling AF.


You're implying that this person's not also a great artist and that their art isn't "real".


"More people would notice." Because the goal of RP is the "be noticed", not to have fun or write interesting stories. Oh, oh, and "Do as you please," implying, "Well, your art isn't good enough to show off, but it's up to you *shrug emoji*". Aliven't yourself.


"Didn't say that to hurt you," but didn't apologize that it did. "I'm from the nice edit era." Okay, and we're from the era where people write to write. The advent of people caring more about the aesthetics of their profiles and blogs than the actual content is bizarre. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I MEAN," isn't it? It's what you said.


"OMFG never mind! You're such a burden for wanting to be treated with respect!" And "I explained myself wrong because I'm tired," to get out of trouble for saying something shitty and hurting someone's feelings. "You should let me make you cute edits!" No-one's stopping you, go right ahead, but you also shouldn't stop someone from using their own art on their own goddamn profile. "The new writers don't get art." Shut the fuck up. Everyone can appreciate art. 'They see pics and names and glitter, then they wanna read" Shut the fuck up. Are you saying people should grab for the attention of shallow people who care more about aesthetics than quality? Fuck right off. Fill your pockets with stones and do a swan dive off a waterfall.


"209 likes!" WHO. THE FUCK. CARES. It's fine if you're proud of that, but you should try taking pride in your actual writing and self-presentation as a person. And what the BLOODY FUCKING HELL is "poppin", and why should someone strive to be "poppin"?


"I'm just trying to help you, I didn't mean to upset you!" Firstly, have you ever heard the saying, "Help is the sunny side of control"? Secondly, you clearly DID upset them, so you should make a genuine apology rather than whining about how you didn't MEAN TO. It doesn't matter if you MEANT TO. You did, and I think that's evident by this point.

/end 11:21 p.m.

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