Friday, December 31, 2021

December 31, 2021 | Side chat with Bex

SIGYN, 9:13 a.m.

Morning can't breathe well going back to sleep. Took cold medicine, hoping it helps



Hope you feel loads better hun! I just woke up again and trying to settle myself. been a rough few days. But I'm ok.


SIGYN, 9:36 a.m.

*hug in spirit!* I also hope you feel better and that your situation improves!

I feel like, like I'm not ACTUALLY dying, but breathing feels like I'm dragging molasses through my lungs


BEX, 9:48 a.m.

Thanks....we will see. I won't trust him till he actually starts going to therapy and he knows it so so far he is 'towing' the line...

and yea...No! No dying! You rest and get better


SIGYN, 11:17 a.m.

I'm sending Loki to the store for fruit and soup

Worst thing about being sick is that my lungs always gotta act up. Second worst thing is the sinuses lol

(12:09 p.m.) Wehhhh. Couldn't even sit up long enough to eat my pomegranate.

Lying down & reading Crazy Ex-Girlfriend tropes

(12:44 p.m.) I hate not being able to cuddle my baby. That's probably the third worst thing.

(2:10 p.m.)




Yep. She died today I found out and posted to my wall. So sad




I can't believe I saw Chrissy's before I saw yours wtf.

Unrelated but I have I'm a Good Person stuck in my head now


(2:44 p.m.) TRENT

 if Josh had actually gone through with marrying Rebecca


(6:52 p.m.) SEBASTIAN

(this will make a whole lot more sense if you've seen The Sound of Music, but I assume you have. The hiragana there make the sounds of "do, re, me, fa, so, ra, ti, do~ o~ o~ o"

(There's not really a "la" in Japanese, so "ra")


SIGYN, 8:30 p.m.

Happy New Year

I'm going back to beds

Hopefully I'll feel better soon so I can get back to editing the story and posting up our RP chats from the summer

I hope things go well with you guys

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