Saturday, September 18, 2021

September 18, 2021 | Side chat x RP with Bex


BEX, 8:19 a.m.

Good morning hun! How are you? Sleep well.

I slept in a bit it seems…the power went out again at like 3am and I nearly smothered. 🤣🤣🤣 I wear a cpap mask whenever I sleep so when it turned off no air blew out and I couldn't breathe. Fun fun heheheh

Your line art is SIMPLY AMAZING! ❤❤❤❤



Oh nooooo

Thank you!



I am so excited actually! Steve going to waffle house to pick it up. Yum!



LMK WHEN YOU WANNA WATCH (and again I understand if you're unable to until Monday)



Ye tomorrow I am supposedly getting kidnapped for part of the day. Lol going on a hike to an old civil war graveyard and wade in the lake there with Rhett. Lol it's up a steep hill though so should be a fun walk.



Oh nice

Trent is still asleep so



Such a good song. ❤❤❤

we watching Mickey Mouse while we wait for Steve to get back. Though I think Rhett wants to dance cause he keeps kicking in his high chair. Lol

but then, him saying "Oh toodles!" is so cute! Hehe



Subs for breakfast ️ I got tuna.



I mean, if you wanted a sub for breakfast….



No, honey, you're dessert 😉



I'll take tuna as well.



 Is there a veggie one?



I got you a veggie wrap, little bug.


REBECCA giggles at Nate's joke and Trent's reply

 You both are desserts. Yummy and delicious!



I concur! scrumptious!



Thanks Trent! For breakfast! Looks great!


CAT smirks as she comes in, looking a bit tired

Hey All! Ohhh! Breakfast!


Xan chuckles as he reaches out to try this…tuna. 

Is this some type of fish?


How the fuck do you not know what tuna is? Pretty sure people ate that in the 17th century.



If it smells like your girlfriend, then yes.


MAZE tsks and swats his arm



Oh here, Bashie, I got you one with all meat, just the way you like it.


NATE peeks at Sebastian's 

is that meatballs wrapped in lunch meat wrapped in bacon?



Topped with teriyaki sauce, yep



It's a good thing we're not parting at death, then.



Here, Luci, you get a BLT



To what are you implying? 

His eyes narrowed a bit.



That he doesn't like girls?


Xander….it was a joke. relax. 

She giggled.



Actually, Xander, I got you some pig's blood from the butcher shop.



Glad you guys had a good time last night. You guys really make a cute couple.



Thank you, Trent. 

He nodded with a slight smile.





So, whose next? 

*chuckles and looks straight at Freya* 

So much to do……



Yes, well, I have learned how email works and sent you some ideas, Cat.



Have you now? 

*takes out her phone and looks it over and nods* 

Well, seems you have. well done!



How hard can it be to plan the gothiest edgelord wedding ever?



In a little over a month



You guys… 

*giggles at Nates word usage*



You'd be surprised. I have to find things that match if not perfect then damn near close



Maybe you should do this as a side job, Cat. 


You seem pretty good at this.



so shop the Halloween section at Michaels



That's….not how that works, sweets. 



Have you seen the weddings in DoF? Nate's suggestion is a step up from those.



It would be rather tacky… But also an interesting change from the sorts of weddings I'm accustomed to



Just a bit much more to that, then…well…that.



How much? 

*tilts head*


BEX, 9:08 a.m.

Steve is here with breakfast BRB ♥ ♥ ♥


SIGYN, 9:23 a.m.

Loki: I hate Disney, wtf



[SNIP pic exchange]


SIGYN, 10:07 a.m.

He was a cold baby so I dressed him up


BEX, 10:13 a.m.

hey back! 😃






Lookit his plaid little pants! OMG! To cute!

Loki hates Disney huh? *giggles* But Emperors New Groove is ok? Got it. Hehehehe

Stormtrooper socks! Rhett has baby Yoda socks. Hehehe



Aww grogu



and lookit his smile! So so so so cute! I wanna cuddle him!




I'm thinking the curator [of the art museum in Flyover] is Xander 😛









That will be funny cause he is such an ass lol



Oh yes



"Hello…welcome…now move along and get out!" Bwahahaha

he's always threatening to eat people so that will go over REALLY well 😛



I like him, he seems cool



Thank you, I am actually



He's eccentric😁



That is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.



I've said a lot of nice things about you, but you'd probably kill me if I said them to your face 😉




His eyebrow raised.

Like what?



Please consider that I will also kill you if you repeat them to his face.






Now I am intrigued….



I don't think you want to know, Big Guy


TRENT blushes and sidles up to Xander. Whispers some of the filthiest fantasies Nate shared with him about Xander in his ear

 Xan's eyes widen as Trent whispers in his ear, pulling back to look at the man and then at Nate and then back

He didn't say that? Did he?


NATE looks away, his face bright vermillion



You know…if I wasn't straight, I would be hard pressed to take you up on some of those…ideas



So I checked with an actual straight guy, and no, men who are genuinely straight don’t talk like that. Redlighting because buddy, you are bicurious at least! You may be upsetero, but you are not hetero.


MAZE tilts her head and frowns questioningly

 NATE whispers in her ear


MAZE lights up like a yule tree

Hell yes. 

*Smirks at Xander* 



Xan notices Maze's look and pulls her into his lap smirks as Nate whispers to her

We will see…. (he says softly, for he could refuse her nothing it seemed)


CAT shakes head teasingly

Wait…so….are you adding Maze and Xander to your…harem now? (teases)


REBECCA rolls her eyes



No, just giving her some ideas



With you? 

She looked at Xander, whose eyes seemed locked on Nate, and she could just see the barest hint of fang poking out from his upper lip.

You're right…I think he wants to eat you.



With Xander



Yea…? I still say he wants to eat you though. 




He did climb in bed with me.



(hahahahaha! this should prove fun!)



I was drunk…


Xan lifts an eyebrow

Drunk enough that when you knew it was me, complimented me on being so cold and that you 'found that hot'?


*pout* I'd do that sober... yes, before we bonded. I didn't, but I would have, if I'd thought it was a viable option.






Hey, I like ice!



Don't hate on Nate solely…Bash climbed into bed with ME! 

*snorts and play glares*


Sebastian shrugs

You're cute, you're slutty, I figured why not?





REBECCA glares

No, first thing out of your mouth was "Sorry…I thought you were Trent!"





Sebastian, //////




Did I mention that Nate said that I could choke him and he moaned….


Not exactly what I wanted to wake up to



Must we discuss this?!




*gives Faustus a look* 

Cause YOU climbed into MY bed, Priest!



I don't really want to talk about it either



He did what? 

*looks over at Faustus* 

Not as bad as having Trent climb into my bed! I screamed!



Say what now?


NATE laughs

 Xan is dying of laughter inside, but outwardly, only smirks

 everyone (Sigyn-side) looks at Maze



What? Cat let me stay.



Hey! Maze cuddled up with me…I didn't mind. She's cute, she's funny and she's warm. Best sleep all night!



same thoughts! I love it! ♥ ♥



So, Nate…if I had…bitten you, you would have been ok with that, is that what you are saying?



NATE shifts and crosses his legs, blushing


He's been flirting with you since day one, offered himself to you at least once, and you feel the need to ask that? Dude.



It wasn't an experience I want to repeat. 

*looks at Faustus and smirks, before looking at Nate* 

Lets just say…the Priest is very well endowed. Not as much as you, thanks the Gods…but yea….



EWWW! I don't want to hear that 




George! Keep that to yourself, if you please



 You didn't.



 I most certainly did NOT.



Ewww! No! Never! 

*makes a face* 

But only Nate and Trent sleep by my side and usually 'antics' ensue. So naturally, when I felt someone beside me I thought it was one of them and….touched. 




I thought me and Trent both were going to have a heart attack. 


I pushed him out of the bed. HARD!


Sebastian laughs



Not the first time I've been kicked out of bed.



Not by me, I would never. 




"At the foot of the bed", to ME, means on the bed at the foot. Not on the floor.



lets make an agreement, never to drink that much again. 




Ohhh…well….there was that time. Sorry Love.



Though we might be down one less person if things had proceeded. I was hungry that night 

*evil smirk*


NATE blushes and puts his suit jacket in his lap



Hmm… So George, if I had accidentally climbed into bed with you….



You would be dead, because either Nate or Trent would kill you. (he said simply)


Why? You guys have hooked up.


NATE folds his arms and nods

 GEORGE goes and cuddles into Nates lap and nuzzles him, purring cutely


NATE, breathing heavily

 H-hey, Georgie


GEORGE realizes what is going on and smirks lightly

Hello Love… 

He situates himself just so, on Nates lap and giggles.


NATE gasps and moans



All this just from what Xander said? Hmph



It's ok Natie…I can help you if you want. 

*looks over at Trent* 

Trent too….



I'm good with watching. Bashie, did you really mistake Rebecca for me?



To be fair, you do sleep in the same bed. Usually.



Ugh! He touched he and tried to seduce me and for that I shoved him off the bed and told him to get the hell out!



Angling for a threesome, Sebastian?



Hey, didn't hurt to ask. Much.



yes it does! It bothers me he would even think to ask something like that. As if.


TRENT frowns slightly

I did. For Nathaniel.



Yeah… That's not the genius argument you think it is, sweetie



Babe, you, me and Nate work. Ok? We actually have feelings for each other and I don't mind sharing you with him or vice versa. 

*glares at Bash* 

I don't like him…and I think I have made my point on that very clear.

He slipped into my room, thinking I was you, Babe. Then when he realized he made a mistake he tried to seduce me….thanks, but no thanks.



Oh, lighten up.



you…grow up.



Ok…lets not. Today is a good day





REBECCA just rolls her eyes and drops it



Okay, okay. No threesome. I get it.


REBECCA nods and takes out a bag of chocolates she had brought to share

Anyone want some? Reese’s, hershey…yum!


NATE makes a face 

No thank you, sugar is poison.



American chocolate? Blech.



Thanks, Rebecca. 

*Takes a Hershey's kiss*



No, there is some chocolate here from Germany and Switzerland too. 

*sets the bag on the table*


Sebastian scoffs



Ohhh! Thanks! 

*dives in to grab some*



Chocolate isn't poison. It's good. 



He didn't say chocolate is poison, he said sugar is.


FREYA takes a crunch bar and noms it



I brought some Meiji chocolate, too.



Hmm, Japanese chocolate. 

*Takes a bar for himself, as well as some M&Ms*


Sebastian takes some of the Meiji as well



I only eat 100% dark.


CAT pulls out 100% dark and tosses it at Nate

How do you eat that? It's horrible



It's got heart benefits and it's actually good when you get used to it.



Like me.





REBECCA rolls her eyes again



How…do you know that?



My nutritionist told me



Ugh…dark chocolate.

 *makes a face and giggles*


If you don't like it, why did you have it with you?



Ugh, American chocolate. They use too much milk and sugar.






but that's the fun! It tastes good!


No, it doesn't. But then, your current writer eats fast food every day, so her taste buds are probably completely fried.



And melts in your mouth just right. 



Sebastian and Nathaniel

It tastes like crap.



Well, agree to disagree then



Do you eat Belgian chocolate, Sebastian?



European chocolate is okay, but I still prefer Asian.


LUCI feeds him a piece of Belgian



Mmm… but I could get used to this.


LUCI stuffs a piece in Nate's mouth



And taste isn't a reason t— mmph!



haha I'm a chocolate snob too 😛 but I do love Swiss and Asian chocolate



I LOVEEEEE Switzerland chocolate myself



hey…I know sharing is caring but don't force it.


Top 30 things said on Orion's and my wedding night!



what you think though, Love? Good? 



NATE lets Lucifer feed him and sucks on his fingers, closing his eyes briefly

Mmhmm… Okay, I guess once in a while it wouldn't kill me to try something different.


GEORGE chuckles

Been telling you that, for years, Love. (teases)










 To try new things.



I just find it funny…how you react to some things, that's all


NATE, to Cat

What do you mean?



You literally just sucked the chocolate off of Lucifer's fingers. Like…I mean…not everyone does that sorta thing. 



It's more common than you might think.



I haven't had chocolate with sugar in it since around kindergarten. And Lucifer is the one who stuck his fingers in my mouth



Still…kinda cute.



Thanks. I think.



You are welcome. 



REBECCA pops another candy in her mouth and settles back in her seat

relaxing today, I love it


TRENT nods



NATE strokes George's hair contentedly


BEX, 11:58 a.m.

brb hun. Rhett is having a meltdown and time for lunch here. Lol

♥ ♥ ♥



Cat, you know I've eaten yogurt off your brother's fingers since we were in middle school, right? Aka since you were a toddler?


(11:59 a.m.) CAT 

That was purely different! I am not 'attracted' to my brother. 

*makes another face*



Wait, what?



shit! Read that wrong again. Yea I'm hungry. Hehehe



I made curry and rice



BEX, 12:04 p.m.

Fooooooddddd! *goes to raid fridge* gotta feed the wee one too so back soon! Yum! That sounds great! ❤❤❤❤


SIGYN, 1:23 p.m.

Tag CXG. Nathaniel asked Paula to sweep Rebecca's house for like, new bugs and booby traps or w/e. There's nothing there except the box of Trent's stuff that Sebastian left on the doorstep, with his phone & some of his clothes. And Rebecca's car is still at the storage unit


BEX, 2:07 p.m.

I am having a slight issue with my laptop and about ready to toss it out the window

Had my reply all typed up and before I can send…damn thing froze!

So waiting to see if it will 'catch up or not before I resend



Oh noooo

I'm so sorry



It's cool. Trying not to yell at it. Hehehe

Cause it was a semi long reply too




oh nooooo


[snip vid exchange]



The aristocats!

Love that movie






Luci's fingers aren't the only thing I want to suck on. 

*Sets George down and kneels in front of him*


GEORGE is surprised by Nates actions and yet doesn't let it show.

you may…you've been such a good boy. 

*chuckles as he runs his fingers through Nates hair and smirks down at him*


NATE closes his eyes, moans, and opens his mouth, moving close to George

 TRENT reaches into George's pants and plays with him, then brings him out to touch Nate's lips


GEORGE growls low in his throat at Trent's touch, shivers in delight as he watches the other man stroke him and then offer him to Nate. 

that's right….go ahead Love…


NATE moans louder and takes George's cock eagerly into his mouth. He sucks gratefully and starts to move his hands up to George's hips, but …

 TRENT pulls his hands behind his back and holds his wrists firmly with one hand. With his other hand, he unbuttons Nate's shirt and pulls it back to tie his wrists. He rubs Nate's shoulders and kisses his neck, breathing in the scent of his hair

This was a new experience for GEORGE but one he found he very much enjoyed! Watching his cock disappear into Nate's mouth and Nate unable to work him like normal because Trent tied his hands, made George harder. Made him groan deep in his throat. It was an altogether new sensation!


TRENT snuggles up behind Nate and gives him a reach-around while Nate sucks on George

Do you like that, you filthy fucking slut?





*sits up on his knees and takes George deeper into his mouth*


Sebastian blushes hearing Trent talking dirty and kneels between Luci's legs

 LUCI smiles and unzips his fly

 FAUSTUS clears his throat



Sorry, old chap, did you want a taste too?


GEORGE closes his eyes as Nate works him and moans softly, but threads his fingers through Nates hair and pulls

Such a good boy, Natie. Dirty, nasty boy…


REBECCA is watching her three men, and has to cross her legs, as she is getting VERY turned on

 FREYA smirks and before he can say anything or stop her, she kneels before Faustus and reaches for his fly as she boldly raises her eyes to his


FAUSTUS smirks

My apologies, Lucifer. It seems I'm otherwise occupied. 

*Tucks a lock of hair behind Freya's ear*


NATE hums softly and rubs his tongue against George

FREYA unzips Faustus's fly and leans forward to lick him from base to tip before taking him into her mouth, sucking as she stroked him. Loving his tender touch

GEORGE gasps in delight and pulls harder on Nate's hair

Yes! Good…just like that!



have those two boys been doing things when Freya isn't around? *teases and laughs* 😆😆😆😆 JK JK!



If you’re expecting an honest answer to that question, you’re gonna have a bad time.



haha they're just playful 😛


FAUSTUS leans his head back and moans

 NATE moans at George's praise and adjusts to pull George's cock into his throat, swallowing hard around him

 Sebastian pumps Lucifer hard into his mouth and swirls his tongue round Luci's tip



Mmph! Eager, are we?


Sebastian nods and takes him into his mouth, setting a fast pace

 Encouraged by Faustus’s sounds, FREYA twirls her tongue around his shaft and uses teeth ever so slightly as she moves upon him, wanting to please him.


GEORGE grits his teeth as he felt Nate swallow around him and all but digs his nails into his scalp as he tried not to thrust up into his mouth




I know, I was just teasing.


FAUSTUS jumps slightly at the feel of her teeth

 NATE moaning as much as he can with George in his throat

 TRENT smirking and stroking Nate hard and fast, enjoying how worked up he is getting

 FREYA notices and is more gentle, as she knows he likes pain, but obviously not there. She takes him deeper and braces her hands on his knees and sucks as she swirls her tongue around him, flicking just under the sensitive underside of his shaft

 FAUSTUS gasps and strokes her hair encouragingly


GEORGE growls and arches his hips in time slowly, to Nate's movements. This felt so damn good to him and watching Trent move and pleasure Nate just about did him in.



NATE's stomach clenches as he climaxes, moaning and almost choking. He pulls back and runs his tongue apologetically along George's shaft, then pantingly takes him back in

 FREYA growls softly around Faustus and takes him as far as she can and swallows, constricting her throat as she holds him for as long as she can



Oh—! Oh…good girl, Freya


TRENT pulls his hand back and slowly licks Nate's cum off his fingers


GEORGE gasps out in delight at Nate's gentle stroking with his tongue, and shivers, feeling his release so close

It's ok, Nate…I'm close…oh god…!


Faustus's words of encouragement edged FREYA on, as she stroked him and flicked her tongue over his tip before devouring him again as deep as she can again, moving ever so slowly over him so as not to gag

 NATE is sucking harder and more passionately, moaning. He reaches down and squeezes George's balls gently. 

That was what did it, feeling Nate suck harder and squeeze his balls, and GEORGE came with a loud moan as he stiffened as fireworks flashed behind his eyes.


NATE drinks it down eagerly and licks his lips

I love you, Georgie



I love you too, Natie! You mean so much to me. 

*leans forward and kisses him*


FAUSTUS starts shaking in pleasure



FREYA knew he was close and could tell not only in the way his body reacted, but to the sound of his voice. She sucked harder, eagerly, as she moaned around him, feeling herself so turned on


BEX, 3:41 p.m.

switching to phone. quick bath before dinner


Sebastian has begun to deepthroat Lucifer, aroused by the moans of their friends

 TRENT crawls over to Rebecca and nuzzles up under her dress


REBECCA eeps playfully and giggles, leaning back in her seat

Trent! Ohhh you silly—-!


TRENT nibbles her inner thighs and nuzzles against the crotch of her panties

You're all moist



always…for…you…babe. (she manages to gasp out as his nibbles make her jump a bit and her insides clench)



Did watching little bug get you all hot and bothered, babygirl?


FAUSTUS leans back and moans loudly, quite indecorously, his hand fisting in Freya's hair

 LUCI echoes Blackwood's moans as Sebastian devours him forcefully



watching you and Nate both always gets me hot, Trenty Bear. (she manages to say through clenched teeth)


Feeling the slight pain as Faustus fisted her hair, FREYA growled and moved her lips up till they were only sucking the tip of his cock, her eyes flickered to Faustus's and held, before she slowly engulfed him again and swallowed around him. Loving it as he watched.

 TRENT purrs softly as he licks her through her panties


FAUSTUS shaking and panting

Are you ready, Freya?


Sebastian's eyes flick over to Trent, then he closes his eyes and swallows harder around Lucifer

 LUCI grips the edge of the couch and moans


REBECCA moans softly at first and arches up just the faintest as Trent licks her through her panties

Trent—Ohhhh BABY! 

She grips the arms of her seat to keep herself still


FREYA nods, as she continues to pleasure her Lover, for nothing brings her more bliss then to please him



Good girl, I love it when you moan for me. 

*Slides her panties down and sniffs them before putting them in his pocket. Gently opens her lips and licks between them tenderly, lovingly*


FAUSTUS releases into Freya's mouth, crying out her name


LUCI cums hard into Sebastian's mouth

SEBASTIAN—! oh yes, who's my pretty bride?


NATE rubs his cheek affectionately against George's, like a cat

Thank you for letting me get you off 🥰


REBECCA arches her hips just a bit to help him slide off her panties and settles, only to feel her entire body arch in bliss as he commences his pleasurable torture. Moans did he pull from her with this act alone!

 FREYA swallow every last drop as she feels Faustus cum, and lightly licks him clean before tucking him back in and fixing his fly. Looks up at him with a wicked look upon her face as she slowly, teasingly licks her lips


GEORGE nuzzles and cuddles Nate close

thank you for doing so, Love. That was very much enjoyed! I love you so!


BEX, 4:21 p.m.

Brb hun. Dinner time ❤❤❤


TRENT moans as he eats her out, savoring every lick


FAUSTUS smiles at her

Good girl…



It is the least I can do after all you've done for me


Sebastian moans low in his throat and swallows down Luci's cum eagerly, then pulls back and smiles as Luci runs his fingers through his hair

I'm happy to serve you, husband.

The boys are watching Hunchback of Notre Dame.


so… Nobody else wants to fuck Frollo? Just me? Okay.


TRENT gives him a "Really?" look



What? The things he can do with a whip… Mmm…


Sebastian, in Serena's soft stage voice

I'd dress bohemian for him. He'd be thrilled… 

*Drops to his normal register* 

till he found the guardian at the gate.


NATE chuckles


BEX, 5:16 p.m.

I love that movie too. Lol that song hellfire stirs me in a way that is unexplained



oh same

I just belted it out while cuddling Lucius and he loved it



Rhett has been giving us a show on his piano. Hehehe






Yea he's got 'sit' pretty down pat lol



Oh nice!



I also love Hellfire.


Sebastian nods in agreement



ohhh me too! Such a great song.



the tone and tempo is what gets me


Sebastian and Trent

It's the ending lyrics for us



This is not a revelation



🎵Hellfire, dark fire, now gypsy it's your turn



🎵 Choose me or your pyre



🎵Be mine or you will buuuuurn!



🎵God have mercy on her



🎵God have mercy on me






wow…didn't know you guys could sing too



ohhh…you haven't seen the half of it. Very talented man, our Trent. 




I sang at my drag show two days ago…



I meant without music…where I can hear you clearly. 






I want to do Quasimodo. He's so strong 😍



I was partial to…what's his name…the jester?



I don't know






It is abundantly certain she has a fetish for clowns



That's not even a little bit funny


SIGYN, 5:48 p.m. (7:48 central)

Also, I take it your laptop didn't let you post the reply?



Still on phone. Putting Rhett down…or trying to.

He's being squirmy and slippery.



At, let’s see, 21 months? You just cradle him close. You have your arm round him, his neck is on your upper arm, your forearm is firm against his side, and your hand is holding his legs. Of course, it’s a bad idea to have your phone in your other hand as you should be using it to pat out a rhythm on his bum as you sing him to sleep. We’re not that needy; we would have understood if you’d needed to put your phone down for half an hour to get him to bed.






His name is Clopin, the narrator



I don't like the animation of the sequel, it's too different


BEX, 6:00 p.m.

ok now I am here. Whew






 I don't have a fetish for clowns, I hate clowns.

 *chuckles softly*

 I just think Clopin as a character was pretty cute…his voice even more so. Thanks Lucifer, for the name



Agreed. The second one seemed a bit rushed.



I still love Quasimodo.



that's because you, too, are half formed.





FAUSTUS ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


TRENT grabs him by the ascot, his hand glowing

Won't you take that back? It was so mean 🥺


FAUSTUS shivers

Of course. My apologies.



TRENT! Now that is mean! Stop that!



Don't use those powers on my Priest!



I am sure he meant it as a joke…since we ALL tease the hell out of everyone here



If you’re expecting Trent to not stand up for his best friend, you’re gonna have a bad time.



Thank you, Duckie.



Using your gifts on someone else and take away their will when YOU all tease us in turn is not right. 

*frowns lightly at her brother*



Don't moralize at me.



Then don't be a jerk.



Ok, Cat! Knock it off.


TRENT hugs Sebastian protectively and glares



Really? Wow…. (says softly and looks away)



here we go again.


Don't give me that shit. If you two hadn't started whinging—Freya gets a pass because she's Faustus's girlfriend and has the right to complain about someone enthralling him—Trent wouldn't feel the need to be even more protective.


GEORGE cuddles Nate

What is going on? I—I'm not confused but this is weird…



Quasimodo's character arc in the sequel is about how he doesn't feel like anyone will ever love him. Blackwood's comment hit close to home. Trent was just being a good friend. You'd understand that if they hadn't scooped out your soul along with your cysts, Catherine.


CAT's eyes narrowed

Oh, so we all can pick on each other about a whole lot of different things about one or the other, but the second someone says something about you, its all up in arms? Really fair…and that's NOT true at all you dummy-dummy HEAD! Lucifer and I LOVE YOU!



You don't know what love is.


REBECCA can almost hear Cat's last remark as it echoes across the woman’s face

'If your head wasn't shoved so far up my brothers ass to see it!' (but that was NOT said)


Then it doesn't even need to be noted. Your writer is being a passive-aggressive shit, here.



yea…well…neither do you



Of course I do.



enlighten us then….



Catherine, please just shut up.


LUCI's eyes smolder threateningly as he pulls Sebastian into his arms. The girls and Trent can see the promise of true hell in the flames in his red-orange-glowing eyes

 GEORGE wanted to put his two cents in but was afraid both Nate and Trent would get mad at him, cause he kind of agreed with Cat. Bash didn't know what love was…not real love, from all this time trying to steal Trent away from them. But…he kept silent

 CAT doesn't say anything more, not because of Luci’s little display but cause she knew she was right in a way. They BOTH didn't know what love was…and it showed.



Would you fucking stop trying to be all superior? I want to punch your fucking lights out. And Lucifer is more powerful than you. It’s not a “little display” of power. He doesn’t go round flaunting his power like you lot do with Freya. Also, who the fuck are you to dictate whether or not these two men, who are 9-10 years older with the life experience to match, know what love is? You’re not right. You just want to feel like you are, and it’s irritating.


Reaction 1: exhausted groan/facepalm

Reaction 2: And It Showed

Reaction 3: wow it's so passive aggressive to have George back Cat up in narration only, guaranteeing he gets the last word



wait…so does that mean no one can touch Faustus for an hour? *giggles and shoots an eye at Freya* 😛



no, it means no one can touch Trent for an hour— oh shit he just hugged Sebastian

Faustus is going to be in subspace for an hour



dammit! He hugged Bash…ohhhh better fix that! Well, Luci pulled him into his embrace…help! hehehehe

working on reply, but it's not as great as my last one. ugh. need a new laptop



also Lucifer's devil eyes is really not something to take lightly. He's extremely powerful. I don't like to use super powerful characters' abilities often, but when his eyes do that, it's a warning

you'll see in the show, it's great


Sebastian leans into Trent's embrace and smiles peacefully





I love this song omg



I found it by accident today and the beat!! ♥ ♥ ♥



😮 you'd never heard it before???



Nope, never. got it on repeat now



Omg omg omg I have most of their discography on my phone


FREYA shook her head and wrapped her arm lightly around Faustus's waist as she leaned her head lightly against his shoulder. This was all she could do, because she had promised…never to retaliate unless it called for it. Still, she sought to comfort her Beloved, knowing being in such a headspace wasn't exactly fun


Your mileage may vary on that. Sebastian doesn't mind it, for instance, and Nathaniel definitely doesn't mind being enthralled by Trent.


REBECCA glances over at Bash and Trent and her eyes narrowed, but as long as nothing else happened, she wouldn't complain. Friendly cuddling was……alright……but that was it!



Love is when you accept someone for who they are. You care about them through the good and the bad. You'll forgive them anything, even when they make ridiculous decisions you'll never in a hundred years understand, because you'd rather see them happy and keep them in your life than lose them. It's being sad when they're gone but happy to see them happy. It's being delighted to see them no matter what. It's when your heart breaks to see their heart break. It's telling them difficult things for their own good, but in a caring way. It's never wanting them to feel pain and the instinct to protect them even when it's counterproductive to do so. It's a rose blooming at midnight under a full moon because even though the moon only reflects the sun's light, it's better than seeing no light at all.


FAUSTUS rests his head on Freya's shoulder 

What would you like me to do for you, my love?



How poetic…and yes, love is all those things, and I am glad that you see it that way…but love is also not taking no for an answer. Pushing your advantage whenever you have it whether you realize you are doing it or not. (she said softly, looking at them both and then back at Rebecca.)

She swore that woman was a SAINT sometimes cause she, herself, wouldn't put up with half of what the boys put her through.



Could you please stop jerking off your sister-in-law? It’s distasteful. Thaaaanks.


LUCI nuzzles the top of Sebastian's head



I like being sandwiched between you two. ^-^

Is he telling me no for his own sake or for someone else's? There's a distinction. I don't think he appreciates the leash Rebecca keeps him on.


FREYA lifts her eyes to Faustus's and smiled faintly, reaching up to caress his cheek.

Lets start with a passionate kiss and go from there. 

She chuckled softly. Maybe Subspace Faustus could be fun but this was new.


FAUSTUS takes her hand and leads her to the bedroom



I do NOT keep him on a leash!



Yes, you do.


REBECCA's voice was dangerous now as she glanced at Trent to see if he would speak up for her. that was a very degrading thing for Bash to say

You both made your choices and have to live with them. I have GIVEN enough!


and Faustus calling Bash half-formed wasn't degrading? Or does it just not count because Bash is the designated evil scapegoat?



Look what a good martyr I am! PITY ME, DAMMIT!



that's exactly what I'm talking about.


FREYA slips her hand into Faustus's and follows him out



still so proper. heheheh 😆


SIGYN, about main fic

omg Paula destroyed Trent's stuff? Wtf?



no, she checked it over and destroyed the box it came in


and I love Florence and the machine.



wait so his clothes didn't get thrown out?



Nope, not yet. She put everything in a little pile and went to destroy the box



Ah ok!





REBECCA glares at Bash and then looks at Trent. Why wasn't he saying anything?!

 LUCI reaches out to tip Trent's chin

 TRENT shakes his head and closes his eyes

 REBECCA stares and wonders what on earth is going on now!



Trent? You don't wish to share your desires?


REBECCA has no idea what to think now. If she hears that she has to share…one. more. time. she'd probably lose her mind



As far as everyone here is concerned, I no longer have any.


REBECCA wasn't sure she bought that for a moment and almost said so, but it did nothing to waylay her ruffled feathers at Bash's words and Trent's inaction



I was just trying to be a good friend, and everyone had to go and overreact.



Using your gift to make someone apologize for doing something you do yourself isn't funny though, Bro. When Bash IS loved and he knows it.



Shut your face.


CAT shrugs

But it's no skin off my nose.


Then just shut the fuck up. You have no reason to be saying anything if it REALLY doesn't matter to you.


GEORGE kisses Nate's cheek and nuzzles him, holding him close as if he could sink into his skin and hide from this argument



He's been with his husband for two weeks. Compare that to an entire lifetime of feeling rejected— which I am so, so sorry about, Sebastian, I truly had no idea. It's taking him some time to heal, okay?

If you weren't such an insensitive little bitch you'd realize that.





BEBCIUS, copying Serleina



NATE cuddles George



Wow…is that supposed to hurt me? You two aren't the only ones who grew up feeling rejected. 

*stands and goes into the kitchen to cool off*



Cat, everyone is pretty much sick of you

Just be quiet and go.


LUCI nods



I mean…I can see both sides…this is another 'no good will come of this' argument. Lol



like, idk I feel like Cat is being unnecessarily bitchy

the "oh is that supposed to hurt me" comes off snooty and makes me want to punch her tbh



that was the point for that last one. lol she was being bitchy at that point. 😛

 but I can see both sides cause yea, it sucks to go half your life feeling unwanted and all….but then again, don't yell at someone or make someone feel bad for something you do yourself. Meh….


I'm sorry, when did Trent refer to anyone as "half-formed"?




Trent is extremely protective of Sebastian. If he can't be with him, the least he can do is be a good friend to him, and that trumps EVERYTHING else



I was right to reject you as a sister if this is how you're going to be about me protecting my oldest friend.


Nothing comes from the kitchen as Cat is ignoring you all.



Honestly, things got a bit heated…lets take it down a bit. 



NATE goes into the kitchen and just grabs her head and slams it on the counter, then stalks out, disgusted



HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I’m calling OOC because Nathaniel is not violent towards women. If anyone was going to do that, I’d say Sebastian or Maze would be more appropriate. Although I suppose Sebastian wouldn’t since he’s being thrall-cuddled.



now I don't know how to reply to that cause…violence….hehehehe



Nate is tired of her snotty attitude



We all are, but that was still highly out-of-character.



someone did anything like that to me, I would literally try to murder them.



Probably fair enough. If I were to do that to someone, I wouldn’t give ‘em the chance to try.



ok but she isn't you…

anyway Nate is gone


The fact that you even have to remind her that SHE IS NOT HER CHARACTER AND HER CHARACTER ISN'T HER is a huge red flag as far as writing goes.


CAT slides down the wall, nursing a broken nose, which she fixes herself and doesn't say anything

 TRENT is still cradling Sebastian. Goes to sit down with him and Lucifer.

 GEORGE goes to follow Nate out and see if he can make him feel better

 REBECCA sighs and goes to get a book. Has no intention of cuddling with either Luci or Bash. but doesn't say anything at the moment since she knows Bash's feelings might have been hurt and Trent is only trying to make him feel better

 Trent and Sebastian are whispering to each other.


FAUSTUS returns

What did we mis— Cat? Are you… What happened?


REBECCA's eyes miss nothing as she reads, she sees them whispering


Then she's not really reading, is she. 


CAT looks up at Faustus and looks away

I'm fine. (she said, her voice hard)



What on earth? Cat! 

She knelt down by her friend and took her chin in hands gently.



I said I am FINE! 

*pulls back and wipes the small portion of blood running from her nose* 

It's nothing…!



As you say. If you'd like either of us to heal you…. 

*Looks at Lucifer questioningly as he is usually the one who handles healing*


LUCI's face is cold and still as stone

 FREYA notices Luci's look as well and can guess what happened. Cat's mouth got her into trouble again


Except that in her original concept, Cat wasn't mouthy. She was calculating enough for Trent to trust her to spy on Nathaniel for him, but she couldn't have been mouthy or he wouldn't have! She had a very free-spirited affect, not this snotty, smirky, bratty sort of attitude.


I'm getting flashbacks to when Corri wrote Maheone as a date rapist, changed my father from a merchant to a king, and gave me a twin brother out of nowhere. Mind you, both Maheone and my father were initially written by Team Falcon, NOT Team Corri. 



No. Thank. You. (she said just as coldly as Lucifer's look)

 I can handle myself.


FREYA stood back up, eyes furrowing. Something had happened since they had left….she wasn't sure she wanted to know what



I like Freya here. At least she's not trying to make this about her in the same way Rebecca is.


LUCI takes a breath to settle himself

Faustus, you and I have— rather unexpectedly— become good friends, and I realise that we all do playfully rib each other, but I must request… No. I must insist that you refrain from making such a serious insult to my spouse in the future. Calling him half-formed was over the line. I admit, it didn't quite click until Trent reacted. I suppose I should have spoken up earlier as well.


FAUSTUS lowers his head

Now that the thrall has worn off, allow me to apologize again. Sebastian, I did not realise my comment was truly hurtful. I hope in the future… 

*Looks over at Trent* 

One of you will have the patience to explain things prior to reacting.


TRENT raises his chin defiantly

Thank you for your words, but if you're expecting me to apologize, please don't hold your breath. I will not apologize for defending my best. Friend.



Believe me, dear boy, I have no intention of requesting an apology from you. It was not I who objected.



Well, you, Sebastian, and Lucifer are the only ones who have a right to, in this situation.


Uh, and Freya. Kudos to her being surprisingly mellow about it.



Faustus's being enthralled has worn off. Trent's thrall is still active because he's been cuddling with Sebastian



hehehe that was fast 😛 *giggle-snorts*



No, it’s been an hour.



has it really?! Wow!



yes! I checked the time stamp 😀


CAT gets up and goes to wash off her face and hands, and sighs.

I need to learn…honestly I do…. (mutters to herself)



No hard feelings, Blackwood.

If he wasn't still enthralled he would probably be worried about Cat, but since he and Trent have been in constant physical contact, he feels completely contented and unworried as long as they are cuddling.


CAT sighs and nods to self. She has got to learn…she comes out, sporting a semi-crooked nose since she snapped it back in place herself and a slight bruising under her right eye but doesn't say anything about it. Instead, as she walks in, she looks straight to Bash and Trent

I am sorry too—-for my words. I need to remember that not everything I think should come out of my mouth all the time. There is a reason why we act as we do, and sometimes I react without thinking and for that, I apologize.

 *looks at Trent and then at Bash* 

Honestly, I am sorry….


TRENT looks at her coldly

I need some time to process things. Until then, I don't know you.




She nodded and went to sit out of the way, where she could still hear and interact, but far enough away to fade into the background too.






ooh?? you have idea? 😀


Sebastian, quietly, to Trent

I don't believe she loves me. Otherwise, she wouldn't have objected to you defending me. What's wrong with her?


TRENT is tempted to say something really cruel, but resists

She doesn't feel the same sense of responsibility towards you that I do. Look at her. She could have anyone she wants with a snap of her fingers. If someone turns her down, she can just flutter on to the next person. I know how you feel because I've felt it too, and it genuinely hurts me to be coerced into putting you through the same.



You're not, Duckie.






It's not the same. You're not turning me down because you think you're too good for me. You didn't know I loved you until you were already shackled. I promise, I don't hold it against you.



Still… I feel bad. The least I can do for you is be a good friend, and yet when I do, the girls…


REBECCA has heard snippets of their conversation and looks up from her book to look at Trent, only for a moment before returning to reading. But in that moment, hurt had reflected briefly through her eyes before she had schooled it off her face. Try, try, try….it was never enough….



fb stopped giving notifs again. ugh!

don't know why I am listening to this. Honestly…the feels!



Oh noooo







So, I might be reading this wrong, but Rebecca's attitude is coming off as a little bit "Look what a good martyr I am, pity me!"

Does she genuinely not comprehend why Trent is so concerned with how Sebastian feels?



she does…I think the music in 'tainting' my mood a bit. lol Like, she isn't trying to seem that way, she IS giving them time without a fuss but listening to them talk about how she keeps Trent on a leash constantly and stuff like that does tend to drive one up the wall….

again…me bleeding into my writing a bit. Hehehehe



ahh, well, the reason Bash feels that way is because he believes Trent would date him if Rebecca let him. Trent isn't willing to ask for it, because he's tired of the fighting, but he also isn't disagreeing about being kept on a leash. He can't date Sebastian because Rebecca won't let him, so Sebastian gets pissed off whenever someone shoved in his face that Trent said no, because he feels Trent isn't saying no of his own free will



but how much more should she have to give though? I mean, Nate and by proxy George, ok. That's two…when she wasn't even planning on sharing with one. Now Bash walks in and oh hey, by the way, I have been in love with you since we were kids?! Oh great! I am poly, and even I don't think I would deal with that very well myself. Lol

maybe if bash stopped being such an ass all the time…… *pauses* I don't know 😛 But in main, oh hell no! Hehehehe



the "how much should she have to give" thing is part of what's bothering the boys, because it's like, being with Nate benefits her too. Trent hasn't hooked up with George in main; still doesn't like him very much in main.

and the way Sebastian in particular sees it (and Trent will never admit to thinking of her this way, but he also won't disagree) is, it's not like she hasn't shared herself with every man in Boston and Covina

I'm trying to get Sebastian to mellow out, because you're right, he shouldn't be such an ass



yes but what would have happened if she had said absolutely NOT to Nate in the first place? A huge, ugly fight….



Yes, agreed. Trent is also trying to avoid a huge ugly fight, which is why he isn't asking for Bash



put her foot down and said she was not sharing at all…we wouldn't even have a story let alone a side one. Hehehehehehe

so yea, she is having a 'what else do I have to do' moment, cause frankly it is driving her nuts and the fight is gonna have to happen one day or this will just keep being a circle. unless we can think of a way where it won't and everyone will be happy. 😛



being with Luci does mellow Sebastian out to a degree

he's not nearly as aggressive about trying to get with Trent



that's good though. 😀



but he's going to bite back if someone tries to tell him "Trent said no" because technically Trent never said no of his own free will

Trent will also not say yes, and for Trent, he feels like Rebecca should be satisfied with that and stop being so PMS y



Well, I am sure we can work things out so this mutual feeling doesn't keep going



yeah, we are good writers

mostly right now they're bitching about Cat tho



she can't win. if she don't learn to curb that mouth. Lol



yeah I thought she was supposed to be fun again, what happened? She's fine on main but then here she's a bitch 😆



maybe she likes it that she can be bitchy here sometimes? I don't really know. 😛 I am trying to rein her back and I usually find myself erasing her first replies. lol lol

like…NO you will not say that! 😛



yeah but… she's not really supposed to be, you know? She's supposed to be a fun free spirit



I know, it's hard to keep that in mind at times though. someone so good and free…



????? why though? That's literally how she was initially written???



cause I am not that way and at times, my smart alec mouth gets the best of me and I forget. Lol



Yes but you're a writer

like… I'm not that kind of person either, and I'm not a cold blooded murderer, and I'm definitely not a kidnapping rapist, but I can get in their heads and write them



Ohh I know, just sometimes it takes me a while to realize that no, this is not how they would respond. I can do it in main…not so sure why she 'bucks' me in side. honest, I don't know.



*hugs* aww



*hugs back* ♥ ♥ ♥



It might be because chat is a lot faster paced



probably. *giggles*



Or it might be because she’s a lazy arse who doesn’t want to put forth the effort.


NATE stalks back in and sits with Trent, Luci, and Bash in a huff


GEORGE comes back in, breathing hard

I was looking for you Nate. I was afraid I had lost you. 

He goes to sit by Nate and looked up at him.

You ok, Love?


NATE looks at Trent, who has bypassed the pinks and the reds and is glowing full-on white as he cuddles with Sebastian; looks at Lucifer, who is sitting with Blackwood chatting amiably as usual; Looks at each of the girls; Shrugs and cuddles George

 GEORGE cuddles Nate and kisses his cheek

 FREYA is sitting close by, not so close to Rebecca or Cat, but is keeping herself busy, lost in thought for a moment as Faustus and Luci chat, not wanting to interrupt. She was used to being alone often when she was younger, so she could lose herself in her thoughts till she was needed. She hummed softly to herself.


TRENT clears his throat

I have something to say, about Nate's and my ability.


All (Bex-side) look up, curious



This power originated from Lucifer. It wasn't sexually transmitted from him to me, it was just…. He happened to be around and he saw Blackwood attack us that first night. So he bestowed something he thought would help, and it has. I know I said I would only use it combatively in self defense, but Sebastian is my closest friend. He is, in some ways, encompassed in what I consider my full "self", so I used it to defend him as well. Nathaniel also has this ability— sexually transmitted by me—and he rarely uses it, even to enhance sex. But I've noticed whenever either of us do use it, one or more of you lot has something negative to say about it, and I am tired of it. I rescind my promise. From now on, I'll use it how and when I want, and if Lucifer has a problem with it, he can strip us of it. I won't argue or discuss this further.



wow….that was…unexpected. lol I get defending bash, I do, but if he uses it whenever he wants and to what end, that will cause all sorts of trouble. Freya will deff protect Faustus and Cat, right now, doesn't care….sooooooo….hmmmm….hehehehe


"if your muse uses their powers willy-nilly, that will Cause Trouble and my shiny will have to step in with hers" and I really hate the passive-aggressive "soooooo... hmmmmmm... hehehehe" emphasis on how she's trailing her sentence off

It just sounds so fake


Now that you mention it, it does sound affected. She does it constantly, though.


It really reads to me like she's copping out of having to finish her point

because if she finishes her point, there could be a counterpoint


Maybe not necessarily because she doesn't want to argue, but because she doesn't want to be In Trouble.


"and to what end" is so vague it really feels like she's saying they shouldn't use their powers at all??


Yeah, that's the impression I got also

I'm fairly certain "to what end" = "what if Faustus falls in love with Trent?" but since she'd already asked us author-to-author not to make Faustus/Trent a thing, we didn't make Faustus/Trent a thing.


fsdklajgfskfd so this whole hullabaloo is about her Thought Crimes Adultery shit?


It's possible.


I'm getting the impression that Bex just hates Trent's powers but isn't willing to admit it OOC

BEX, about main RP

I'm watching Fiddler on the roof…that song, I had to. Lol



It's more that Trent is sick of, every time he and Nate use that power they get some kind of fucking criticism for it

Like, Freya is allowed to throw her fire power around but when Trent and Nate use their gift somehow it's bad

Little bit of a double standard.



ohhh I gotcha. yea, that makes sense.



yeah, and he's just generally frustrated with everyone and everything



tonight has been a bit tense. Lol

maybe they can do something fun tomorrow.




… I agree that people shouldn't jump up our asses for using our thrall, but… if you use it on someone you're not involved with—



Nathaniel. Would you like to remain involved with me?


NATE nods and doesn't finish his sentence

 REBECCA wasn't exactly sure she liked this new side of Trent but kept quiet. Time would tell, if she needed to speak up or not

 FREYA felt her spine stiffen ever so slightly and where she understood where Trent was coming from, if he used it in any way to enthrall Faustus, or anyone else in a wrong way, she would have something to say for sure, but for now, she remained silent as well

 GEORGE was utterly confused about the whole damn thing and he didn't like it when Nate backed down, as that wasn't a very nice way to talk to anyone, least of all someone you cared for

 TRENT nods, closes his eyes, and rests his head on Sebastian's shoulder. He suddenly feels a bit sleepy

 LUCI lifts Trent, gently clearing the current thrall, sets him down, and sits between him and Sebastian



Don't cure me. I haven't been this relaxed in a long time.


TRENT feeling a little better

Nathaniel, Rebecca… I do love you. But it's becoming increasingly clear that I have instincts, desires, and motivations that don't fit with who you want me to be. I don't need either of you to change anything about yourselves to be happy with you. But I'm unwilling to change myself or the way I think or feel to suit either of you.


SIGYN, about main fic

so, the song Nate sang - do you know the lyrics?

on the one hand, it's the first power ballad that came to mind. On the other hand, it is an extremely Sebastian kind of song



yea, I listened to it. Getting you alone, I can see why that would trigger Trent

ohhh Rebecca just had a huge internal monologue, similar to what we discussed earlier. lol It wasn't snotty, nor bitchy, and said kind of softly, but I am not writing that cause it will most deff start a fight. lol and no fights tonight……cause I have to go soon.

yea, I have to be up early cause getting 'kidnapped' to the civil war battlefield early before it gets to hot out. so I should be back later in the day.



Duckie, you're perfect. (he says languidly, as Luci has honored his request not to cure him)

Screw anyone who thinks otherwise.


LUCI puts his arm around Sebastian

I believe I said something quite similar to you, once. Before we became an item.



Trent's flashbacks aren't going to start until he's back home and in bed with Rebecca

not in a sex way! They just occur mostly when he's dreaming


BEX, 8:50 p.m.

imma reply in the morning…or when I get back if that's ok. I am making typos. lol Don't want to send something halfass either and my brain is leaking out of my ears.

Poor Trent…I really feel for the wee bean. Hopefully she can help him just a little and not scare or scar him more.

Sleep tight when you sleep hun and I will see you tomorrow. Much Loves! ♥ ♥ ♥



Much loves!

So, just so you know, that thing where one of my characters says/does something, and then one of your characters protests and a fight occurs? That's not premeditated. My guys are just really rowdy, and Trent is beginning to feel trapped and overly criticized. Also, Nate is becoming friends with Sebastian (they kind of bonded the night of the almost-wedding) so they're kind of becoming a tight knit friend group XDDD Sorry! Although if it's any consolation, Nate isn't reacting as badly to Freya the last couple days!



It's all good hun. No need to feel sorry. I like seeing where all this will go and has gone. Honestly though if Trent is beginning to feel trapped he REALLY needs to talk to Rebecca. Either work something out, do a test run…something. lol

That took me a while to write that. Hehehe silly typos



Well, they did talk, and it didn't go well



Well…try again. Or else they will keep doing it and end up breaking up and then what will we do? 😐😐😳😳



I mean, I don't know, because they've both said what they need to say. There's no point in trying again because neither of their perspectives have changed or will change



You never know…Rebecca might agree to a 'test run' and see if Trent really feels that way for Bash or not

I don't want them to always be fighting either. Hehehe



Aight, well, Bash gotta behave himself and not be a dick first Hahahaha



Like it much better when we having fun



Oh same!



Yes Bash! Let's do that hmmm? *giggles*



I was nice today.



Ohhhh! Mayne Rebecca can approach Bash and floor him!



??? Intriguing!!!



Yessss…idea for tomorrow



okay awesome!! Can't wait!!!



But must go…brain is goo. Hehehe love ya! ❤❤❤



for when you get back - I expanded my reply >=]


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