Sunday, September 19, 2021

September 19, 2021 | side chat x RP with Bex – Xan sniffs out Freya’s pregnancy


BEX, 7:29 a.m.

Good morning hun. Hope you slept well.






^ I did until that happened




ohhhh poor Lucius.



Yeah 😟



what were you dreaming? πŸ˜€



Was just about to write it out

Well, it's kind of an expansion of the end of my reply that I already expanded last night



hehehe…I am still working on mine.

I read it and I love it. So, Bash is meeting Luci in main too?



Oh yes

Because while Trent is traumatized by their time together, he doesn't really want to let go of their friendship, and besides, Bash really needs someone to love who won't judge him



>someone to love who won’t judge him

>who won’t judge him

>won’t judge



yea, the rest of the gang isn't going to go for that. lol lol

the whole Bash/Trent thing. Lol



Not exactly their decision lmao



why would he want to be friends with someone still who hurt him and kidnapped him?



He misses him, and he doesn't really hate or resent him (he did in my original draft but I cut it out)



but isn't that like…a part of Stockholm? I'm trying to wrap my mind around it. Hehehehe



Honestly, it doesn't matter

Whatever his motivations are, it's what he wants, and Trent Muse is getting restless about everyone trying to tell him or Nathaniel or Bash how they should feel instead of just respecting how they do feel



but…that's….not right….but I will see what happens with my muses, and try and keep em in order. lol lol



Feelings aren't right or wrong

They just are



I mean, they are, and you are supposed to forgive those who hurt you….I just don't understand it, I guess. Not really all the way.



I mean, again, feelings just exist. The reasoning behind them may not always be rational, but they are what they are.



hence why it makes things fun and interesting


Sebastian comes in stretching and chatting with Trent

Fun and interesting we are.


NATE comes in after them, deeply engaged in discussion with Lucifer


REBECCA comes out of the kitchen with breakfast and smiles

Morning everyone



Hey all. 

*nods and smiles*


Xan walks in with Maze and actually smirks



FAUSTUS trails in



You alright, Love? 

She goes to take his hand and curl up beside him.



Yes, of course



Hey, Xander, what're you smirking at? (his tone light and friendly)



Am I? 


Just happy, I guess.


TRENT raises his eyebrows and smirks

Did you and Maze try out some of the things Nate and I suggested?



A man does not kiss and tell. (teases as he nuzzles Maze gently)



We kiss and tell all the time.



Significantly more than that.



Yes, we all remember you coming back from the hotel and letting everyone at my firm know what you and Rebecca had been up to in explicit detail.



Yes, I know you two do.

 *smirks lightly* 

But unless Maze wants to tell, then my lips are sealed. Best night ever though!


MAZE, walking by Trent and Nathaniel

We did everything.



Sounds like a very good time.



Morning all…ohhh! Breakfast! 

*digs in and grabs a plate of eggs and sausage and a few pieces of fruit and one of the crepes*




*indicates Trent* 

stayed up all night talking.



You stayed up all night talking. I drifted off sometime just before sunrise.



Nathaniel and I stayed up talking, too, but we were talking about sex. George, I've emailed you a list of ideas.


NATE, blushing

I'm happy with my sex life. He just has a few suggestions


REBECCA had been thinking for most of the night and had come to a decision of sorts.

Bash…can you come help me in the kitchen please? (she asked softly as she stood and headed into the kitchen.)


GEORGE laughs softly

 It's all good, Nate. I would love some suggestions, not that we need any help, but it will be cool to try something new.



Sure, what's up?

*follows her*


REBECCA turns to look at Bash and sighs softly

 Look…I get what you and Trent are to each other, and that you think I keep him on a leash, which is simply not true. So…I want to offer a peace offering, of sorts.



Go on.



This is hard for me, so… 

*sighs again* 

I love Trent, you might believe that fully but I do… 

*pauses and shakes her head* 

If you want to date….him….or at least try and see if there is still something there between you two….I will have no objections.

She bit her lip.

I only ask that you stop being mean to me, because twisted compliments will not endure you or make this easier. 

*shakes head as if to clear it* 

And I will ask the same of you as I asked of Trent and Nate…please, no kissing him or anything in front of me until I get used to the fact that that will happen. 

*smiles faintly*

 I just want Trent happy….I love him more than anything, Bash, I really, really do……



Okay. No kissing. What about hugging, holding hands, feeding each other?




She looked up at Bash and grinned a little.

But again, be nicer to me, and don't think to squeeze me, Nate or George out either, just saying….and I will have no objections at all.


Sebastian takes both her hands as his face lights up with the biggest grin anyone has ever seen on his face

Thank you!


REBECCA is surprised by his thanks and the happiness she sees on his face, yet it is infectious as she nods and smiles back up at him

You're welcome, Bash…I am sure we can figure this all out together.



I know we've all given you a hard time. This is really big of you. And, I know you're not personally interested in me, but Lucifer's and my invitation to have you and Trent join us still stands πŸ˜‰


Now that, really surprised REBECCA. She would think about it and talk it over with Trent later, see what he thought.


Well, that is very sweet of you, thank you. I will talk to Trent about it and see what he thinks. Privately, if that's ok. Cause this…this is really all new to me. 

*blushes faintly*



I get it. I've never been in a relationship before Lucifer, and he doesn't really have any "rules", so to speak, so figuring out boundaries with others….



Can be tough…exactly. 

*chuckles and actually pulls him into a gentle hug* 

Thanks though, for being understanding.


Sebastian, surprised, hugs her back


REBECCA pulls back and nods

Now…that's done.


I have dishes to do…gonna help or…? (teases)



If by "help" you mean "splash", then yes.



You are so silly. Go on then. 

*playfully swats at him* 

Go tell Trent….


Sebastian literally skips over to Trent and whispers in his ear

 TRENT looks shocked

 REBECCA is humming to herself as she does the dishes. wondering, what Nate and George would think of her giving her 'permission' so to speak. Honestly, she just wanted Trent happy and was tired of fighting. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad…

 TRENT jumps in the air and whoops!

 NATE is startled; looks from Trent to Sebastian to Rebecca


REBECCA comes back from washing dishes and notes Nate's look

 I merely gave 'permission for what they wanted…with a few exceptions in place. Same as I did for you and Trent.


NATE blinks



we will have to discuss a few things I'm sure; but Bash promised to be nicer and not to try and squeeze us out so things should be fine.



 On a similar subject, I wanted to talk to you, Trent, and George. Lucifer asked me out— well, he also asked if George would be interested




 *slightly shocked but intrigued*



hahahaha all our muses save Freya/Faustus and Cat and Xander and Maze will be dating each other. 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣



hahahaha Luci would ask Faustus out too if Freya shared


REBECCA nearly snorts her drink

well….that is interesting.



I'm interested in getting to know new people… And I'm always up for a good time. Truthfully, I've been considering asking all of you save Xander


Xan chuckles and nods

thank you…


FREYA's eyebrow lifts as she tilts her head



Freya just doesn't share. sorry. hehehe πŸ˜› One couple that I would like to not have included in said harem. lol lol lol

Though, if Rebecca and Trent joined Lucifer and Bash…how would those dynamics work> lol



Freya doesn't gotta, it's cool

haha idk how it would work. Everything is like… a swirl of hair pulled from the drain rn



Don't worry, little witch, your Faustus already turned me down



I was just saying. lol I still thinking about the dynamics of it all. I mean, Luci is well…Luci! and Trent has this Alpha thing going too so…hehehe



Oh, like, how would Trent and Luci interact? They wouldn't really try to one up each other



interesting. lol Though it might be fun to see those two going at it playfully of course…even though Luci would totally win cause…Angel.



Pretty sure Luci is cool with other men topping him, once in a while


BEX, 9:05 a.m.


Steve is on his way and nearly home. Time for our outing! Will take pics and send them to you and will reply as soon as I get back! Love you! ♥ ♥ ♥


[snip pic exchange]


SIGYN, 1:01 p.m.

Lucius is getting well socialized and part of it is definitely his video chats with you, Rhett, the SARC lady, etc



Awww…well, I love chatting with you and the little guy, and Rhett says Lucius's name at least once every day. So cute!






Yep it isn't perfect yet, but he does



I know I, personally, am utterly scandalized when a 21-month-old child does not pronounce his friend’s three-syllable name with perfect diction.



Lucius must have made an impression



Eveytime I hop on to do a vid it's either Cheye? Or Luci? Or muicus? Hehehe




Luci works



I think they will be bestest of friends when they finally meet πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

On the way home now. Whew. That was a long ass walk. Lol



yes πŸ₯°


REBECCA comes in, literally covered in sweat and chugging water

next time admin gets an idea like that in her head…someone knock her out!



I…agree! Water…! 

*gaping like a fish*


TRENT hands out Gatorade



I just hid in the dark recesses of her mind. Why would you want to go out in the sun!


[snip vid exchange]



That is so cute! And the music. ❤❤❤❤



ye ️ I've had that music box since I was a little girl



I have a stuffed monkey that I still sleep with who I've had since before my first bday


FREYA comes in and takes a Gatorade

thanks Trent.

 *panting but doesn't look as bad as Rebecca or George* 

wasn't really that bad…



You're probably a little more active than those two.



Personally I love long hikes.


FREYA shrugs a bit

I don't know. I don't really get out much but I do love long walks around the Academy. Especially now…with the trees changing color



Well, Rebecca does spin class and she dances, but that's a little different from just walking. With walking, you don't realize how hard you've exerted yourself until your body is ready to quit.



you can say that again! 4 and a half miles…mostly uphill!



Do you need a massage, babygirl?



with loose rocks that move and twist your ankle every step!


REBECCA perks up a bit

if you want to, babe, that would be delightful!



Always. I love giving you massages


REBECCA goes to sit near Trent and kisses him gently



what did everyone while we were out dying?



TRENT peels her clothes off and rubs aloe into her skin


NATE does the same with George

We have been mostly asleep while our admin wrangles a tiny chaos gremlin.


REBECCA lays down on the couch and sighs in bliss

oh this is heavenly…thanks babe.


GEORGE lays flat on his stomach and sighs deeply

thanks Love….



chaos gremlin? Don't feed it after midnight 




Of course not. They feed him at 5:45 and put him to bed at 6

He sleeps until 7 AM and then WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH



I don't walk on walks. I'm carried on piggyback on walks.



 Because you're spoiled.



Because I'm spoiled.



but that defeats


the whole purpose 


of a walk



the wee one here to…sleeps till 7 and then screams like the world will end.

 *smirks up at Faustus* 

we want kids? (she teases)



Not for the person carrying me. Besides, I get exercise in other ways πŸ˜‰



He means dancing.



Yes, we want kids.



 surreeee he does. 

*winks as she teased*


FREYA smiles and chuckles softly

I know…only teasing.



He practices dance for several hours a night. We only have sex after he's satisfied with his routine.



It's worth the wait though, right?



 ohhh yes.


REBECCA nods and sighs again in bliss

sounds like a plan to me…ohhhhh Trent….you have magic hands, Babe


BEX, 1:50 p.m.

Heading to eat out really fast. All of us are hungry. Lol



I could 'massage' elsewhere afterwards, if you like



hmmmmmm….yes please……


GEORGE growls in pleasure and a little pain as Nate finds just the right spot


Sebastian smirks

Yoni massage is a career, you know. If you ever get tired of tech.



…I'm not Nathaniel. I'm not going to finger strangers, even for money.


REBECCA makes a face

yea, knowing he comes home every day possibly having done that…ewww. 




That's why I'd wear gloves πŸ˜‰



still…gloves break. 




That's only a problem if I'm giving a prostate massage.


TRENT makes a face


BEX, 2:05 p.m.

We off to chuck-e-cheese for a free card play for Rhett



Oh nice!!


[snip pic/vid exchange]


BEX, 3:35 p.m.

Rhett loves chuck-e-cheese

And Lucius is adorable ❤❤❤❤


SIGYN, 3:55 p.m.

Omg fun!!!

(4:09 p.m.) Got all my circular needles WOOHOO

Turtleneck sweater vests!


BEX, 4:16 p.m.

Been a busy day today. Lol Steve and Dallas went into Spirit while we were here and me and Rhett are chilling in the car cause I am exhausted. Lol we should be heading home soon



Ooh Spirit


BEX, 4:21 p.m.

Well…maybe not cause they closed for Corporate reasons. Bleh

So headed home



Noooo πŸ˜₯

but yay for home


REBECCA has dozed off since Trent's massage was so good

 GEORGE is blissed out with a cute smirk on his face

 TRENT reaches over and gives George a little spank


GEORGE yelps and lifts his head and looks around

who did that?



Me πŸ₯°

Not the same hand I used for her yoni, don't worry



 oh OK.

 *chuckles and goes to move to redress, with a loud groan as he really doesn't want to move* 






REBECCA stirs a bit and smiles

hi handsome… 

*looks up at Trent*



Hey beautiful



 that felt wonderful. Thank you so much.

 *stretches a bit and sighs happily*



You're welcome 😁 

*goes to wash his hands*


REBECCA gets up to redress and then just relaxes in her seat

so yea, today was an interesting day



interesting! You were out in the sun! ALL DAY!


TRENT grimaces sympathetically; hands Xander a straw cup with pigs’ blood



that's why I haven't been out much today. 

*takes the cup and nodded* 

thanks Trent



My admin takes me swimming. I know how you feel



I didn't get burned cause I hid, but the others got quite a workout.



 yea! That we were not expecting.

 *smirks and brings out some frozen fruit pops* 

anyone want one



Do you have grape?



 yes, Nate. I have all flavors. Grape, strawberry, even watermelon and then Banana



 I'll take strawberry



Banana for me



No green apple?


FREYA hands out the frozen fruit pops and smirks at Trent

of course I do….



I like grape, too.



Ooh, green apple



help yourselves…


all (Sigyn-side) give their various thanks.

 Sebastian drapes himself over an armchair with one leg over an arm and the other dangling off the seat, and eats his as obscenely as possible

 TRENT smirks to himself and eats his in a more subdued, but still seductive, fashion as he holds eye contact with Nate


REBECCA takes a watermelon and licks it like a lollipop

so good.



 and cold! 

*picks banana*



well this brings back memories πŸ˜‰



I was JUST thinking that 🀣🀣🀣


NATE opts to just lick his rather than sucking on it


MAZE bites hers off the stick, chews and swallows



REBECCA smirks at the antics and giggles

 Xan winces playfully at Maze's antics

 LUCI eats his like a normal person

 FAUSTUS isn't trying to be seductive but somehow still kind of is

 FREYA doesn't realize she is being seductive until she looks over at Trent and Bash and smirks faintly



So refreshing after a hot day.


Xan growls playfully

I opt we stay IN tomorrow


Sebastian raises an eyebrow at her

Can I help you?



No, I just didn't realize—-that there was a—-odd? way to eat a popsicle. 

*giggles and blushes and tries to eat hers normally*



You can certainly help me, Sebastian…


REBECCA giggles

 GEORGE nearly chokes on his cause he laughs



That's help spelled H U M P


FREYA smirks and giggles

You guys go at an awful lot. Not judging, just…how do you find time? πŸ˜›



We literally have all the time in the world.



I don't have a refractory period.



I multitask. For instance, sometimes I have sex while working.


GEORGE blushes and nods

 It's true. he does.




I can never get enough of my Beloved…so I am ready for him whenever he is ready for me. 

*winks and blows a kiss*



 I'm shocked that those of you taking dick don't ever get sore.


FREYA tilts head at Maze

 You get sore? 


I mean, yea…after a while, I do too. Hence a slight pause….


REBECCA shrugs 

Pleasure is pain, pain is pleasure. Fine line and I walk it very well.



After a few hours, yes.



How long hav—never mind. 

*blushes and sucks on her pop a moment, licking her lips*



Trent gets sore after ten minutes when he's on the bottom.





GEORGE chuckles and snorts

Well, not everyone can go as long as you, Love, or as hard with how hard you plow me sometimes.



Yeah— George how are you not permanently hoarse?



Chloraseptic throat-numbing spray.



yea…that…and a whole lot of practice. 




Doesn't it get uncomfortable? 




Yea, but like George said…practice. 



TRENT makes a face

Too uncomfortable for me



It's not for everyone

 *chuckles softly*



Yeah, no offense, but I can't imagine you sucking dick, Xander. 


 I mean, I can, but you wouldn't, so….



I have not been thus inclined to do so….but perhaps, should I ever BE so inclined, I will come find YOU first…. 

*trails off with a deep laugh*



Cheers to that


Xan blinks and sits back in his seat

Well…that backfired.




How does it surprise you that Nathaniel reacted like that? He’s been flirting with you since you debuted.



Yea, I don't think anything would scare Nate, Xander. 


You aren't that bad, actually.



He's adorable, actually


If Xander could blush, he would be doing so.



Okay, alright

Off my man's metaphorical dick


Xan pulls Maze close and nuzzles into her with a purr



feisty…I love it! Go Maze! πŸ˜›


REBECCA blinks

Wait…YOUR man?

 *curious but teasing as well* 

Are you a thing now? Ohhhh!!!



Haven’t they been a thing?



Yes, Nathaniel. You should be on mine instead.



switching to phone, bath time! Hehehe



we've been a thing for weeks, where has your attention been?



Probably on all the drama



yes but they never officially said anything. Of course they leave together and cuddle….



Yeah. Right. "Cuddle".



should they have had to?




well…no…but still…YAY!


MAZE looks at her like she's a weirdo



don't mind her…long hike in the… 

*looks at Xander and smirks* 

well…loooonnnggg hike and it was hot




*Strips and straddles Trent*



 …that was a joke



 well…that happened.



Xan rolls his eyes playfully

see? You ever have any questions Freya…ask one of them. The way they constantly go at it I am surprised one of them isn't pregnant yet.



Mpreg isn't a thing



Thank goodness. That was my least favourite thing about Corriverse.


NATE moans and bites his arm as Trent presses into him



I know that. I meant Rebecca or Ca—

 He paused from saying Cat's name as she hasn't been around today.


REBECCA sits up a bit straighter and tilts her head to be able to watch



Rebecca, aren't you on… something?



You're asking NOW!?



Eh, it slipped my mind earlier



yep. Till we actually discuss it and we decided when, I am.



Well, that's why she's not pregnant.


Xan sniffs playfully but tilts his head

well….someone is very……fertile in this room. My nose never lies.



not me! Not till I get the bc removed.



hey! Don't look at me… (teases, laughing)



Again, Mpreg isn't a thing



I was making a joke, Love.



 Guys, I'm about to seriously disappoint Nathaniel here.



awww….I liked watching



 Then I suggest we change topic



 you lost me…but ok


Sebastian smirks, saunters over to Trent, and whispers something in his ear



… Okay, I'm good again



pregnancy/BC discussion was making him lose wood



I thought he loved that idea with Rebecca….imagining her so. Lol



ehhhh not really a turn on, and having to think about the other girls getting knocked up is blech for him



Gotcha. Lol


NATE moans

 REBECCA settles back in her seat to watch.

 Xan kisses Maze's forehead and walks over to Faustus and whispers something into his ear before returning to his seat. Grinning as he pulls Maze close and snuggles her



Stop sniffing Freya’s piss, Xander. Also, Freya, please stop marking your territory like that.


GEORGE smirks, actually getting turned on watching too


At least we know Sebastian isn't the only person in the room who's into that.




Very well, then.


GEORGE comes to kneel by Trent and Nate and has an eager expression on his face as he looks to Trent for permission to please Nate with either hand or mouth

 TRENT nods subtly at George as he rolls his hips between the chair and Nate



so, Nate is facing Trent


BEX, simultaneously

which way is Nate facing?








GEORGE leans lightly against Nates back, peppering the back of his neck with soft kisses as he reaches around and begins to stroke him


NATE moans, loudly

Yes! Oh God, squeeze me, Georgie



I just saw the CUTEST thing!!!! Loki had some popcorn in his hand and Lucius just leaned forward and ate some πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°



AWWWW! he's getting to be so big! ❤❤❤❤


GEORGE grins as he squeezes Nates cock hard as he strokes him. Playing with just the tip and hole with his fingers before fully stroking him again. His eyes met Trent's and he smiled faintly.

 NATE a quivering, whimpering, needy mess

 TRENT smiles back and uses his hands on Nate's hips to move him at a pace George can keep up with

 GEORGE loves it when Nate gets this way. Loves watching him come undone whether him or Trent or even with Rebecca…he is so damn sexy as a needy mess!

 Sebastian pretending to scroll through his phone but secretly watching as well. Nathaniel is loud and needy in bed just like he is, and he feels a strange sort of kinship

 REBECCA is openly watching and squirms a little in her seat as her thighs brush together, trying not to get so turned on

 LUCI beckons Sebastian over to him as Nathaniel reminds Luci of Sebastian in bed as well

 Sebastian happily scampers over to him and, when he's sure they're situated in a position they can both watch, begins to service his husband

 Taking his cues from Trent cause he and Nate started together, and from Nates own body, GEORGE nodded subtly when he felt that tell-tale quiver in his Lovers body


 not yet, Natie. (whispers as he nuzzles against his ear)

you wait till Trent tells you, you can cum. That’s what good boys do.


NATE whimpers




Mmm, not yet, honey

*is also getting close but wants Nathaniel to work for it*


GEORGE smirks as he eases off the hard stroking, going slower and lighting his grip. Knowing it would drive Nate insane

 NATE groans and bucks into George's hand insistently, earning himself a slap from Trent



Bad little bug. That's not how you ask for more, is it.


NATE, panting hungrily

Georgie… Trent…



ride him harder Natie. Give to him what you desire, and I may oblige. 

*gives Nate's cock a hard squeeze before going easy again*


NATE moans loudly and does as he's told


TRENT feels his body starting to shake

 ohhhhhh yes… Nathaniel….


GEORGE's smiles is deviously wicked as he watches Nate do as asked of him by the pair of them. Hearing Trent moan makes him get even more excited knowing they are doing this together 

that's a good boy… 

His voice has dropped to that low timber again. Almost like a rumbling purr.

bring him Natie. Bring him and I will bring you at the same time…


NATE nods and rides Trent as hard and fast as he can, moaning loudly for possibly the whole block to hear

 Shivering and shaking, TRENT releases Nathaniel's hips and pulls him into a deep, hungry kiss.


Cum for me, little bug. I'm close, too…


Sebastian blushes as he listens to the three of them, and moans around Lucifer





GEORGE hearing Trent give his permission, George finds that one sensitive spot just on the underside of Nate's cock and strokes it.



Hah—! (Gasps out as he cums)

TRENT! GEORGE— hah, hah… FUCK I love you!


GEORGE strokes Nate a few more times before he pulls away and casually licks his fingers clean

I love you too, Natie.


Beyond turned on, REBECCA practically quivers in place.

 TRENT pulls Nathaniel in for another kiss and cums, hard, inside him, making him moan again

 NATE practically collapses against Trent, a light sheen of sweat covering his pale body

 GEORGE winks at Trent and goes to wash his hands



That was…hot. 

*bites her lip as she shivers slightly*


TRENT carries Nathaniel off to go wash them both off


Sebastian is moaning unabashedly as he brings Lucifer to orgasm, then pulls back and licks his lips




You know, you and Nathaniel really do have a lot in common.


Sebastian nods



Yea, both cute when needy. 




Both very LOUD in bed


Xan nuzzles into Maze's neck




You're not quiet either



Which is why we usually do it out in the wilderness


FREYA smirks as she looks back at her Priest

Neither are you, Love.



You should try it sometime.



Well….he was telling me about Lupercalia. Maybe we will.



As long as you won't risk a miscarriage.


FREYA's eyes furrow slightly




Xander tells me you're pregnant.


FREYA's eyes go wide in shock. She freezes for a moment, like a statute.





Xan grins, with fang, looking positively evil

Way to go, Priest. I think you broke her. 



TRENT is carrying Nate back out



Works for me



What works for you? 

*confused but smirks*





FREYA shakes her head and blinks, looks over to Xander who looks SO pleased with himself and then back at Faustus

 I'm——what? Is he sure…? 

Just the barest excitement tinges her voice.



Vampire senses. I assume so.


Xan holds Maze closer to him and purrs, like a cat who has gotten into the cream



I'm a hyperempath, I could confirm—



Not worth your time, Trenty



Cringe, Trent. Cringe.



This feels really familiar, somehow…


MAZE taps his nose affectionately

 Xan kisses her and rubs her back


Sebastian saunters over to Rebecca

So. You're turned on, I'm turned on… wanna 69?



 FREYA has no idea how to respond at first. Excitement and fear flood her in rapid succession and it almost makes her dizzy. She opens her mouth to say something, and then closes it.


REBECCA smirks up at Bash and chuckles

You are incorrigible, Bash. Trent and I haven't even had time to discuss your offer so no thank you.



honestly, first time I found out I was pregnant, I panicked! πŸ˜†


Pretty sure that's typical for unexpected pregnancies.



I have no objections, but Sebastian, you really are the clichΓ© of the virgin who becomes a total slut after their first time.


REBECCA looks over at Trent to make sure he meant what he said. Her eyes furrowed a bit, thinking

 Can we discuss it together really quick, just for my peace of mind…while we are all out here being…horny. 




Say what you need, babygirl



Well, Bash told me this morning that he and Luci invited us to join them, when me and him talked in the kitchen. I said I would discuss it with you first, cause you are my main, even though we have Nate and George…anyway…rambling…wanted to know your thoughts, as I am still trying to figure out mine. Bash made the comment that I wasn't into him physically and he's kind of right there, but…if we discuss all this and such…who knows…just a bit…confused, I guess



 If you want to sleep with him and/or Lucifer, go for it. Lucifer is famous for being a good lover, and Sebastian is… 

*bites his lip*

As I said, I've no objections.



Just like that…? That easy? 

She tilts her head as she stares at Trent and then back to Bash.

I mean…why not….I just don't want to cross any lines, I guess. How far down the rabbit hole are we going? 

*giggles, teasing*


Why wouldn't it be "that easy"?






 I don't think I have any lines at the moment, but if something is too much, I will let you know


REBECCA nods, satisfied with such an answer. Smiles back over to Bash with a soft chuckle

What did you have in mind?





For right now? I wanted to 69. For later… Who knows?




*giggles and smirks as she lays back upon the sofa on which she is relaxing*



Actually… It works better if I lay back and you straddle my face. I would rather not risk choking you.


REBECCA sits up and chuckles

Either way…

 *waits for Bash to get comfy and wondering, was she really going to do this?*


Sebastian settles down on the floor

 REBECCA undresses and comes to straddle him and smirks a bit as she blushes. Casting her eyes up to Trent, she starts by licking Bash's cock as she strokes him

 Sebastian nuzzles up into her muff and starts licking her hungrily

 TRENT's eyes wide as he watches

 REBECCA moans softly at Bash's attentions and goes down on him fully, using tongue and teeth to tease him

 FREYA tilts her head watching and smirks, before looking up at Faustus with a knowing smile

 Sebastian moans, not softly, and eats her out just as enthusiastically as Trent ever has, noting that she does taste surprisingly good







She pulls back enough to moan out his name before she deep throats him and swallows around him a few times, before pulling back to suck him, using her teeth on the up pulls.




She blushed faintly but with a smile.

A position we haven't tried yet. 

*chuckles softly*


Bitch be fuckin thirsty, yo.





I would recommend doing that sooner rather than later. I've read pregnancy hormones can affect the taste.



yes, thank you for the unsolicited and frankly intrusive advice.



Well….if I eat Pineapple or some other fruit all the time, it shouldn't. (she teased, really having no idea)



The acidity of pineapple will make you sweeter, but the hormones will make you taste much stronger.


FREYA tilts her head, listening

Really? Hmmm…


Sure we will figure something out. 

*chuckles and looks back at Faustus*


Sebastian rubs his tongue along the sides of Rebecca's clit, gently at first and then more aggressively


SIGYN about main fic

the song Trent is singing is apropos for his situation if you read the lyrics πŸ’”

actually there's a remix where you can hear what it would sound like if a man sang it


REBECCA Moans LOUDLY, as she moves upon Bash eagerly, licking and nipping and stroking him as she felt her body shudder over top of him



Same mind again. ♥



That one


Sebastian moans as he continues eating her, nipping playfully at her lips

 REBECCA gasps at Bash's nips and arches her hips against him, which ends up taking him deeper into her mouth

 Sebastian moans louder into her and nips again, just a little bit harder, before going back to circling her clit with his tongue

 REBECCA cries out around him, which makes the vibrations be felt as she sucks him faster, using her hand to caress and squeeze his balls as she strokes him harder with her other hand

 Sebastian groans low in his throat and squirms as he starts to shake in pleasure. He pressed his lips and tongue up hard against her and moans again

 REBECCA feeling something within her give at his rough but pleasurable attentions, She came, screaming around his cock as she shuddered hard under him!!

 Sebastian cries out and cums as well, lapping up her cream was he feels her gushing on his face


REBECCA pulls back enough so she won't choke and sucks him all down, licking him clean before she moves and rolls onto her back beside him

Wow….Bash….that was….Wow… 

She giggled.



I know, right?


REBECCA laughs softly

Not very modest, are we?



What's the point of that?


REBECCA shrugs

I don't know… 



TRENT smiles peacefully as he crawls over to them and kisses Rebecca passionately




She reaches up from where she lays and runs her fingers through her Beloveds hair, as if trying to pull him closer, kissing him back lovingly.


TRENT pulls her flush against him and deepens the kiss, excited


REBECCA responds in kind, as her body heats back up again, in a way it did ONLY for Trent. She wrapped her arms around his neck and nips lightly at his bottom lip

Trent….I love you….!!!



I love you too…

*Doesn't add that he also loves tasting Sebastian on her, but he sure is thinking it!*

Do you want to make love?



small tag

sorry, they so small tonight. all that time in the sun melted my brain. Lol



They're not too small at all!

It's not like we're just shooting off one-liners

Ooh, you did forget George's hotdog tho



there ya go πŸ˜€


I didn't πŸ˜‰



 Ohhhh Yes, Love! Of course!

She nodded eagerly and kissed Trent back, hungrily.


TRENT lays her back down and, slipping on a condom just in case because he had gotten dirty earlier even though he had cleaned himself off thoroughly, presses inside her and moans

 Sebastian goes to get some kettle corn as he watches them, out of habit

 REBECCA wraps her legs around Trent's waist, bringing him deeper into her as she cries out his name as he bottoms out in one go! Arches her hips against him and moves her lips down his neck and bites just at his collarbone as her nails dig into the skin at his back. So utterly turned on, she can't stand it!




MAZE casually steals a handful of kettle corn

Wow, they really are insatiable.


FAUSTUS mumbles his agreement from under Freya's skirt


Xan has done pretty good with everyone mating like rabbits. Smirks down at Maze and chuckles

 Would you care to be….insatiable as well, My Dear?


FREYA biting her bottom lip as she gripped the seat cushions under her as Faustus pleasured and tormented her at the same time. Her toes curled as she moaned softly



Thought you'd never ask.


Sebastian shares his popcorn with everyone not currently banging




His eyebrow raises as he asks, still ever the gentleman.



I'm good either way.



Not here. Xander's my friend and I respect him, but god DAMN do I want to tap that ass.


Xan's gaze turned to Nate as he…playfully? licked his lips, showing fang

As if you could, little mortal. 

He chuckled as he bent down and scooped Maze up into his arms and kissed her passionately as he walked out.



A boy can dream~



so they ALL making some sort of love…GOODIE! And is Freya really pregnant? Who knows!? *giggles* But I think that's all the steam I have left after today. That 4 almost 5-mile hike…not walk…hike nearly killed me. Lol

and all of it mostly UP HILL





hahahaha next time go super slow and drink lots of water



so…time exists tomorrow….when will you be free?



welp, my professor for one class JUST dropped the syllabus yesterday, on the portal, and that class starts presumably tomorrow?

so I'm not sure but ping me when you're available!



ok, so maybe we get an extra day? YAY!

I have to go get my finger cut tomorrow at 9am, but will be back after that and it won't stop me. hehehehehe πŸ˜†




everything for that class was TBA last time I checked, which is frustrating but whatever



okie doke. Just don't wanna miss ya and such. ♥ ♥ ♥ Cause once time exists things can get a little crazy. Hehehe



Oh true and I'm taking 10 total units at 2 different schools



and now, I am getting a little silly, since my brain oozed out of my ears earlier today. lol So imma go crash and see you tomorrow then! YAY! You sleep well, and see you soon. ♥ ♥ ♥



Aight! Hmu when you're awake πŸ₯°



Wait quick question



will do. Most likely once I am back from the docs. ♥ ♥ ♥



Am I allowed to sleep with Sebastian yet, or am I waiting?



I said, as long as I didn't see it or hear it….Though, if you are, 

*looks over at Nate* 

Can we cuddle then? George can come too…



Sure. Though I might be doing more than just cuddling George


GEORGE chuckles softly

How many times tonight, Dear one? I think we should cuddle Rebecca for a bit till she passes out since Trent won't be there and she isn't entirely used to the idea of him and Bash yet….just till she falls asleep…and then…


NATE frowns slightly




*looks over at Luci*



Yes? Am I invited?


REBECCA flushes

Well…Trent is sleeping with Bash, Nate is gonna with George…



She doesn't want to be alone tonight! (she manages to gasp out between moans)


I don't need a translation from you, girl.


Seriously, mind your own clitoris. 

REBECCA suddenly feels shy about the whole thing

I mean…if you don't want to…I get it…


FAUSTUS teleports them away



No, actually, I was going to ask, but it seems you beat me to it.




She smirks a bit and blushes again.

Well…ok then. Good!


A genuinely sweet and boyish smile spreads across Sebastian's face as he takes Trent's hand and leads him out, heading to Lux.



Then it's settled.



Great. Actually, I'll go for a walk first. Don't follow me.



Are you alright, Love?


/exit Nate


REBECCA gives George an apologetic look but offers her hand to Luci


SIGYN, 8:08 p.m.

aight I'ma let you go 😺

Nate just doesn't like George putting anyone before him, he's gonna walk it off and prolly be fine



he is so silly. Lol

he should know how Rebecca feels cause she was the SAME with him and Trent.



yeah that set off a "why the FUCK do you care what she thinks, you're MINE" reaction to Nate but he doesn't want to deal with it or start conflict so he's just leaving



she really doesn't want sex, just wants someone to cuddle, cause Trent and Bash…well…yea…and it bugs her a little even though she agreed. Lol

oh I get it…but Nate should have thought of that too if he and Rebecca are a thing also. Men are so weird. πŸ˜›


Considering Nathaniel here is written by someone who is nonbinary, does that apply?



doesn't matter to Nate, he wants his boy to be 100% for him, like, he's fine sharing but he doesn't like him putting the girls before him

I've explained this before. Nate doesn't feel fully loved unless his person/people care MOST about him

So he's just bounced

anyway Rebecca will be fine lol



yea, it's all good. lol lol

me silly right now too *giggles*

I go sleep now. Nighty night. Much loves! ♥ ♥ ♥




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