(Context: Trent, Rebecca, and Cat were in Iowa visiting Trent and Cat's family; Trent got a disturbing call from Nathaniel and hotwired a plane back to California, where he saw Nate passed out in the tub.)
Takes place after this chapter.
AVERNA, in the same tone as a "what a madlad!" tweet
He hotwired a plane!
Rebecca is gonna lose her mind mainly cause Trent got in the TUB with Nate without thought and bathed him.... that’s gonna be her issue with Trent.
Nate just better stand by. Lol the whole you say he's a friend yet you do this...friends don't do that.
Maybe not YOUR friends.
"A man is PASSED OUT!!! Now I don't
know what planet you hail from in our solar system but to me that indicates
something is physically wrong and he needs help."
And you only want what you can’t have so knock it off type thing.
Why does she think Nate or Trent only wants what they can't have? That's definitely a Rebecca trait.
He pulled Nate out of the tub, not got in with him.
He didn't drink...didn't take any pills yet he's causing attention to himself...yea...
You heard it here first: Emotional distress isn't real. If you're having difficulty processing something, you're only looking for attention, so quit it, and make your reactions more convenient for those around y--
SERLEINA renegade interrupts her
So sponged bathed him outside the tub...still
practically naked though.
Nathaniel represents something very important to Trent.
Now, Trent promised to forgive Rebecca for breaking his heart, but that doesn't
mean the pain isn't still there subconsciously, especially after Annmarie's
outburst. Nathaniel has never broken Trent's heart, and while Trent did
manipulate him to a degree, Nathaniel looks a lot more like he fell for Trent
on his own, and so Trent is subconsciously and irresistibly drawn to him. He
can't stand the thought of putting Nathaniel in the same emotional position he
was in
So this goes deep huh?
Yes, people with hu-man fee-lings often find those feelings run quite deep.
Ohhhhhh....cause Rebecca is the
type of person that when she forgives...she doesn't exactly forget but she no
longer thinks about it.
Please support this claim with evidence from her canon.
Yeah exactly. On one level, sure, he doesn't want his
friend to kill himself.
Then this is gonna be a big problem if it continues. Lol
lol cause though she doesn't want Nate to die either, this will break her
heart....in more ways then one.
Yeah. On another level, he's angry with Nathaniel
because Trent also wanted to die after Rebecca turned him down, and was on some
level probably disappointed that he survived until she came to see him. He's
mad because at least Trent is offering Nathaniel his friendship and Nathaniel
is kind of demanding more from him, and Trent just isn't in a position to give
him more.
They really gonna that couple's therapy. Hehehe cause Rebecca doesn't bring up the past in an argument cause that no longer matters
Please support this claim with evidence from her canon.
and if Trent honestly can't let go....issues....
Perseveration isn't real, guys, it only exists to inconvenience your girlfriend.
Trent isn't aware of this. He doesn't know why he loves
Nathaniel this much, he just knows he can't resist someone who loves him.
"If you so much as look at my fiancé in a way deemed
inappropriate....I will scratch out your eyes and feed them to you..."
says oh so calmly.
"Deemed inappropriate" by whom? The staff at Esther B-- I mean Stepford Academy?
"A guy just tried to kill himself and
both friends or whatever they are.... They're going through it. Talk about a
selfish fucking cunt! You just had to threaten the suicidal one at this point
and time?!!!" Lyle
looking triggered.
Lopez now just looking almost depressed and shaking his head.
"Maybe it should be her who offs
herself. Save everyone else the extra heart ache she fucking causes. As if they
need her excess self centered fucking drama....."
actually, he might not even be fully aware of that. I
thought about having Trent climb into the tub behind Nathaniel and bathe him,
but nah, pulling him out and sponging him down was more realistic.
Rebecca thinks he's (Nate) being spoiled! One thing he can't have and he wants!
Mental illness symptoms are always just a result of "being spoiled" and not getting your way.
He has Cat who is starting to really like him...George who adores him...
So obviously, your characters' feelings for him should override his own desires.
and he's doing things to 'purposely' so she thinks, to gets Trent's attention...yea...she is not happy atm.
"Did you know that attention seeking
is also a symptom of mental illness? Even if he was that doesn't negate from
the fact he's suffering at ALL"
Sarcasm aside, this is so fucking damaging to the mental health community. What do you think a cry for help is meant to do? Be ignored so the person in danger can die from their symptoms?
"This.... Yes ... "
When he hated Trent a few days ago...things like that just don't happen even more so when you were claiming rape in the same voice.
Well Actually, yes, a person CAN develop an emotional attachment to someone who has sexually assaulted or raped them. It's not HEALTHY, but it HAPPENS. Just because it doesn't happen to YOU doesn't mean it doesn't happen to ANYONE. Your experience not the rubric by which reality is measured.
this time Nate didn't take anything...just passed out
after finding release in the tub...
He passed out in the bathtub WHILE ON THE PHONE WITH A HYDROPHOBE, and has a history of drug abuse in fic. Trent would have to be an abysmal friend not to assume Nathaniel was in trouble. But no, here we have Ms. "How Dare You Care About Anyone But Me"?
HEY! What did I do!?
Not pay attention to the context of that remark, for one.
I mean, true, but he's so out of his mind, just in
general, that he's calling Trent to do that, you know?
She's gonna ignore Nate for now...to the point that it's cold and rude; only talking to him at the meeting cause she has to. Gonna go get damn drunk that night at his house
Oh, so it's okay for HER to use drugs to cope with uncomfortable emotions?
"Honestly.... Good riddance!!!"
"Too bad it probably didn't actually
go down with that since she clearly enjoys tormenting him far too much"
and I have no idea how she's gonna
respond yet at the hotel. 😂😂😂😂
Trent and Rebecca are probably going to fight about that.
Because Trent's perspective is, "he's being an idiot but he's still our
friend and he needs our help, and your attitude is going to push him further
over the edge".
REBECCA (for reference, she looks like this)
No. He's doing it on purpose to get your attention because he knows he can't have you.
Or he just has shitty coping mechanisms.
Nate has never been good at taking No for
an answer...ever...and he knows better.
I "know better" than to take two doses of everything in the house when I'm distressed. I know it's bad for my body and my mind. That doesn't mean I never resort to it when I can't handle what's going on in my head.
TRENT (for reference, he looks like this)
“So you want me to let him die?”
"Well..... She's too pussy to fucking
say it. But no shit at this point"
Give Duckie a break; he likes to see the
best in her, so it takes him a while to catch onto stuff like that.
He isn't going to die. He has Cat, he has George.
Why are only your characters allowed to help him?
He's doing this on purpose.
MUMMY! Ghostryn dripped ectoplasm on me! She's doing this on purpose! Make her stoppppp!!!!
Penryn Sousse, you are 28 years old. Handle your own conflicts.
"Alone isn't always a physical fact .... Sometimes it's a feeling. So George and Cat could be right there and it may not have fucking mattered.... Also acting this way is a sure fire way to make others feel like you aren't really there for them at all even though you're unfortunately physically there. This bitch is honestly retarded and if the drama isn't about her she's working in making sure it ends that way"
I get it he's confused, but he knows what is right
and what is wrong, he just doesn't do it because now, he's been told no and
he's acting like a spoiled brat! Friends DON'T act this way.
"Friends don't act this way." Okay. That's interesting. Don't forget, I know everything about you, including times when you've done self-destructive things despite having way more friends than Nathaniel has, in retaliation for not getting what you want. I also know there were times in my life when I was crying out for help and I had NO ONE to tether me.
PENRYN looks awkwardly at Sebastian
Well, I guess there were those three years you were apart, but that was your own fault, Trent.
I'm not going to leave him alone with his inner demons, regardless of what
you think about it. He needs me the most right now.
Fine. Help him...but you don't need to get almost naked to do so.
You fucked a guy you met at a taco festival where you were on a date with Greg. Trent pulled his friend out of the tub and made sure he was okay, and ended up having to take off his wet clothes.
The most enraging thing is that Bex isn't acting like she knows Rebecca is the one with the fucked up priorities here. Potential medical emergencies are a situation where state of dress is simply not important.
She DOESN'T think Rebecca has fucked-up priorities. She thinks TRENT has fucked-up priorities for wanting to care for someone other than her
And yea, I have done destructive stuff, but that was in the past and I got myself out of it.
Yes I had Paula, cause she's been there for me ever since I met her. Nate has a lot more people then he thinks he does.
And what if they all acted the way you are right now?
He's just being this way to cause a rift...
D'you know, from where I sit, Nathaniel isn't the one being a spoiled brat.
and he's not alone. George is asleep in the next room.
George is asleep. He can't very well pull Nathaniel out of the tub and make sure he hasn't drowned.
"Well ain't he a piece of shit.... Why
haven't I seen or heard more of this puke? If he cared that fucking much
wouldn't he have gotten more involved himself?"
"No, no, no..... He would have came in
there at most and started drama that someone else was helping. And made the
situation worse. Remember all of these people are basically the same"
Also, he fell asleep before Nate
passed out, I think.
But...whatever. I've pulled him out of this many times and it always ends and starts the same way.
Please support your claim with evidence from canon.
"He gets told no, he gets mad and obsesses, and he acts out."
The way I remember canon, when you didn't want a relationship with him, he tried to move on with Mona. And then suddenly you decided you did want him and the two of you ended up shagging for a year while he and Mona were together.
REBECCA pauses and nods.
"Every single time. First it was me...now it's you..."
Whenst were these times?
"Wow. You really have no empathy for another human
being in pain. I misjudged you. I... should have gotten to know you
"It isn't like that at all! I don't want him to die either...but you don't know him like I do. He can be a huge sadist narcissist if he doesn't get what he wants...
"NO!!! He's a masochist!!!! And I
don't even know what a Nathaniel IS!!!???"
and saying he is just friend with you and then
pulls this! I'm not blind...nor stupid."
"That's not helpful right now. However he is acting
out, whatever his motivations are, he's in serious pain and I'm not going to
abandon my friend. I am telling you, I have been where he is, mentally. I may
not have acted on it the same way, but I know. EXACTLY. How he is feeling. To deny
him compassion and accuse him, is to do the same to me."
REBECCA actually glared at Trent, and then over at Nate. She still hadn't forgiven for their last encounter and now this...
"Compassion is one thing. This...is something
else." She said simply.
"And what is that?"
REBECCA simply looked at his state of undress and then back into his eyes. Not saying a thing. She bit her lip, swallowed her feelings and turned away, calling out.
"I'm going to make us some coffee...I need coffee to deal with this...with gin."
She muttered under her breath the
last part.
I can't help but notice that she changed the subject instead of answering the question.
And what she changed it to is guilt-tripping Trent via threats of drug use.
So, would you say that she is… *scrolls up* being self-destructive on purpose because she isn’t getting what she wants and knows it will get Trent’s attention on her?
Yes, I would.
"No. You're not drinking caffeine or alcohol. I
won't have you hungover or without sleep tomorrow. And by the way, those kinds
of coping mechanisms are a slippery slope."
"Who says I'm sleeping?" She called back as she
searched Nate's kitchen. If not coffee or gin then there had to be something to
drink in this house that wasn't water.
TRENT follows her into the kitchen
"You are not going into that meeting sleep-deprived. Now would you stop being so selfish and help me ground him."
Keep in mind she's still riding her anxiety from dealing
with her fear of horses. Lol
Yeah, and he's still processing what went down with his
family, AND having some painful memories about loneliness brought to the
surface. He also doesn't understand why being in only his undies is a problem,
because he's at least wearing underwear. And he had to take his clothes off to
put a wet person in his lap and sponge him down
How does he not understand that that's not a good thing?
How do you not understand that unsexy underpants situations are a thing?
Lol it's just water...and Nate didn't need to be bathed down. George had already
done that. Or so her thinking.
Like, he'd do the same for her. And he'd do the same for
his family. So he doesn’t see a problem with it.
Yeaaaa...considering she doesn't to sleep by Nate but
doesn't want Trent to either. Hehehe
Like, is she gonna sleep in bed with someone she's
furious with, or is she gonna have her fiancée who has a mutual crush on him do
it, you know?
She might just 'take one for the team' so to speak and
pick the bed. That way, she wouldn't be tempted to punch Nate again if he tried
to cuddle with Trent if he slept in the bed. Hehehe
So Trent doesn't care that Nathaniel isn't a good friend,
he is going to be a good friend regardless, and that means keeping the person
at risk from hurting themselves regardless of what anyone, including the person
he loves most in the world, thinks. Nate is a HUGE cuddlebug in canon. He slept
in Rebecca's bed when she was out of town and snuggled with her stuffed gator.
Then she'll put a pillow in between them...or two. Lol
Yeah, good call. Trent is mad at him too, but he also
knows not to push him into feeling like no one understands.
She'd have an easier time dealing with it if she was the
one trying to get snuggled then Trent cause we all know what happened in the
hospital when Nate kissed him hehehehehhe
Yeah and he is begging Trent to tell him he loves him,
and Trent can't resist being loved, especially by someone who's never broken
his heart, so he might lose himself and do something regrettable.
How are we ever going to fix this? Hehehe
"Spoiler alert.... You aren’t"
Cuddling thru the night creates a subconscious emotional
bond. It makes you trust each other more and stuff, something to do with
oxytocin release
Yea so deff her then. How are we gonna write Nate
eventually realizing it ain't gonna happen and appreciate what he's got? Cause
I don't see Cat being to happy about this either.
how he goes depends on his mood
Well if I wrote Cat as there then that solves a problem
too...kinda. she can sleep by him. Hehehehe
The thing is, I do eventually want Nate and Rebecca to
make up and at least be friends again. I'm just not sure how to get there. And
Nate's muse is soooo chaotic
They will be...but his actions right now aren't helping.
Trent's right about that. Lol
Maybe if he bonds closer to Cat...
Having her there might help, or it might hurt because
he's so deeply affected right now. Because he's madly in love with Trent, but
Cat has a similar mellow energy that he likes, but now he knows she's the
sister of the man he loves. So that really complicates things. Trent doesn't
love Nathaniel as much as Nathaniel loves him, but he does have feelings for
him and he's uncommonly tender for a man, so he's not going to do anything to
make Nathaniel feel like he doesn't care. at least not right now, because to
him, Nathaniel is in crisis and needs help first, scolding later.
I think Nate liked the kink side of it to be honest.
Trent threw Nate around like a rag doll and then licked his blood....Nate loves
it when George hurts him so that's where my mind goes.
That too. Nathaniel even admitted he hates that he liked
what Trent did to him. So part of his self harming could be "get out the
dirty bad thoughts"
All our muses need therapy!
Because George is the only man who will have him, and
because Trent kind of nudged him into giving him a chance, and Nate
misinterpreted it as "give him a chance in bed"
GEORGE (for reference, he looks like this)
"you're acting like a complete nunce!"
"Oh whatya fucking know!! He's against
Trent .... I WONDER WHY!!???"
"He's Lime-Green Jell-O and he can't
even admit it girlfriend!!!"
That's not even how George acts or talks in
"Stand down or get out."
Trent is worried that Rebecca is going to try to force
him to choose, because he can't. As in, he can't choose between the woman he
has loved for his entire adult life and a person who is in pain because of him.
She isn't going to like this situation till it works
itself out but I don't see her forcing Trent to choose. He's just got to
understand that she's gonna have to work this out herself to in her own way....
and if that includes an all night bender one night and one night only... let
her. Lol lol
Not right before a client meeting. And not when he's
already babysitting one person on a bender lol
Oh no...im saving that for when she realizes the hotel
Not a drug bender, a self destruction bender
Trent is stubborn as hell and will push away anyone who
tries to prevent him from making sure Nathaniel is safe and happy, because he
feels like Nathaniel is his personal responsibility after what happened.
She doesn't need a babysitter... though telling Trent or
Cat or Nate to "shush..." playfully while tapping their nose and
giggling is hysterical
Well, again, Trent's personal guilt feelings are in
overdrive right now, so he's going to come off a little extra protective and
I get their feelings...both Trent's and nates to a
degree...but again I wouldn't fall for someone who I claimed raped me. That's
why I'm all confused about Nates mind state. You don't just go from he raped me
and I hate him to omg i love him in a few days time...if at all.
"Hiow goiys!! I gets its but I donts
gets its DERP!!!"
Isn’t it EXCITING?!
Well, yes.
Like, Trent did technically sexually assault Nate. But
also, Nate didn't resist it that much. As in, for Nate, he was curious until
Trent started kissing him, and then he freaked out, because Nate liked it too
much. And then he hated himself for not resisting, and for liking it, and he
did feel like he should hate Trent, and he tried to hate Trent, but underneath
it was this kind of "hmm, what else can that strong man do?" So there
are a lot of complicated feelings there. Whereas, when he thought George had
taken advantage of him, he freaked out entirely, and was unwilling at first to
give George another chance.
I can understand his mindset...I just don't get why he
would think that last part if he supposedly hated it. Hehehe. Lots of
complicated things going on...but they'll figure it out.
He thinks he is supposed to hate it. He doesn't hate
it, he just feels like he should, and he feels guilty that he doesn't. But
there's also the fact that if it was any other man who had done that to him,
Nathaniel might have hated them for it and might not have forgiven them, much
less fallen for them, so he's confused. He doesn't understand why he's fallen
in love with Trent and he doesn't like it, but he feels the way he feels and he
can't change it, and sometimes he acts out. He's not doing it so much to get
Trent's attention, he just doesn't know how to cope, so he's lashing out at
himself because he hates himself for falling in love with a man who 1) molested
him and 2) is taken. And so Trent is like "it's my fault he's like this
and I am not leaving his side until he's stable or until he asks me to go".
They will figure it out. I look forward to it. But its
gonna take a bit for Rebecca to wrap her mind around it all considering she's
still slightly mad at Nate for his last antics and still riding high on her own
anxieties for a bit.
Oh yeah, and she would probably feel like Trent is
choosing someone else over her right now instead of giving her the comfort and
support that she needs. It's going to be hard for him to explain "I'm not
helping him because I'm personally in love with him, I'm helping him because he
needs me specifically to ground him because it's my fault he's in this
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