Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Xigbar flusters Vexen


Xigbar: This is why I'm not allowed in your lab isn't it? But I made a heart shape...

Naminé's Drawing (of Xigbar)


Xigbar: Did Namine do this one?

Marluxia: Yes.

Xigbar: Pretty good.

Marluxia: She put a lot more attention into your ass than I would have thought she would...

Xigbar: Why's that?

Marluxia: You know, she always acts sweet and innocent.

Xigbar: But really draws pornography.

Marluxia: This isn't pornography.

Xigbar: I've seen some of her other drawings.

Marluxia: Oh?

Xigbar: -nods- I'll show you later.

Marluxia: Please do~

Xigbar: It's in my room.

Marluxia: *scampers off to Xigbar's room*

Xaldin, affectionate?


Xigbar: He was quite affectionate believe it or not.

Marluxia: I, um. Don't believe it. But okay!



Xigbar: I did not blush

Marluxia: Really? Because it looks like you blushed.

Xigbar: N-No....I didn't...

Marluxia: You're stammering~

Xigbar: -grumbles.- Quit it....

Marluxia: I'm not doing anything.

Xigbar: I forgot those were on in my room.

Saïx is sweet, actually.


Marluxia What are you doing?



We tried to take a nice photo together for you ...



Oh... because I was just going to say, I thought you hated him.



He tried to kill me swiftly after this.



 But look, he's hugging you! That's so sweet! And his face is so innocent!

...yeah, he definitely wanted to kill you.


XIGBAR -nods-

This lasted for about 10 seconds which is and improvement.



I just want to take him out of the picture and snuggle with him.



I swear he even nuzzled me in this!




Mistaken Identity


Xigbar: I wondered where this still had went to.~

Marluxia: I can't tell who you're with there. Is that Xemnas?

Xigbar: Looks like you, don't you remember?

Marluxia: That looks nothing like me! My bangs are completely different!

Xigbar: I remember us doing this though...

Marluxia: We did do this, but...

Xigbar: But what?

Marluxia: But I can tell you that that isn't me. I think I'd recognise my own face.

Xigbar: Maybe this was Xemnas...

Marluxia: It was probably Xemnas.

Xigbar: Oh yeah....

Xigbar's Mission


Xigbar: What's my mission?

Marluxia: Eat ALL the brownies!

Xigbar: Challenge Accepted.

Let's Make More Pictures


Xigbar: Aw, you actually have one of us

Marluxia: Two, so far.

Xigbar: Just seen the other, who the hell is taking these?

Marluxia: I don't know, but apparently there aren't a lot of us.

Xigbar: We can make more.

Marluxia: Ooh...

Xigbar: Got my camera set up already~

Xigbar/Luxord... noTP?


Xigbar: I lost that hand...

Marluxia: I would say so.

Xigbar: Kept on getting déjà vu too...Felt like it had happened before.

Marluxia: There seem to be more pictures of you and him together.

Xigbar: Alcohol...I blame alcohol...

Xigbar in all his awesomeness


Xigbar: Me in all my awesomeness!

Marluxia: yes!

Xigbar and Xaldin?!


Xigbar: -cough- Ughh.... I thought I hid all my tapes.

Marluxia: You and Xaldin?

Xigbar: Yes....

Marluxia: ...Wow.

Xigbar: It was before you joined...

Marluxia: *chuckles and shakes his head*

Xigbar: I'm not complaining...

Marluxia: I can see that.

Xigbar or Ciel?


Xigbar: You said you wouldn't show anyone this >_>

 Marluxia: To be honest, I thought it was that kid Ciel until I saw the scar.

 Xigbar: Thanks ...

 Marluxia: ^-^

Monday, December 16, 2013

I'd Shank It


Averna: I'd shank it.

Marluxia: In the Kidney?! 😀

Averna: Sure. 😈

Marluxia: yesssssssssssss

Getting arrested together sounded so much more fun in theory.


Averna: Set the cops on fire, Lea!

Marluxia: Yeah!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

November 29, 2013 | Devilkitty and Saïx

 Devilkitty McDeathydoom, 9:18 p.m.







*rolls over and bats at some string*



-reaches in to pet the kitty-



*grabs Saïx’s arm with his paws*




-lifts the kitty into my arms and hugs-



*prrrrrrrrrrrrrr purr*



-tickles kitty-



*paws at*



-pet- your so fluffy and freakin' adorable









*meows and bats at Saïx’s bangs*



-laughs and grabs my laser pointer and shines it on the wall-



*chases the dot*



-giggles while i move it up a little bit-



*stands on his hind legs and bats*



-quickly shines it on the floor spinning it in a small circle-



*chase!* Mrow!



-stops going in circle- hehe






Are you okay kitty? -worried-






-catches you- Nuuu!! D:






Are you alright?



*licks Saïx’s arm*



-pets- you'll be fine i will never do that again






-hugs tight-






-kisses noes- x3



*licks Saïx’s face* Mrow



-pets softly-



*purrrrrrrs and stretches up for more pettings*



-pets more and more-



*puts his paws on Saïx’s leg and purrrrs*



-scratches ear-






-ruffles fur-






-gets scared- Uh ohs

/end 9:46 p.m.

Friday, April 26, 2013

A Watery Beginning (Crevan and Marlu)

Apr 26 2013, 09:00 PM
Running. That was all he could remember. He was running and running along a grassy peak, why was he running? And more importantly, what or who from? Even now he could not tell. The last thing he saw was water enveloping him, water filling his lungs as he screamed for help. He was swallowed by the ghastly water.

After days, a body washed up onto the shore, red hair dampened to brown and emerald eyes shut to the world. He was like an infant, reborn into the world wet and defenseless. He could not hear or see, or for that matter breathe since he still had the salty liquid still in his lungs.

Marluxia was wandering around the beach, his part of the beach, about to take a nice skinny-dip in the waters, when he found the body. He pursed his lips: This body was on his property, which made it his responsibility.

Was it dead? Marluxia couldn’t tell, but from the way it had washed up, Marluxia assumed it had drowned. Then possibly, it could be saved. There would be a new companion in it for him if he succeeded, and it would be nice to have some company other than his butler and the seamstress he worked for.

Taking a deep breath, he ran briefly through his memory of CPR and performed the steps. Only time would tell if it worked, and if this boy—it seemed like a boy—did not survive, then they’d eat a bit oddly tonight…

Air streamed into his watery lungs, and the pressure on his heart forced the water up. It did not take long for strong arms to grab the males shoulders and push the other away. He turned the other way and vomited all the excess water that had been inside him. Once that grotesque task was done, he laid in the sand, breathing heavily. His emerald eyes staring at the world above as he tried to catch his breath.

Ten five minutes went by before he finally sat up and looked at his savior, "I..I am in your debt, maiden.." of course he would think Marluxia was a girl! That pink shoulder-length hair and those feminine features...It was an obvious and innocent mistake!

Maiden? Marluxia raised a finely-groomed pink brow. Well, he supposed it was his own fault for venturing outside the privacy of his castle in a leather bustier trimmed in green plaid and matching kilt.
"...My name is Marluxia," he said simply, letting his low vocal pitch speak for itself. "Would you like to come back to my castle for some refreshments and clean, dry clothes?"

He admired the boy's appearance for a moment. He didn't have a bad build. What had he been doing in the ocean? Marluxia had a feeling it hadn't entirely been by choice.

His eyes widened, a slight. Blush tainting his cheeks as he heard the deep voice of an obvious male, "My apologies.. You are as beautiful as a woman so I merely assumed..." He stood up on weak legs and bowed,"Crevan Crepsley...At your service dear Marluxia."

Emerald eyes bored holes into the males, a warm smile on his face. He was of a slim build, hiding his muscular physique. e was completely soaked, no shoes and a weak demeanor about him made it alittle obvious he was starving aswell.

Crevan watched the male as he noticed the change. He shook his head at the offer and looked around, finding a long stick and picked it up, "Ah..I am alright...My pride is too great to allow myself to be carried by anyone." He supported himself on the stick and walked to the male with the extra support, his smile still there, "If you can cook good tasting food, I do not care what it is!" He laughed, acting like he never was in danger in the first place.

"Of course I can cook good-tasting food. I have an extensive herb garden and lots of fresh meat." Marluxia licked his lips just thinking about it. He started back to the castle at a slow pace, making small talk with Crevan as they traipsed through the sand.

He finally got around to asking what he'd wanted to ask. "How did you come to be on the beach?" He tried to put it delicately.

Crevan noticed the way the other was already salivating at the mouth at the mention of good food. He chuckled and quickened his pace slightly so they were not walking too slow for his new companion. He enjoyed their small talk, be tried hard to keep certain things from this man,"Uhm... I was being chased and ran off of a cliff...apparently kissings someone's husband on their honeymoon is a /really/ bad thing to do.. Especially when that person suddenly becomes a prince..." He did not lie about that, but he had a feeling he had to lie about his past and such to keep himself from being thrown out of this mans home, "Not my fault he swung that way and I was drunk..."

Marluxia's face darkened. He had his own bad memories of rivals absconding with the man he loved or, if he was going to be less dramatic, at least sending him away on ridiculously long 'missions' so that he and Marluxia had no contact... But then, he thought, this man's behaviour had nothing to do with /him/. Marluxia had no reason to be pre-emptively jealous.

"Well, perhaps next time you'll wait until the bride isn't looking" was all he said, trying to make light of it. "Just don't kiss my Saïx and we're fine. Though I doubt you'd have the chance. He doesn't even know about this place..."

Marluxia trailed off, biting his lip. He hadn't heard from Saïx since last May. Saïx had taken him on an impromptu picnic at the Altar of Naught the second he'd gotten home and had been about to ask him something-- probably something important, Marluxia thought indignantly-- when Xemnas had called him away for YET ANOTHER mission, and Marluxia hadn't seen him since.

"Well, anyway, he's got long blue hair and an X-shaped scar across his face, and if you kiss him, I will personally blow your soul to smithereens," the pinket said fiercely, then regained his composure. "But since I don't think that will happen, you may stay in my castle as long as you wish. I could really use the company."

Crevan blinked and stared at the male as the pinket explained everything. He chuckled and shook his head, "You mistake me for a drunken harlot. I only kissed that prince because he kissed me. If I saw your Saix, I would not wait til your back was turned, I would shove him into you and wink!" He laughed, but that was soon cut short as he tripped and fell, gasping slightly in pain.

"I like the way you think," said Marluxia, brightening instantly. He caught Crevan by the waist. "Careful. I don't think your legs are up to full strength yet," he half-scolded. "I tend to be a bit vicariously possessive, so I view everyone as a drunken harlot, if that makes sense. Now, I know you won't let me carry you, but I feel I should at least support you a bit."

He felt that slim yet strong arm slip around his waist and somehow support him, "Ah..Perhaps you are right...And I understand fully since I know the feeling of wanting to posses a single person as my own. I vow never to come between you two." He stood carefully, supporting himself on the stick as he looked at the male, "I can tell you so many stories, Marluxia...Can we change the subject to a more cheery note?"

Possess? Marluxia started to frown, but then realised that Crevan was right. Yes. He did want Saïx all to himself. He missed him.

"Well, I do have a Mini-Saïx, a tiny clone he gave me a while back. It's the cutest thing. He likes to model the tiny clothes that my boss, Irina, and I make for him, and I spoil him to pieces. Usually I carry him around in my pocket, but I won't risk venturing so close to the water with him because I don't know what I'd do if I lost him. He gets along well with Irina's Dusks-- er, assistant-like creatures-- and he might sit on your shoulder when we get back to the castle. Well, he also might try to steal some of your food, the little scamp. I do spoil him so." Marluxia sighed fondly.

"Now it's your turn. Tell me something cheery."

Crevan blinked and looked at the male, trying to think of a good and cheery think to lighten the males mood, "Cheery? How about once we go inside I tie cheese to string and have your mini Saix go after it cutely? Is that good enough? Or would you like to hear a scandalous tale about two pirates?"

Marluxia smiled. "I usually use doughnut holes," he said. "Oh, but tell me about the pirates! That sounds fascinating!" His mood already brightened, he turned slightly, careful not to quicken his pace too much in his newfound levity or squeeze Crevan around the waist.

He smirked and nodded, looking up as he tried to recall the tale before starting, "Believe it or not, but this was not my first tine washing up on a shore. I washed up near a massive ship and taken aboard by a crew, but two men were stationed to watch me as I recovered. When I woke up, they did not want to even touch me because of my strange and sudden appearance by the ship. It was quite funny when I scared them by waking up so suddenly!"

"Yes... I've heard pirates are rather superstitious," said Marluxia. "So, did you kiss the pirates too?" he asked, attempting a joke, though it probably didn't come out as such, as his head was a bit woozy.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Kotomine's Advice (Kotomine x Marluxia)


Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. It's been... quite a while... since my last confession. Though truthfully, I come not for forgiveness, but for advice. I'm trying to usurp the position of my boss, who is trying to take over the worlds and become a god. What would you suggest I do?


I see that you like to got straight into the subject. Very well, let us leave away formalities for the present. I will answer your question, with a question of my own. What do you want to do? Would you do, anything to take that boss’ place? If yes, then you already have your answer. Otherwise, it seems you have come to a crossroad. What, are you prepared to do for that? I suppose it is connected to your relationship with that boss of yours. Yes, tell me about that.


"My relationship with my Superior... Well, I find him attractive, but he's horribly inadequate as a leader, and he doesn't seem to appreciate my flirtations, so I have no use for him." He paused and licked his lips briefly. "You asked what I want to do," the Nobody continued. "I want to take Xemnas's place, because I'm certain I can be a better leader than he is. Yes... I believe I would do anything, but my mind is rather lacking in ideas at the moment, which is why I came to you. Rumour has it that you have beings who might be able to help. 'Servants', I believe they're called. Do you think I might borrow one for my venture?"


“Everything then. Such a wonderful word. So, in short, you wish to kill him. I could lent you a dog, I.. acquired from a friend. But, are you sure, you won’t regret killing him?”


"I'm certain I won't regret killing him. I literally haven't the heart to care," Marluxia responded, taking one of the priest's hands and pressing it to his hollow chest to confirm his words. "We are Nobodies, which means that we do not have hearts. We are incapable of guilt or remorse, and regret only that which prevents us from attaining our goals."


The priest’s eyes opened wide at that explanation. He was no different himself. His heart had been destroyed by Kiritsugu’s gun, 10 years ago. It was only the black mud of the Holy Grail that somehow sustained his body and he continued to live after that. Of course such a thing produces no heartbeat. And such an existence was not entirely human like. Perhaps those beings, were no much different than him as well. He said they do not ‘care’. Something that described his thoughts from a young age. Maybe he was...

-After realizing he had not talked for almost a whole minute, he forcibly regained his composure-

“I see. Then I have to ask. What exactly drives you? With no emotion, you shouldn’t have a goal or a desire. How do you define your existence? I must have the answer. If you must know why, then allow me to return your gesture.”

And the priest took one of the strange visitor’s hands and placed them on /his/ chest.


Marluxia had been watching the priest’s face, waiting for him to speak. He’d been just about to leave when the other had finally opened his mouth. But the question surprised him so much that it took Marluxia himself almost a minute to answer. ”What… drives us?” he repeated. “We want our hearts back so that we can feel again.” But as he said them, he realised his words did not make sense. He bowed. “Forgive me. It was Xemnas who told us we cannot feel. He has thereby made us dependent on him.”

He paused and looked up at Kotomine, for the man was slightly taller than himself. ”I have found,” he said slowly, choosing his words carefully, “that we are able to feel only the most selfish of emotions, like rage, for example. We become angry when something that is ‘ours’ is taken from us, or when we are prevented from doing what we want. I myself have become frustrated with Xemnas’s subversions; otherwise, you’re quite right— I wouldn’t have the desire to overcome him.” He licked his lips subconsciously, indicating that that last sentence was a bit of a double entendre.

“We define our existence in that we don’t exist. That’s why we are Nobodies. The members of Organization XIII are ‘higher Nobodies,’ whereas our faceless assistants, Dusks, are ‘lower Nobodies’. We higher Nobodies had strong hearts and thus retained our appearances and personalities after we died. We are undead.”

Blue eyes widened as Marluxia sensed the vortex behind Kotomine’s ribs, where his heart should be. And yet, he wasn’t sure if he’d classify this man as a Nobody. He may not be quite human, but surely if Xemnas had known about a man such as this, he would have been recruited into the Organization.


“Hmph.” A smirk momentarily appeared on the priests lips. Thinking that the other party, could perhaps feel mocked at the notion, he quickly offered an explanation. “Ah, apologies for that short interval. But to think that someone would voluntarily register himself as an undead, to a member of the Holy Church is unthinkable. Our very foundation rests on exterminating vampires and other monsters that defy reason, so if you have said that to someone other than me, this place would have immediately turned to a battlefield.”

And then he started registering the man’s words to his mind. So basically, they act as if they have no soul. But they still possess their mind, so they can decide what they want with means other than what pleases them. An example would be that if someone, used to neglect work to watch his favorite TV program, after turning into a heartless he would probably dedicate more time for his work in order to yield better results, more money, etc. Practicality over sentimentality. At least the way, he said it. The priest started to wonder how that Xemnas thought of this, or if someone higher in their hierarchy existed, what he or she thought about their condition.

“There is one thing I fail to understand though. Are there disadvantages in being as you are now? Why would you wish for your heart back? In retrospect, I can’t think why you wouldn’t, seeing as it was once yours, and you want what you lost/was taken from you. But isn’t more advantageous for you to be like that? Though I suppose, you could have some disadvantages that you could be hiding from someone like me, in which case, I suppose it doesn’t matter.” He was going to ask for more, but a glimpse of the man’s eyes seemed dangerous for just a second. Usually, Kotomine wouldn’t pay it any mind, but the former executor’s instincts, told him, that caution would be necessary while dealing with..Nobodies.


Marluxia merely smiled at Kotomine’s taunting.

“Well, to think that a Nobody such as myself would ever set foot in a holy church and ask a priest for advice is similarly unthinkable. I’m surprised I didn’t catch fire the second I set foot in here. And, of course, Xemnas would consider a man such as you a heretic, but then, he’s a cult leader, so that’s perhaps understandable.” He tilted his head. ”Come to think of it, you must be a very evil man,” he said thoughtfully. “Xemnas would probably like you, despite the fact that you’re a priest. He is our leader, and there is no-one above him, but he’s opposed by a group of children with a particular weapon against which we are, sadly, vulnerable.” Marluxia pursed his lips. ”I had a plan to capture the strongest of them and use him as our puppet, but something tells me that plan might fall through, and a plan that is not absolutely to my advantage is thusly unacceptable.”

He thought about Kotomine’s question for a moment.

“Well… We want our hearts back so that we can feel again, and so that we can find some enjoyment in life. It is hollow without a heart. Surely you must know that too?” he asked, voicing his assumption.

Hmm… Something gave him pause. Was it really more advantageous to be a Nobody? If they had their hearts back, they’d have consciences as well, and they might begin to regret all their evil deeds. That would be inconvenient. But then, once all that pesky guilt went away, they might actually be able to enjoy life again…! To love, to experience pleasure that wasn’t strictly physical! That was what Marluxia looked forward to.

He decided to ask, just to make sure. ”Would you say that there are more advantages than disadvantages in being literally heartless?” That little smirk was upon his face as he asked his nonetheless sincere question.


“I think, it is probably more rewarding in a practical sort of sense.”

The priest took a few seconds to phrase it correctly.

“I believe, that emotions, even though they might provide all sorts of positive feelings, are not actually as perfect as most people make them out to be. My most powerful enemy, was a man who locked away his emotions. It was thank to that, that he managed to calculate every enemy’s skills and weaknesses and prepare accordingly so that he could acquire complete and total victory. I lost to that man despite me being stronger altogether. And he is probably not the only person who resorts to that kind of treatment (regarding his/her emotions) so that he could live life the way he wanted to.”

“After all, there are also the bad emotions, sadness, despair. Just a while ago, I had to help someone rethink about suicide. Without emotions, cruel and unproductive thoughts like these, are no more.”

“As for your previous statement, I’ll take the description of ‘evil’ as a compliment. Only my nemesis has called me that.”


Hmm… Then was Kotomine saying that emotions only got in the way?

“Yes…” Marluxia acknowledged Kotomine’s example with a slight nod. “But he /chose/ to lock his emotions away. We, meaning Organization XIII, didn’t have a choice in the matter. It took us by surprise.” Well, he didn’t know that Xemnas and five other members had chosen to thrust away their own hearts for a dangerous experiment, but if he had, his stance probably wouldn’t have changed.

He tilted his head again. ”Well, I think some of us do feel despair. We feel selfish things, as I said, but we do not feel proper joy or contentment. I believe most of us miss that feeling. You do have a point in that none of us are suicidal, but there are a few who rush headlong into battle without thinking. Well, except for the keyblade and some of each others’ powers, we are nearly invulnerable.”

His smile, which had disappeared momentarily, returned and even brightened. ”You are a very practical man, then, to accept ‘evil’ as a compliment. It is only the self-righteous and, dare I say ‘whiny’, who reject such a description.”


“I would be interesting into the details as to how someone gets like that. It would, perhaps help me unveil the truth of a question that haunts me, all my life. But, from what I understand, you are in a hurry, correct?”

Kotomine pondered a bit. Giving away Lancer for a bit, shouldn’t be a hassle. He could call him back him wherever he want, and he could use their connection of Master-Servant to look things through Lancer’s eyes, and get a better understanding of the Heartless, and this mysterious organization, even if he didn’t get to meet them himself.

“I suppose, that extremely happy people, would be in total agony, having lost the ability to feel that kind of emotion forever. So in a way, you might be right. Perhaps, being a Nobody suits some, and is a different kind of despair for others. As for the evil? It’s not like one adjective can paint the whole picture of a person, so the more we get, the closer we come to understanding ourselves. Surely, that is a reason to rejoice, no?”


The details of how someone gets like that… Marluxia lowered his eyes. ”It was an attack by creatures called ‘Heartless’ in a particular group of worlds,” he said quietly. ”They attack defenseless humans and steal their hearts. That’s actually why the Keybladers exist— to oppose the Heartless— but it seems that they view us Nobodies as evil as well, so they oppose us too.”

He looked up again. ”Every day, Xemnas comes closer and closer to complete world domination, and the rest of us come no closer to getting our hearts back. Yes, time is a factor, but I’m also rather impatient,” he admitted.

Something else Kotomine said made Marluxia frown. ”Well, Demyx, another member of the Organization, doesn’t seem to be too bothered. He must have been a very happy person in life. He insists that we still have hearts, but he’s the only one who still thinks so. It does make sense that being a Nobody suits some of us, like Xaldin and Vexen, for example. Xaldin seems to think humans are foolish, and Vexen’s only interested in science.” He paused. ”…This is paradoxical, but Xemnas’s second-in-command, Saïx, is as emotionless as we come, and yet he seems to want his heart back the most.”

Marluxia smiled again. He liked Kotomine’s use of the word ‘rejoice’, especially since he himself had had so little reason to do so lately. ”Yes. I suppose you’re right,” he agreed amenably. ”And it’s certainly true that ‘evil’ is not necessarily incompatible with other adjectives. Tell me, Father, how far have you come in understanding yourself?”

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

I Found Your Heart - Marluxia/Saïx

Begun Wed, Jan 2, 2013; 6.43 PM

Marluxia had been keeping the heart that he’d rescued from Kingdom Hearts safe. He’d grown it into a small plant, watered it every day, and was keeping it for its true owner.

“Saïx,” he whispered into the night. He’d bought a seaside castle in London and stayed there most nights instead of in the Organization’s castles. He figured Saïx would be busy with paperwork and such. But he wanted to share this with him—no. He wanted to give Saïx his heart back. But the danger was, Xemnas couldn’t find out about it. Marluxia had always planned to betray their boss, and he knew of Saïx’s plans to do the same, but these things had to be done carefully.

Still, Marluxia whispered his lover’s name into the night, idly wondering if the berserker could hear him calling out from England to The World That Never Was.

Saïx, sitting in a cold room, sighed in desperation for something entertaining. The piles of work stared into his soul; he decided to procrastinate. He didn’t feel like reviewing all these papers, and actually considered finishing all the work the next day, but he figured he’d be stuck with twice the work. He sighed once more and got up to close the window, which had been making the room cold. Saïx stared into the cold night sky as a breeze flowed into the room, and shifted the man’s long blue hair. Thoughts of Marluxia came into his heads constantly, especially when he’s alone in his thinking time. He hasn’t seen the man for a while, and he wondered where he had been. He knew not to think too much of it, because he knew that Marluxia was okay, probably just trying to distance himself from the castle.

Marluxia shook back his hair and sighed. It was a foolish thought. Of course someone literally worlds away wouldn’t be able to hear him.

As he was shaking his head at himself, he heard the grandfather clock toll. It was late, he realized. Late enough that Saïx would probably be heading to bed. Surely going to watch him sleep just this once wouldn’t do any harm, he thought as he opened a dark portal to the Castle That Never Was, right next to Saïx’s bed. He was surprised to find the bed empty. Maybe Saïx hadn’t gone to bed yet, or maybe he was sleeping in another room. Not someone else’s room, Marluxia hoped jealously. After a moment’s hesitation—was it safe to bring out such a thing?—he reached through a portal and gently pulled out the night-blooming blue rose he’d been raising from Saïx’s heart. He set the flower on Saïx’s bedside table and sat down on the bed to wait.

Saïx tossed the folders of finished work aside, got up and stretched. “Finally,” he said quietly to himself as he looked at the clock, then left the cold office. He yawned repeatedly on the way to his room. He opened the door slowly and entered. “Huh?” He looked up at the man that he’d been waiting to see. “Marluxia…” Saïx said softly as he closed the door behind him and walked up to him. He smiled faintly and gave Marluxia a deep kiss. “Where have you been?” he asked, not as cold as he was in the office.

Marluxia stirred at the sound of his name. Saïx was back! He stood, pressing himself against the other and enjoying the sweet, deep kiss he received. He kissed back; he’d missed the taste of Saïx.

“I bought a new home, one without Xemnas in it,” he explained. “It’s in another world, but Larxene’s keeping a canary that can lead you there, or we could go together next time we both have some time off. And look, I got you something-- ” He indicated the plant, but then grew solemn. “You can’t tell anyone about it. Especially not Xemans.”

Saïx listened closely to what the other was saying, while staring with astonishment into what he had brought him. “That’s actually a good idea.” Saïx had never thought about staying someplace else—which would be nice to get away from everyone he cannot put up with in the castle. The plant was so beautiful to Saïx; he couldn’t stop staring at it. Then the fact that he was extremely tired hit him again. “I won’t tell anyone.” Saïx gave Marluxia a warm smile and softly grabbed his hand.

Marluxia squeezed Saïx’s hand. “You’re certainly welcome to visit Castle Ennui anytime you like,” he murmured. “And… the root system of the flower is your—I mean, Isa’s heart. I rescued it from Kingdom Hearts for you. I just think Xemnas isn’t interested in getting our hearts back, so he might kill you if he finds out. And, Saïx, when I touched it…” He reached into the flowerpot and gently touched one of the roots, suddenly sprouting fluffy white angel wings. “You bring out the best in me. I hope you know that.”

Saïx always knew that Xemnas wasn’t a true leader, but he never really thought about it. “Isa…” He hadn’t heard that name in quite a while. Saïx felt so… special to have someone do something so significant for him. “Was it complicated? Getting the heart back?” Saïx smiled in the happiness that he couldn’t feel, leaned over to Marluxia, and kissed him once more. He stopped himself for a second—“I can’t believe you got it back!”—then continued kissing the man.

“It wasn’t particularly difficult, no… I’m not sure exactly how I got to Kingdom Hearts, but, er… once I got there, it just called out to me. Is that odd?”

He beamed at the tender kisses, nestling into Saïx and kissing him back. He had dearly missed the man’s touch. “I can extract the heart from the root system and try to reintegrate it into your body, if you’d like,” he offered. ‘We can move away from the Organization, to a world Xemnas will never find. We can make new friends and… well, I have more than enough munny from the businesses I run, but if you’d like to work, we can work together.” His blue eyes shone with hope and excitement.

“Yes… all of that sounds wonderful. Saïx was so grateful for Marluxia; he had never had anyone like him before. He was actually looking forward to living with Marluxia, and not having to deal with everyone else he can hardly put up with. Saïx’s smile did not fade away. He had missed the man’s warm touch against his cold skin. He looked at the clock across the room and then realized how worn-out his mind was.

“I’m pleased to hear that,” Marluxia purred, kissing Saïx’s neck. “It’s rather late, so perhaps we should get some sleep. I’ll take you out for breakfast tea tomorrow. We should be back before Xemnas can make a fuss about it.” He wrinkled his nose at Xemnas’s name, making his distaste for their boss obvious. “I plan to steal you away as much as I can,” he purred. “You can bring along your paperwork, too, and I’ll help with it as I did before our vacation.”

“Yes, if I stay up any longer, I’m positive my brain cells will stop functioning.” He was glad that his room was warm. Saïx hated being cold, especially because the world he spent most of his time in was always freezing. “You’re planning on sleeping here, correct?” he asked, hoping he would after not seeing his dear lover for days.

“Of course I’m sleeping here,” said Marluxia, smiling. “I missed you far too much to pass up an opportunity in your arms.” His smile became a smirk as he slipped off what he was wearing and slid under the covers, sassily patting the empty space next to him as an invitation for Saïx to join him.

Marluxia sleeping here with him enlightened his tired and worn-out mood. ((-clothes)) Saïx slid under the covers with the warm man. He smiled with relief knowing that he actually made it through all his work without passing out. He moved closer to Marluxia, smiled, and kissed his nose softly.

Marluxia smiled and wrapped an arm around Saïx, pulling the sexy berserker closer to him until their bodies pressed flush against each other. “Hello,” he purred.