Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 13, 2021 | Side chat x RP with Bex

 Previously, in Side Chat…


FAUSTUS, November 12 at 10:40 p.m.

of course I'd mourn, you airhead. What sort of heartless creature do you take me for.



NATHANIEL, today at 9:41 a.m.

um, the dev-- the other devil's high priest?


SIGYN, 10:14 a.m.

[snip baby video]

(11:12 a.m.)

(1:15 p.m.)

[snip baby video]

(3:10 p.m.)

I missed the hot barrrr

Mac and cheese, barbecue turkey meatballs, roasted butternut squash with cranberries, popcorn chicken, and herb-roasted potatoes



hey hun, sorry about today. Things got crazy again and I finally found a chance to sit down again. Lol

How are you tonight? Gosh, that looks good! πŸ˜›



In food heaven

I went to Whole Foods for kefir and butter, and came out with so many bags I need the bus



Wow! Sounds like a haul to me! πŸ˜ƒ



Also live jazz




I love it when people do things like that. So much talent




You're... terrified of her?


She did push him off a roof.


But guys, that's in the PAST!


If everything that happened in the past was no longer valid in the present, PTSD wouldn't exist.


I really need to get back online again. lol this watching Rhett all day/every day is hard to find time to do so. come onnnnnn tuesday!! Hehehe



*care emoji*



 .... Well, I'm not heartless. I wouldn't have married her if I didn't love her, now, would I?



 I don't know....would you have? (asks nonchalantly)






 No, he just said he liked Power...what could add more to his base then a witch with the power to control the flame?



 Please. Admin has a muse from another continuity who's a fire demigod.

If it was only power I was after, I'd have married him.



 We are NOT bringing Illybrius in. He's a hot fucking mess. Not in a good way.



Gee, thanks.







Why is that “eww”?



//I have to show you my show at some point, everyone's a fucking disaster

//N/T/S have some of the issues of the cast there as well, but on a much tamer level



I think you may have shown me snippets at first. Hehehe



//yeah probably

You're probably in the dedicated group



He did text me some pictures of his wife I'd rather not have seen, but she looked quite peaceful.



Everyone looks peaceful when they're asleep.



I did not intend to use the Share function. My mistake.



He what? 

*blushes and chuckles*



When she goes high, she's certainly singing in... a key... I just don't know if it's the key she's intending to sing in



oh gosh, I hear it. Noooooo



He took lewd pictures of you after you fell asleep

You know that saying about how girl parts before sex looks like a perfect flower and afterwards like a bulldog eating mayonnaise?

You were the bulldog.


NATE chokes on his light beer



//oh no she's doing vocalizations and she... Definitely has confidence

//rapid key changes similar to yodeling but... Sharp


FREYA makes a face and blushes

Oh. My......



// ouch...



//I know I prefer to sing in the minor key and need to focus to have breath control BUT THAT'S WHY I DONT PERFORM IN LIVE SHOWS



// I can't either...not yet anyway. lol so I feel yea



//I want to sing with you again tho



yes yes yes yesz yes!



yeeeaaah. He's very proud.



You looked slightly chapped, though. You should moisturize after you clean up from now on



Why... were you looking that closely



You know how when you're driving and there's a pileup on the side of the road, and no one can help themselves from looking at it?



Wow....compared to a....I don't even want to know how or why that happened.




 Nor hear about it. overshare much you guys? (teases) πŸ˜›


First they're undersharing, then they're oversharing! You're never happy πŸ˜†



 I'm saying the fact that Faustus sent nudes to Luci in the first place is fucked up

I was so shocked I couldn't help but look. You know, like a car crash



He said it was an accident... 

*looks over at him with squinted eyes* 

Was it?


Careful, if you make that face too much, it'll get stuck that way.


There's no scientific basis for that.


No, I mean, I know someone who can curse her face to get stuck that way if she keeps making it.



Sending the pictures? Yes.


BEX, 4:05 p.m.

doing a live vid lol


SIGYN, 4:10 p.m.

Catching up now. What a wacky boy



he is so odd. Lol



Lucius does the same

With his chair

So I brought up half the groceries. Having Loki bring up the other half so the oils in the roasted food can protest against my system



ouch, take care of yourself. ♥

I am being driven mad again tonight. lol little minx knows what he does is wrong, and then runs away with his hands over his butt or comes to butter me up. Lol



YEP sounds like a toddler

Lucius got into my Christmas cards and I'ma explain in a sec

So I bought this book package of Christmas cards from the Dollar tree, because the only way that you can order things online from the Dollar tree is in bulk. So I have basically a couple hundred or maybe just one hundred Christmas cards all organized very neatly into little packs of I think 10... So okay yeah definitely more than 100

So I bought this book package of Christmas cards from the Dollar tree, because the only way that you can order things online from the Dollar tree is in bulk. So I have basically a couple hundred or maybe just one hundred Christmas cards all organized very neatly into little packs of I think 10... So okay yeah definitely more than 100

So Lucius got into my card collection and just scattered them everywhere and I didn't notice it because the living room is always a mess until there was something loading on a video game Loki and I were playing together and I took a closer look and I was like MY CARDS! GOD DAMN IT LUCIUS! (He was napping in another room)



Rhett has figured out how to get into his clothes drawer....and there are clothes ALL over his room and leading into the living room!



The box has now been baby-proof didn't shelves to under the table closest to the wall so he can't get to them anymore but yeah i was like GODDAMMIT LUCIUS I HATE THAT FUCKING BABY

in a few minutes Lucius is gonna be up and I'm gonna video call you so the boys can talk


[9-minute video chat ending at 4:41 p.m.]

[snip a whole bunch of WIP pics]


SIGYN, 11:40 p.m.

hey πŸ˜ƒ i'm glad you had a good time out! i know it's super late & sorry for all the spam lol I just got really excited about this until I remembered... I CAN'T DRAW

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