Wednesday, November 17, 2021

November 17, 2021 - Freya's Cat


"Freya, are you buying Faustus a new cat?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, our eyes match and I just had to get him. It goes with our other demon kitty." Freya giggles softly.

"We have another demon kitty?" asked Faustus.

"Yes Love. The one that is trying to eat the heart in the pic. That's our first kitty and she needed a Mate." Freya giggles softly.

"Tsk. Does everybody need a mate? The Academy will be overrun with kittens. Who's going to take care of them?" ~Faustus

"I will....and some of the students have said something about wanting a demon cat, and with their parents permission, why not?" ~Freya

"You're going to take care of two adult cats and the litters of kittens they produce. Have you any idea the mess multiple kittens can make before they're litter-box trained?" ~Faustus

Tsk, tsk Love. You act as if I haven't done this before." Freya giggled softly as she playfully patted his cheek. "Cats are smarter then you think...even more so demon cats."

"I, too, have cared for kittens," Faustus said. "When you have more than three in the house, they make an awful mess, absolutely everywhere, they get into everything-- they're rather a lot like babies, except that you can diaper a baby."

"Point of interest: You can also diaper a cat. An adult cat. I don't know if they make diapers for kittens. They do make formula for kittens, though." ~Sebastian

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