Tuesday, November 23, 2021

November 23, 2021 | Side chat x RP with Bex

 SIGYN, 8:48 a.m.

Hiiii 😃



Hey Xander? How come you'll sleep with Sebastian and Trent but not with me?



omg really? You've slept with every other man here besides Xander and Hoofs McKenzie.


NATE shrugs



 ...and me.



You're not a man, you're a Maus.


(9:56 a.m.) NATE stretches and rolls over into George 🥰



(11:17 a.m.) [snip baby video]

(12:29 p.m.)

[4-minute video chat ending at 12:33 p.m.]



bold words from the man who has slept with everyone here aside from my DL.



 Not everyone. Just the men.


NATE nips George's ear


XANDER looks over at Nate and his eyes furrow slightly

Because I am not all that interested in you, no offence. Bash is because he is my Bonded and I genuinely care for him. Trent...started out as a challenge and it was just fun...but..he is growing on me. 



GEORGE chuckles and hugs Nate tight and kisses him silly



Oh, okay. 

*Kisses George back, smiling*

 Hey, love


TRENT cuddles up with Rebecca



Hello handsome. How are you today?



REBECCA smiles and cuddling with her beloved

 Morning handsome.

 *kisses him*



Eh. I'm better now that you're here 🥰 Apparently these two 

*motions to Sebastian* 

are thinking about getting a divorce.



 There's nothing contentious. He just thinks I don't need him anymore.


TRENT nuzzles her

We just saw a pickup truck that said BLACKWOOD across the back, so that's funny too.




*sits up and looks at Bash* 

What's going on?



He doesn't. He has Xander when his admin is here and Trent when she isn't.


XANDER sputters at hearing his name being called on this

But--but you are his husband! I would never seek to take that title away from you or take your place, no matter how much I love Bash.



It's all right. The deal was that I'd be with him until he no longer needed me. At the time I assumed it would be until Trent accepted him. Now he has Trent and you.



 But I don't want to get divorced. Is this because of Blackwood?


FREYA looks up

Yea, shouldn't let that derail you either....



 But...Bash doesn't handle rejection well and you know this....and I know he loves you still.



 I mean, I get it... Your best friend hates me, surely that's not easy--



 Mazikeen is my best friend.



 what are we missing? Whose best friend hates Bash?



 ... Maze, still? Not Blackwood?


MAZE scoffs



No. He's a good friend, certainly, but that's all.



 Is a divorce really what you want? 🥺



 Isn't it what you want?






Oh. Well. That's a relief.


REBECCA looking back and forth

 I am so confused...


CAT snickers



Yeah, so am I!

*curls up in Luci's lap and gestures for Xander to join them*



Perhaps you two should spend some time together and actually talk about this. There has to be a reason why Luci thinks you don't need him anymore...


1:00 p.m.


XANDER goes and kisses Bash's forehead and smiles faintly, before moving back to his seat

 I concurr with Rebecca...you two, together, need to talk this out. Without me... but I am still here...so don't worry.






 It's not a bad thing. Just Luci might be feeling a little left out to suggest such a thing. Not saying he does....but still....you guys go talk


SEBASTIAN turns his back on the group and curls himself up tighter in Luci's lap

I've said all I need to say. I don't want a divorce. I don't want to leave you.



I mean...valid. but still...underlaying issues if Luci suggested it. (says softly)



Speaking of which, Rebecca, are you happy?


REBECCA looks up at Trent

Yes, I am....why?



 I suggested it because I thought I might be extraneous. It was always going to be up to you, my love.



Oh. I was keeping a bit of distance because I didn't want you to feel like you had to choose between being married to me and being friends with Blackwood.



Because I don't want to have to have that kind of discussion, where one of us thinks the other is unhappy and it's never addressed.



Why would being friends with my husband be any part of your guys's marriage?



There were a few bumps in the road...but I think we addressed them, didn't we? (she asked softly)

 I mean...sharing isn't exactly easy for me at times, even now....but I make it work cause I love you.


SIGYN, 2:00 p.m.

//fucccccc Messenger just started skitzing out

//just now got it back online



Because his jealousy of me makes Lucifer uncomfortable and I just figured I should stay out of the way so Lucifer doesn't feel like he has to choose.



That's ridiculous. If he felt like he had to choose, obviously he would choose our brilliant and adorable Bashie 🥰



 He doesn't call me that, but yes.

I just don't want him in that position.



I love you too. I don't know what I'd do without you, or our little bug, or my Bashie.


SIGYN, 2:31 p.m.

(2:53 p.m.)


I saw that one and died



the other cheerleaders were constantly annoyed with him for shit like this but I loved it



// yea messenger has been doing that me for days now. All of a sudden go crazy with like a million beings when we have already been chatting. Lol



//no because like I would open it and it would just close itself and not let me see my messages



Yea it does that too to me. Even more so if i wanted to send a vid or pic to you. I'd have to go thru the actual app. Bleh




I just got a BB kiss


3:00 p.m.



has he told Faustus that? (curious) 

like actually sat the man down and said...hey...STOP! 


cause my husband isn't always bright at times and can be very stubborn



I'm trying to get Rhett to eat so we can go see Santa. The aquarium is doing a scuba Santa and then a story time.



Perhaps I should try that, yes.



I know I can't stand it when Rebecca and Sebastian fight, but it's different for Lucifer because he's not seeing them both



Sounds fun!



sounds horrifying



 I really don't want to fight with Bash to be honest. (says softly) 

it causes unnecessary hardship for us all and I would like to be able to reach a point where we might actually be...friends..



 Give me another 11 years and I'll think about it (he teases)


(4:15 p.m.) TRENT snuggles up with Sebastian and Luci

I love you both. I don't understand why you won't get along with her, Sebastian.



 If you're friendly with her, it'll make it easier on Trent (he says coaxingly)


[SNIP personal parenting discussion]



(4:51 p.m.) sorry, speaking of fits...Rhett is having one cause moms mood went downhill. Why things should cost money this year that didn't last year really upsets me.



The Santa thing cost?



I was going to take Rhett to see santa again at the aquarium cause they were doing storytime, and stuff for kids. I registered on FB and all cause it was in the events pages. We got there, Rhett was excited...but turns out that it costs money this year to do so and I didn't have it so when he saw we were leaving, he cried....I still feel terrible...



That's fucked up

They should have announced on the page that it would cost


[8-minute video chat ending at 5:14 p.m.]


BEX, 5:30 p.m.

Gonna hop in shower really fast now that ruetts down. Brb


(6:26 p.m.) SEBASTIAN clinging to his boys


SIGYN, 6:50 p.m.

So something fucked up just happened

Loki came in to cuddle and said he will cuddle me to make me feel better but then implied he is thinking of leaving because "we are disgusted with each other". I asked if he's disgusted with me and he said "not really but you're disgusted with me". I didn't say anything then he said he's going to "make a decision" on what to do, implying he might leave me (he's done this before) and that he is losing interest in me. I asked why and he said because I'm losing interest in him. I said I'm not, I give him hugs and kisses all the time. He said that means nothing. Then he said again that he's cuddling with me to make me feel better and that he's going to treat cuddling like I treat sex, like it's something to appease me but doesn't mean anything to him.



Wait...WHAT!? 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

Oh hun, you so don't need that type of person or attitude in your life. Not if he is going to blame everything on you.

Cuddling to please you?! What type of BS is that!



He also said that he's stopped making sexual comments and stopped groping me like.... okay? congrats for average behavior?




I mean...



I don't care if he leaves but I don't want him to take the baby.



*brain skitzs out a second*



Bex, I just found out that not 4 but closer to 8-10 of my friends died within the past few years. I'm still reeling. How am I going to be in the mood after that.



I am losing interest in you cause you are losing interest in me? WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK!



Eh, he's trying to guilt me or panic me into fucking him so he doesn't leave



I am SOOOOOO disappointed in him right now.

No...disappointed isn't even the word

I can't....I just...UGH! He makes me want to throw something....

are YOU ok? *hugs*



Agreed, but I'm not displaying emotion right now because I don't want him using it against me to try to claim I'm an unfit mother



I mean, how are you handling this?



I'm upset but I can't react where he can see it.

[SNIP parenting discussion]

(7:00 p.m.) He's upset that I'm more attracted to "fictional characters" than I am to him



my thoughts stopped again....words...I know them....so mad....he stupid...!!



Bitch at least Trent is nice

Yeah, he does this every so often. I'm disappointed. I thought he'd be more stable after we had a baby but he's lapsing into throwing passive aggressive tantrums when he doesn't get his way.



Oh boo hoo! The key is in the words, you moron! (him) FICTIONAL!!!!

I know not to us...but sheesh



I used to have meltdowns over it, but again, I have to be stable for Lucius.



Honey, men like that...never grow up. I am sorry to say so. They never get stable. Ever. Even with a big responsibility like a child, sure, they'll seem like they will for a few months, but then get right back in their ways.

you deserve BETTER

and honestly, the whole "Come for a visit" here thing is still open!



So, okay.

I need to make sure that if he does walk out, Lucius stays with me. I do not care if Loki is out of the picture, I mean, I might have to rearrange some things with social security but that's a minor hassle compared to this attempt at manipulation.

In order to visit, I need to update some documents with the government and that costs money that I don't currently have, but I am going to get that ball rolling hopefully not too soon after the beginning of the year.



If I can help, let me know. With anything!



I didn't let Loki be part of the pregnancy because I was afraid of shit like this, honestly, and he did step up when I was in the hospital. He was fine for a while and now he's being a dick because he's not getting his wet

I don't actually have a problem with sex as much anymore, but I am NOT rewarding bad behavior



have you told him this? Or talked about it with your therapist?

I totally get you.



I give in "just this once" he's gonna think he can get me to shag him by threatening to leave.

Haha yes

But he denies that's what he's doing



but he is though! That's manipulation as well.



The way my characters argue with your characters when they want to be annoying? That circular bullshit? That is what Loki does.



I'd keep a journal...or try and record whenever you 'argue' or disagree. That way, if things get really ugly and he tries to take Lucius, you have proof that says this is what he did, this is what he said



I have an appointment tomorrow at 2 to speak with my therapist. I texted her all of this.

Well, that's also why I text you and Piffy about it. You're on Messenger and she's on Discord.



screenshots. Hehehe



I have records on two different clients in that case



he's being a royal ass, is what he's being. Ugh!



I agree



I am sorry hun. I wish i could help more.



Thanks, actually, talking about it is a huge help!

He's also acting like I get IBS on purpose to avoid sleeping with him



what! That's.... *calms and breathes*






is he really THAT bad? I mean really...

Sure, I will have a serious problem in my bowels today...lets do that. that sounds like fun!




"ugh you're ALWAYS sick"

"Do you have diarrhea EVERY DAY"

"of COURSE you can't today because your stomach hurts AGAIN"

b i t c h



Life isn't all about sex!

maybe he should see a therapist for that. 😛



He thinks I should mention to my therapist that I have sexual dysfunction

...which I don't.



no, you don't. You can't help it if you don't feel well.



I am hoping she will ask him if there's other ways he can feel close to me without sex.



I just wanna punch him in his big dummie head! 😛






hint at that. tell her you want her to ask that



She probably will. She's asked me, and I said I'm not the person to ask about that.



 He also thinks he's not a vanilla but he definitely is.




I don't know what to say....



yeah I'm not into all the same things my characters are, but I'm into a LOT of things he isn't.



He's also one of those guys who won't shut up during. It's annoying.

Moan, cuss, that's fine, but FFS don't deliver a monologue




He mononlogues?

oh god!



I guarantee if I told Rebecca about how good her lady parts felt and the exact things I could feel them doing to my man bits, for 20 straight minutes, that would be the last time we ever had sex.



oh it's SO awkward, especially when admin "fades out" and it's Nathaniel or me out... it's like, "sir I'm a man right now"



He doesn't like buttsecks, which... okay fine, everyone's mileage varies, NBD

but please I do not want to hear the word "vagina" a hundred times during sex

I wear earplugs and then he gets offended because he assumes I'm fantasizing about our boys



 which we are



But still!

He claims he doesn't feel connected to me but he's not really doing anything to foster a connection. Everything he's doing is just driving me further away and when I call him on it I get bullshitted in return. I feel like a bright, thriving rose that's been brought into a house of dark energy to just wither and die.



Then you know what you have to do, hun. It's hard sometimes to take that first step, but for you, as well as for Lucius, you have to do it. Don't let him do this to you. No withering and dying aloud!



I'm compiling a list of options, pros, cons, backup plans, etc in my head and always have been. I'm just annoyed and venting at the moment


LUCIFER, with Sebastian in his lap, sits closer to Xander so they can have contact too




We'll never let it get that bad for us. (speaking of himself/Freya; Trent/Rebecca; etc.)



CUTEcius is in his bed sleeping peacefully right now. I would take him to my dad's tomorrow but we have therapy at 2, which I asked for because *waves arms*



Awww...cutie pie. ♥ ♥ ♥

yea, I still 'arguing' with Rhett atm. lol Should have been asleep an hur ago.



Bad Rhett omg



right. bad little danger noodle. Lol



yeah lol



We don't let it get that bad, ever, but...



(meaning relationships not babies LOL)

(toddlers gonna toddler)


SEBASTIAN shrugs and leaves


SIGYN, 8:21 p.m.

when I hear Danger Noodle I think snake

snakes are adorable


(8:39 p.m.) [snip something for Rebecca’s look book from Trent]

(8:53 p.m.) //alright, I guess we're dropping off here. Sebastian left cause he's sad about Xander; Trent's going with him tonight 😆 Everyone else will prolly be here tomorrow

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