Thursday, January 13, 2022

January 13, 2022, part 1 | Side chat x RP with Ni, from Trent’s account

 SIGYN, 12:03 a.m.


Yeah so you see what I mean about never shutting up XD



Hahaha oh I get it believe me.😂

And other times it's like. Well that was fast. 😂



Oh yeah XD same

(12:23 a.m.) and tag. Short cause... she's not dumb enough to talk about drugs via text



(12:29 a.m.) Back tag lmfao

Serene gets there. -Just gets attacked by hellhounds-

Welcome to the IT crowd. 🤣



Oh mean XD




Kidding they listen

Mostly 🤣



like, does he want the drugs though?

Oh okay

I was just gonna say



Not to Sigefrid but.... Yeah she'll live I promise BAHAHAHA




(12:32 a.m.) Tag




...... I'm dying 😂

You could..... But please don't 😂



She's not asking about fashion XD

You'll see




That's exactly what he means whether it came across or not 😂

Unless she means something other than the first thing that would cross a normal person's mind 😂



Unless she means something other than the first thing that would cross a normal person's mind 😂

I'm not a normal person so I don't know



Bahahaha I mean me neither I guess.... Then again neither are my muses so 😂



Alright, tag. I'm one of those "everyone cares what Enoby was wearing!" types XD

She meant, "would you be more comfortable to meet me in drag or out?"



Yup! That's what we got lol 🤣



The picture I posted is what she's wearing, only bright teal eyes, much curlier hair, and silver slingback heels (that aren't mentioned cause I forgot) XD

"show up naked if you want, except don't"

"Uhhh... so I'll just meet... in... drag, then."



You're gonna make me miss my stylist with your fun visuals 🤣

I'd probably have way more if I had one but meh lol

And omfg right!? 🤣😂🤣




[small snip]



becaaauuuuse I have no binder



Use duck tape








AHAHAHAHAHA hey beggers can't be choosers OKAY



I used to use bandages but that's a bad idea too



I totally haven't

Oh those things suck dildo



Sports bras make my back hurt but uh, I'm hoping if I drop some extra subcutaneous lipidinous tissue, my chest will also deflate



I feel that..

All of that actually

Probably why my migraine hit actually. Three sizes to small and sports bra is my level of stupidity sometimes




Started seeing a chiropractor after I had Lucius and it's like

"you should probably get a reduction"

bruh I'm pumping

Oof, I'm sorry



Heeellll NO! This is totally not why we did formula



We mixed. Half milk, half formula :3



Though idk whether you're doing it for drag or what not but ... Yeah pregnancy was one thing. I was done once she was out



Well, I'm bigender, but sometimes I prefer to be a little more masc and most of my cosplay characters are male

Other times I'm like HEY WORLD, LOOK AT THEEEESE




I've gotten discounts at conventions dressed as a female character strictly for being "cute", which means chubby chesticles and short skirt lmao



I'm Bigender to







I'm actually like wtf it IS a real thing 🤣






Jkjk but I've never actually met anyone else the same before



I thought I was genderfluid-but-a-little-to-the-left

But then I read about Tiresias


And my sibling was like "bigender?"

and I'm like YES


(1:00 a.m.)



I was on T for a year back in confusion days ahahaha

But yeah I feel you there. Feel like alot of people just look at me like wait.... What's Bigender

Because it's one of the more rare ones

Feels like I just said "I identify as a helicopter on Tuesdays"





I considered transitioning because

ok so I also have DID and I had one particularly powerful male alter, when I was 19, and people liked him a lot better so I was like "ok whatever you can have my life"

but I'm knife shy and I had had bad experiences with therapy so I just swallowed it



Well if it makes you feel any better. There's some of us who only had minor personality disorder diagnosis and yeah. I can say my male side was WAY more around back then. So I was just like OK COOL

Then suddenly it was like. Wait a second. No... Now I'm fine. WTH?! And I had all kinds of people so confused showing up at the tattoo shop I worked at having to explain it all to my trainer and coworker only for it to backfire yet again.

God it was so awful. 🤦‍♀️



Yikes, I'm so sorry



Anywho but I feel you. I haven't had to Bind AS much for a few years compared to back then. Lol



Straight up, I have borderline personality disorder and, while I am in treatment, my characters oftentimes have my symptoms and shitty coping mechanisms

and one of them is kind of an alter but a little to the left

like, I occasionally lose time, and they write in my diary, but it's not like we'll be on messenger and SUDDENLY DIFFERENT PERSONALITY

Re: trial thing: OH BUT DOES

Sigefrid knows Serena's married to Luci/Lucifer, so the second Sebastian introduces himself as, "Sebastian Morningstar for the defense, your honor," he gon be like "...SON OF A BITCH!"

'cause Serena does have a higher vocal register than Sebastian, but once you see or hear the similarities, you can't un-know it.

okay yeah I really like that for a reveal, actually.



(1:32 a.m.) Tag






No I don't think anything that personal has come up for either of them lol



She's mentioned her husband at least once, I'm not sure if by name tho



Well..... Yeah we'll go with blame the drugs because it went over our head by a good foot at least


Wouldn't shock me




oh good okay

like, as long as there's a plausible excuse, I'll roll with anything.






Bex hasn't seen all of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, and sometimes she kinda roleplays as herself instead of as the characters from that canon, and I'll catch her and point it out as Trent cause he's a stalker, and she'll go like "oh, my tastes changed" or "I thought that at first but now I think this", and it's a lot of fun



Yeah, we don’t think it’s fun anymore.



Oh dude Sigefrid's very unobservant sometimes and stuff really does go in one ear and out the other or fly right over his ass. 🤣

Plus yeah, part of it is literally he's always been on the panic around her and high as shit soooo LMFAO

Oh god... I... It irritates me when people do that I think we've talked. 🤣

I'll Channel a muse that might have something similar I want to use sometimes. Close as it gets




Like, I know YOUR favorite color is green, but GEORGE wears mostly pink!

or things like that



AHAHAHAHAHA yup that crap irritates me endlessly lol



or "I don't like dresses," says the girl who canonically ONLY wears dresses for the first two and a half seasons




........... NOPE 🤣



I am patient outwardly because literate writers are rare, but it does grate sometimes

and I'm obsessive IRL so I stick with obsessive characters

and characters who are super analytical and likely to call that shit out

Also "well ALL of my characters are XYZ" yes but this one is canonically ABC and the other one is MNO

it shows a lack of range tbh



That sounds like me and my wallowing depression. 🤣

HOWEVER it shows itself very differently by character to.

Like Sigefrid drowns his in drinking and pain meds and pussy. Doesn't actually flaunt it to just anyone.

Erik will just shut down anywhere really. Goes all spacey. Also tends to have some scaring no one knows where that came from 🙄

Dagfinn drowns it like Sigefrid but OBSESSIVELY and does heavier shit to like Heroin. Usually the guy who tries to get a chick but can't get his dick up at the end of the night and they both end up high sleeping in a trash trailer lmfao

And on and on and on down the list. Lol

Sooooo moral of the story I get it. We all have our character TYPES that's for sure



Yeah for sure!

And we all put a LITTLE of ourselves into our characters

But RPing the same damn person over and over and over and over

Having the same image songs for every pairing because YOU love the song so much

It's uncreative. I don't like it.



..... Oh look one of my friends is having a tantrum. Because I missed their reply an hour ago and they didn't boop me 🙄

Gotta LOVE ooc BULL



oh fuccccc



And omfg.... Yeah I agree. Makes me cackle cause I know to many who do that shit



bruh I get sulky, like, I'm super clingy and needy, but it manifests as mostly "ping, ping, pingpingPINGPINGPING"

followed by "I'm sad now"



Funny thing is I had a feeling they were posting a bitch status. Because I spent two days sleeping and doing banter and all they did was bitch.



People who are just passive aggressive are like blech



One or two hrs maybe and they're bitching whatya know

Yeah I'm tired of it TBH



Yepppp, valid



Oh oh OR it's because I wasn't feeling a muse this evening so I haven't replied at all to one thread.

Aawww poor baby. Let me cry



Or like "you haven't responded me in three days, I know you said you had the flu/were visiting your friend in rehab/had to take your baby to the ER but if you REALLY CARED ABOUT ME"



JK what a whiney cunt

Noooo it's them. Wow make me feel great AHAHAHAHA

I've spoken to him plenty

It's the replying he's gotten bitch fit over.



like, Bex and I

she was unavailable for a while, ok, and my characters fought to hell with hers when she got back

BUT I stated clearly within the fight that I, the admin, do not resent her, the admin. But IC actions/lack of actions = IC consequences, so my characters are going to go off and fuck around

And then they gonna find out

Nathaniel is catching heat from George for fucking Lucifer, for example



Yeah this person doesn't do that. He's honestly HARD to work with at times. And I don't think he gets......

Even if it isn't about me

I've ignored for DAYS every time I see this kind of status

But I know it's me because I know what I am and am not guilty of and this status is ALL about people not replying to roles and claiming he doesn't feel like a priority.

AKA.... I think he's joined the crew of mad you and Becca exist officially



(1:54 a.m.) Tag

I mean, I get it? sometimes I see you and Bex RPing and she hasn't replied to a thing we have going, so I'll just casually pester her, and then I'll sulk after a bit, but also, like, communication is vital. If I can see that, oh actually that response was from four hours ago, long before she logged off, yeah it's all good. Or if I see her say "I'm only good for banter" or "these muses aren't awake", then I get it

But being a dick to someone who isn't available at the moment isn't incentivizing



Yeah exactly. And soooo many people just DON'T.

Communication hath left the building!!


(2:00 a.m.)



Sometimes I'll send like 9861613851 texts and then like eight hours later I'll get "sorry hun I was _________" and then I immediately feel better like oh okay then

Manure occurs



Omfg I have friends that do that to me. I've just tuned the world out plenty before. Like click I may message every few but otherwise I'm on cloud nine 🤣

So I'm the one getting those texts AHAHA



Yeahhh I've been on that side of it too



Also -Acts petty for a second-

He's posted he was redoing his account three times in two weeks ROFL



I do try to tell people what's up, but like, some people are ... Okay so some people are naturally just needy, and that's cool, but some people are toxic about it



Trashing everyone's muses and ships only to never do that 🤣

I'm actually laughing

Cool less to reply to we're gonna do this again foo



Omg I just cut ties with someone who threatened to kill all his muses and himself at least once a day



Omfg ok thankfully he isn't that bad

But he does do this kind of shit soooo much



So people who are like THAT, like "oh if you REALLY cared you'd talk to me but you CLEARLY DON'T", I mute them and ghost the account, hop on an alternate where they're not added, and talk to my friends



Omfg no kidding....

I have wished such things but.....

I'm a natural doormat 🤣



come back a week later

"um, I just had a BABY."

like, I only have the one kid, and he was born in 2020, but not everyone knows that

Oh bruh I used to be a doormat, so I feel you. Wanting to please everyone and not having boundaries takes a real toll.



It really does. Lol funny how that's what this persons claiming they're doing 🙄

Like uh huh surrre. So you can ignore me and when I get a couple new friends and it's not ALL about you ALL the time. Well.... Now we have issues.

Yeah I saw this coming ten miles away tbh. Actually I got a message from someone else yesterday who whined and said "You have a new best friend"

Wtf are y'all teenagers? That one hadn't been active in DAYS



Dude I get jealous of my WPs other WPs all the fucking time. It happens, whatever. But what I don't do is...that

like I figured "oh she's writing with this person. Maybe they're cool. Perhaps I, too, can have the pleasure of writing with them."

also it's your turn on the uhhh drugs

I'm like the "HELLO PARTY PEOPLE! I was jealous for a second but NOW I'm MAKING NEW FRIENDS" kind of obnoxious instead XD



(2:22 a.m.) Tag






Omfg yeah see also why I liked you pretty quickly. Most don't do that. They just see a new person and instantly go


Like how actually let's see.

One girls vanished sense Becca appeared.

Another has like I said. Messaged bitching.

And now this guy's gone bitch rant whiney emo stupid three times.

And I get it to. I think we all have been there. But A. It's just part of rp honestly. And B. Doesn't mean you should sabotage your friendship over it by being manipulative or dramatic or anything of that nature




I've been friends with Bex for years, like, she tried to talk me thru some shady shit my husband did in 2016 (we got better), but we didn't start writing together earnestly until last summer. I knew she was a hopeless romantic who feels the same way about misunderstood stalkers as I do and approached her about Trent, and we came up with a storyline that has gotten steadily more convoluted. We used to write HOURS every day and then we started watching CXGF together, and then this autumn/winter shit started going down IRL and we had to cut back, and then I see you and I'm like "HEY COOL! NEW PERSON! VIKING NAME!!! ADD!"

...after like five seconds of being like "wah, new person :'( what about me? :'( " but privately



YUP!!! I've been there. Totally understand. 🤣



And the thing is, Trent and Bash are friends with Elf Becca. Not as close with her as with the CXGF characters, CAOS characters, and Xander, but close enough that Serena didn't immediately physically attack Rheagal

So it's not a big deal if some muses are asleep and others are awake



Yeah that was fun. I like that we can pop on a thread and no one's asshurt in the process to. That's a rarity tbh

I haven't been able to do that in ages and as I'm sure you've noticed....

None of my friends do that shit at ALL



oh nohhh

Yeah like me, as a person? Completely chill with Bex going "owo what's this" at the Serena and Sigefrid YouTube thread. Serena? WHOLLY INFURIATED!! BOUTTA SHOW THESE BITCHES FANTASTIC HANDS AND WHERE TO CATCH THEM



In hindsight, Bex butting into that thread out of jealousy wasn’t cool, though.



I know that was hilarious. 🤣

Fantastic hands and where to catch them omfg 🤣



but like if I need someone to perform a stop-it, I'll PM them and go "hey I'd actually really like for this to be between just A and B"



Which we should have done.



To perform a stop it AHAHAHAHA

I'm sorry the way you phrased that. 🤣



or if they want to be a part of it or don't like what's going down as a person, we can work out which character can successfully end it. Like, if Xander showed up and said, "Serena, come away from him. I want to feed and I want you to myself right now," that would be 100% effective.

but Rheagal showing up and moralizing at her was the opposite of that 🤣🤣🤣🤣



I have those exits myself honestly. 🤣




Got that from a friend who's a horror novelist who does funny phrases! 😃

Oh yeah! Erik actually being nice was what got Serena to finally go away

... temporarily, but still



"Imma talk to him it's ok!"

-Doesn’t but it worked-

That's Erik's card. He's good at breaking up ANYTHING 🤣

Granted sometimes it's not pleasant but ....

ROFL one time Sigefrid literally chewed his neck to pieces 😂



(2:38 a.m.) Tagggg

If Serena found out Erik didn't actually talk to him, she'd be ...well, she's already heartbroken and insane

but yeah at least Erik isn't yelling at her for being immoral



I mean he DID

Might not have necessarily liked what he had to say. 😂



Trent pointed out earlier, to CXGF Rebecca, that she has no reason to care what Sebastian does to some stranger and that she should be siding with Trent & friend over that rando

and then all hell broke loose

Oh wait actually, the fight started with Xander moralizing at Sebastian for stabbing someone, and Sebastian being like, "Hey, you're supposed to care about how I feel! I'm your human, not anyone else!"

And then Rebecca and Cat started dogpiling Sebastian, and then Trent told them to shut the fuck up

Like, it's rare for Trent to side against Rebecca, and Canon Trent probably would be confused at most, but my Trent has been best friends with Sebastian since 2nd grade and best believe Bros before Hos



(2:46 a.m.) Tag

That's funny. All Sigefrid does is tell everyone Serene is a pest. 🤣

But it's ok I think everyone's gathering he's a fucking liar over half the time about shit AHAHAHA



Bruh let me show you this cause it's a fuckin doozy

I hope they all send in the correct order



Yeah, Bex needs to correct the mathematical error of her existence. Fuck that entire insensitive, ableist, bullshit sock puppet argument.

(3:00 a.m.)






(3:36 a.m.) Is it working NOW?








Wtf that was so dumb



Hehe tag



Wwoow deleted my message wtf

Anywho forgot if I asked if you told me if you read the bios there before or not

Or if I even asked

It's more currently related to what we're doing so you'd probably get a kick out of it if not lol



oh fucc. I read some but I can't keep em straight



AHAHAHA yeah this isn't the big ones

This is contemporary specific stuff

Like I know you saw some of the Mayans but Sigefrid, Skorpa, Bloodhair

They're all in there to. 🤣



HAHAHA HE'S AFRAID OF DEMONS AND the person stalking him is the devil's spouse



ROFL yeaaaaaa don't get me started




Oh no please do



ROFL!!! Ever seen a werewolf biker shit his pants? There's a first for everything.😂




What happened omg



Sooooo much

He and Bolton are very permanently scarred as of recently actually

We don't talk about sister Mary 👌

Or her demon friends 😂



oh noooooo

I mean, Sebastian works with a demon, Maze, but she's super mild probably compared with that



//Prepare to meet the admins vocal chords I am NOT typing this one. 😂

Pssst that wasn't the bottle he grabbed 🙄😂

My bad early morning brain I shoulda been more specific AHAHA



Oh I know which bottle you said he grabbed but I also know which bottle was out of her purse and it wasn't the pill bottle




God damnit was that me.... Fuck I have early morning brain


(4:00 a.m.)




bruh it's 4 am here and I haven't slept so I feel ya



Fine I guess we're bitching then 🤣


And yo... It's six here



I usually finally get to sleep right around the time the baby wakes up and then I sleep till noon and then Loki and the baby come and wake me up and like I wake up to a baby crawling on me and making noise and trying to steal stuff from on top of my mini fridge

Loki is IRL husband's name

he got a kick out of it when I was RPing earlier and was like "I swear to Loki"

He was like "wait what"

"oh Sebastian's talking to a Viking"

"Wow ok"



Sounds like my morning

And OMFG!! That's great!!!

Tag btw oops he did decide to complain 😂



I'm still figuring out the possibilities and limits to her angel feather, like, it keeps her disease-free and alive, and it can heal others' injuries on contact. The angel she got it from, in his verse, is self-actualizing, which means it basically works depending on her desires, like, if she fully gave up on living, it would no longer protect her. But on the other hand, while I do like having a functionally invincible OC (who was totally already a Sue to begin with), I don't want to infringe on anything that's necessary for plot or characterization re other people's characters

so while she does carry a piece of divinity that is easily accessible, I am tempted to offer to heal things for others, but I feel like the reason it worked for Sigefrid that one time was because

1) she was healing a wound she had inflicted

2) she has feelings for him and a desire to heal him, and

3) she truly wanted to make it up to him for stabbing him.

so it might not work for Joe Schmoe

but on the OTHER hand, I was kind of curious, like, if she slept next to him and he, at any point, touched her back skin to skin, would it ease his pain for a while? but on the other other hand, I don't wanna overstep things that make up his characterization, and having someone literally become addicted to being close to her would probably end very badly XD



Hmmm you have some VERY good thoughts. And I certainly like it. I was actually already thinking it over in my head to some degree just not that angle so I'm glad you've come up with some explanation for things. Lol

I feel like that's certainly a good idea. And not TO bad of an addiction to work with because when compared to what he's taking let's not kid ourselves. He's hurting..... But not just physically. He wouldn't become addicted in the same sense to her.

However I can DEFINITELY see him getting very attached if that eventually happens.

What you do is also have her play it off and keep it covered up on purpose so that doesn't happen immediately. Unless I mean.... She wants to use it to lure him in as well.

Can you tell I'm conflicted to? 🤣

Really I feel like it boils down to wtf would SHE do? Because him I can certainly tell you. 🤣



Well, she didn't realize he was a chronic pain patient when she asked him to let her heal his shoulder. But if she had realized it, she absolutely would have capitalized on it.

"you're missing a hand. I have a literal piece of divinity gifted to me by an angel, who may or may not be in love with me, embedded over a large area of my skin."

It's hard to see, but if you zoom and scroll,

also that feather alone took like an hour because I did each individual little swoop in 800x view, and that picture was done in Microsoft Paint. It turned out larger than intended—the feather, I mean—but uh, I'm pretty proud



Yeah see THAT is a hard one to play with. And believe me even I've had to. Like in all the different timelines even just figuring out what to do is hard then add in he's a Were in some. Now you've got me like .... It was this kind of weapon and this why it never healed etc

It's FUN lol

Oooo ok I see it

Also woah yeah I definitely can't paint and certainly not people so be proud 🤣



Yeah! Like I mean, I'm collaborative, and I hate it when someone's just like "hey my chara just healed your chara because SURPRISE! IT'S A SUE!"

The person behind Sebastian is Trent, also XD

and I figured with you doing multiple timelines, trying to outright regrow a hand would fuck some shit up

but taking away the physical discomfort, and doing it temporarily so that he has to be at least nearby her for it to take effect? not too hard to swing


Lucifer is an angel of desire, so not only does the feather self-actualize based on Serena's subconscious wish to stay alive and well, BUT it could also have the ability to bring to the surface hidden desires in others. With an addict, that desire is usually "take the pain away"

"feel better"

and for a male addict who uses sex as a coping mechanism... WELLLLL

Sebastian DEFINITELY does that, and for him, it manifests as

  • preternatural sex appeal
  • always tight ;)
  • and, he's an exclusive bottom (except for that one month with Trent), but IF HE WASN'T, it would help in that arena too

but okay so for a "friend" who is merely touching the feather of the angel who brings out others' desires, would it be like "I want to feel better. Boom, I feel better! Yay! ...but only as long as she's within this sort of radius",

Or would it be like "I really didn't want to admit it but I WANT TO FUCK! NOW!"



Yikes hmmm that's a hard one

Reminds me of that one Jennifer Lopez video all the guys are chasing her 🤣


(5:00 a.m.)



oh cringe XD

also tag

whether or not she's flirting depends entirely on his mood. Schrödinger's flirting, if you will. Also, does she mean "visit the club" often, or does she mean "have sex on this couch" often? IT'S A SURPRISE! :D

Part 2 will be the afternoon and night.

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