Sunday, January 23, 2022

Serena: Yay, Bloodhair's back!

"Yay" Bloodhair mused back sarcastically.

Serena fluffed out her luxurious, thick blonde curls and smiled, blinking mink-lashed eyes at him. "How are you feeling, man?" she asked casually. "You uh, gave a little scare."

"Fucking Phenomenal" He replied in a dull tone as he sort of stared back at her for a moment then went back to scrolling tik tok.

She frowned slightly. "Okay, now that that's established, can I just ask why you went from being a sweetheart when we met to being a dick right before your mishap there? Did I do something to offend you?"

Letting out a sigh Bloodhair moved to toss the phone onto the counter as if giving up whatever peaceful zone he’d been in. "Are we talking about how I didn't feel like getting all mushy talk about my feelings to a stranger my ex-fiancée hates? Or are we talking about how I literally don't feel like talking to anyone yet here you are?" He replied with a rather blank expression.

"First of all, she's your ex. Why do you give half a fuck what she thinks? Second of all, I don't believe I've ever met her. Why on earth would she hate me when she's never even met me?" Serena bit back, irritated. "So because some broad who isn't even in a relationship doesn't like me, for probably no reason, I can't even be your friend? That's fucked up. Well, Sigefrid has my number. Call me when you grow a fucking spine." And she turned on her heel and stormed out.

"Bye.... " He retorted shaking his head a bit and rolling his eyes. Yeah as if!? The last thing he wanted to do was deal with some bitch. Now on the OTHER hand.... He quickly double checked his texts to see if Skorpa or Tarben had gotten back to him on what time they wanted to go have a little fun at his house with some spray paint, baseball bats, maybe even a good amount of fire. After that maybe they'd even go for the damn strip club.

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