Friday, January 21, 2022

Serena soothes sleeping Sigefrid

 Serena: *snuggled into bed next to a presumably sleeping Sigefrid* He doesn't HAVE to beg for attention 🥰

Sigefrid moved to curl up against her mumbling something he probably didn't even understand himself seeing as he was only about half awake. "Sister Mary is a lie"

Serena shifted so that her back was pressing somewhat against him. "I know," she murmured. "She won't hurt you. It's okay," and pulled his arm around her cozily.

Sigefrid hardly seemed to hear her and merely nuzzled his face into her hair groaning a bit tiredly. She smelt so sweet and with her warmth now up against him his desire to even more was only fading away all the more.

Serena smiled softly at Sigefrid's low groan. He was sweet, she thought, especially when he was asleep. She wondered if she should try consciously harnessing the healing magic in her feather to soothe him or if that would be overstepping, but it would have been so nice to at least be able to dull his pain, even if she couldn't heal his turmoil.

Pressing himself up against the female a tad more Sigefrid's arm somewhat tightened around holding her in place as his legs moved to tangle with hers as he got a bit more comfortable against her now.

Serena sighed happily in Sigefrid's arms, stretching just slightly her legs to tangle with his so they were both cozy and comfortable. Feeling him press against her sent a rush of affection through her and she began to glow faintly white without realizing it.

Well doing that sort of thing nearly immediately began to cause the dark haired male to slip from consciousness all to easily. In mere moment his stomach felt normal, what little bit of aches from coming down had started were nearly gone and his mind simply began to slip back into an undisturbed soft blanket of nothingness again. Not even a single dream this time though surely those would drift back later.

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