Monday, January 31, 2022

January 2022 | Serena x Sigefrid

 Written 4/11/22 but takes place in January

"Why did you... hide the truth from me?" Sigefrid demanded. Serena thought it was a fair enough question. Actually, she'd been waiting for him to ask.

"Because I had no way of knowing you wouldn't be repulsed," she said quietly but clearly. "Even the vampire I feed, who claims to love me, has trouble with it. My body. I really am sorry to upset you. It's just that I wanted you so damn much. I still want you. And I didn't-- I couldn't take it if00"

He cut her off, seeing she was clearly about to cry. "Why me?" he asked sharply. "You're a beautiful girl. Sort of." Ignoring her clicking her tongue at him, he continued, "You could easily find someone who's into your situation. Why go after me?"

The look she gave him was becoming familiar by now. So sweet and tender, almost like-- no. He shook his head slightly. It couldn't be.

"You'll accuse me of sucking up again, but it's because I find you, specifically you, attractive. No, don't scoff at me, it's true. You're strong. Manlier than anyone I've ever met. You clearly don't let anything stop you." She touched his blade wrist gently for emphasis. "Oh, and the fact that you literally have a weapon as part of your body doesn't hurt. I like your beard. Your hair. Your lips, among..." She glanced downward. "Other things. You fascinate me, Sigefrid."

He couldn't deny that his ego was soaking up the attention. The ghost of a smile twitched at the edge of his lips despite himself.

"You cook good," he offered, shoveling some food into his mouth, relenting a bit just for now. She smiled at him, her eyes misting over.

"I'll cook for you anytime," she whispered.

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