Ni @ Serena: //Bahahahaha couldn't resist love yu!!!
"Oh, so you like me when I'm on my knees?"
“Is that really what you got from that
song?” Rheagal asked snidely as he tilted his head at her. Smirking a
bit as he leaned against the nearest wall.
"Trent sees the silver lining in
things. Why shouldn't I? And more importantly, whomst the fuck are you?"
"I mean it was nice.... And then you
started TALKING! So yeah maybe take some pointers and next time you want to be
a lying skank Serene. Just keep the dick in your fucking mouth and a shut the
fuck up" Sigefrid put in with a rather clever smirk.
“Oh me? I am Rheagal. Becca’s
eldest. Pleasure.” He chuckled softly and smirked. “Because not everyone wants
what someone else wants. If Sigefrid said no, that’s what he means. No. Not try
harder.” He chuckled softly, appraising the female before him and knew right
away, all wasn’t as it seemed.
Penryn: Nope!
Party foul! Firstly, Rheagal wasn’t invited to this conversation. Secondly,
Sigefrid/his admin approached Serena, not the other way round. Thirdly,
Rheagal chuckled twice in that paragraph. Fourthly, you can’t fucking clock
someone’s assigned sex just by looking at them.
"For the tenth time, Sigefrid," Serena
said exasperatedly, "I didn't LIE to you! I didn't say anything one way or
the other until you directly asked me, and then I confirmed it before you
ripped my bodice!" But she did smile at him affectionately. "Next
time?" she echoed. "Well, I was about to... in front of your brother,
Turning to Rheagal, she glared. "Why
don't you mind your own fucking business?" she snarled. "This is
between Sigefrid and me. Nobody asked for your opinion." The fact that he
looked vaguely like a younger Nathaniel did not help her impression of him, as
she had resented Nathaniel for years before they'd finally become friends.
"Ergo LIED!!!" Sigefrid
bellowed back almost as soon as she'd began ranting about not lying for
probably the millionth time. Honestly he was pretty furious currently and for
evident reason. Letting out a sigh he soon shook his head looking as if he was
thinking hard for a moment. "How about you just shut your mouth and leave.
I thought we established literally no one likes the sound of your voice"
He added in a cold tone.
“Not my business? Oh, I think it is when
you make MY Alpha angry.” Rheagal said, casting a look to Sigefrid and
smirked. “Nobody has to ask for my opinion, they get it whether they want to or
not, and you are being a pushy broad. No one likes that. Ever.” He tried not to
cuss as he had been told to always be polite to ladies, but this woman was flat
out nuts!
Penryn: Firstly,
Sigefrid is a grown man who can handle his own disagreements. Secondly, are you
jealous because you want to be on your knees for him? Thirdly, why don’t
you shut your mouth and leave? No-one likes an interloper, either.
ANYTHING?" Serena shouted back, tears forming in her eyes.
Jealousy shot through Serena like a
lightning bolt as Rheagal referred to Sigefrid as his alpha, and her hand went
for her switchblade, before she thought better of it. Whether she liked the kid
or not, he still belonged to Elf Becca, and she cared somewhat about the elf
"I didn't MAKE him anything. He's
choosing to be angry. But I can. Make him." She flicked her eyes up at
Sigefrid. "Keep that in mind. I did it to my best friend, and I've no
problem doing it to you."
"Sounds like a load of piss and
vinegar anymore bitch.... Secondly try me and I will gladly stick you on a
pike! You can be our talking door greeter!" Sigefrid mused actually
smirking a bit at the thought. Perhaps he couldn't kill her and maybe she'd
like it but if she couldn't move that was still close enough to dealing with
the fucking problem. Reaching to pick up a nearby piece of meat he took a bite
and leaned back. Feet moving up to the table top casually.
"You can't debilitate me,
either," Serena said softly. But she sat on the floor beside him
and rested her head on his thigh silently.
“Don’t threaten my Alpha again.” Rheagal’s
words were slightly darker. “No, you didn’t make anyone actually fall for you.
Is that really what you thought? Kidnapping and forcing does not equate to real
love.” He eyed the broad’s hands as they went to her switchblades and he
smirked again. “I wouldn’t… you know what I am if you know my mother, and she
taught us well.” Seeing her try to push her luck, he picked up a pillow and
lightly tossed it at her, hitting her upside the head. “Stop touching him! He
said he doesn’t like it.” He growled.
Penryn: How
the fuck would Rheagal know what happened between Sebastian and Trent? How
the fuck would Rheagal know Sebastian and Serena are the same person? They
literally just met. Also, oooh big man, making empty threats and throwing pillows.
This really does read like Rheagal is jealous. Also, he’s giving the same whiny
refrain about Trent x Sebastian that Trent’s wife constantly gives,
which makes it seem more like an author issue than a character issue.
Serena clung
to Sigefrid's leg and shook her head, crying.
Moving his bad arm over his chest and
slowly pulled the sheath from the blade he had with his other hand. Eyes
slightly rolling Sigefrid finally moved and placed the point at the back
of Serenes head. "Mmm kind have a few theories I want to test" He
growled with a wicked smirk suddenly forming on his lips.
“Enough with the water works too… it is
very unbecoming. No one likes that either, not to mention it doesn’t work.” Rheagal
rolled his eyes and took a few steps back. He knew better.
Penryn: Too
bad his mum didn’t know better than to grab a coat hanger and unexist him and
his siblings. Let the person with rejection-sensitive dysphoria cry if they
"This was an AB conversation. He
tagged me. Why don't you C your interloping ass out."
Penryn: A
little too meta for comfort, but…
"Well that's definitely enough of that
for the moment" Sigefrid mused smartly and after Serene and gone on
towards Rheagal he moved to jab the blade straight threw the back part of her
head so that it was soon sticking right from her mouth in a rather gory
'Okay, rude,' Serena thought. When
the pain wore down some, she reached back and removed the knife, then licked
the blade clean and returned it to him, gazing up at him with the sweetest look
in her eyes.
"Seriously?" Trent was more than
a little annoyed. He knelt next to Serena and wrapped strong arms around her,
cradling her close. It was clear from the way he held her that he thought of
her as precious and delicate. He looked up at Rheagal and Sigefrid with a
calculating expression, but said nothing further.
"Bye bye now" Sigefrid
scoffed as he began to chuckle dully at seeing Trent eyeing him up a bit weird
again. As if this was HIS fault or something! What a chode!
Now Trent spoke up. "You broke
her heart," he said accusingly. "How could you?"
"I doubt that. This bitch is probably
just acting because she's literally insane" Sigefrid sneered coldly
back towards the male who now wanted to go and actually talk shit.
“How can you break someone’s heart when you
don’t even know them?” Rheagal butted in. “Sigefrid doesn’t know her
like that… and she stabbed him when he said no. So… that makes no sense.”
Penryn: *Luigi
Largo voice* PAVI! SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Serleina: Ooh,
Penryn: Yes,
go ahead.
Serleina: ♪I’M
"No, it's not an act," Trent
said, frowning. "I recognize this. She likes you."
He turned to the boy. "Hello," he
greeted the boy politely. "I disagree with you. Rebecca-- Human Rebecca--
broke my heart every day in college and after, until we got together."
He looked at Sigefrid. "Where did she
stab him? He looks fine to me. Not a scratch on him."
Serena snuggled into Trent's embrace.
Normally she resented that he and Luci treated her like she was made of glass,
but lately, she was sad and she appreciated her best friend sticking up for
"Sigefrid, this is Trent. We've been
friends since second grade. Um, about 25 years. Trent, this is Sigefrid. I like
him. And he liked me, at first."
"That's not Trent. That's fanny pack
turtle boy" Sigefrid replied before actually snickering a bit
childishly as he leaned back casting a grin towards Trent and otherwise not
really caring for what either had to say at this point. Honestly the whole
thing was just fucking STUPID.
"His name is Trent," Serena
repeated. "Wait... are you the guy he dared to wear the backpack shorts?!"
Hearing her ask that Sigefrid only
kept laughing, this time even harder.
"Oh my gosh, you're the chicken!"
Now Serena was laughing too. "I fell for the chicken!"
"Cockadoodledoo mother fuckers" Sigefrid
added slightly smirking. Honestly it was pretty funny even he had to admit
Trent had actually got him on that one. Fairly good to....
"Mm..." Serena purred
softly. "You can wake me up any morning," she murmured flirtatiously,
then turned serious as something occurred to her.
"Morning. Leftovers! That's it! I
gotta go." She scrambled to her feet. "Um, my husband's a nightclub
owner," she explained. "He knows people. And there should be some
party drugs left over from last night in our penthouse. I'll be back!" She
squealed and kissed Trent and Sigefrid both on the lips, then skipped away
sort of froze a bit and made a sulky expression once she'd kissed him and gone
to scamper off. "Disgusting bitch" he muttered under his breath
before reaching for his nearby beer and sinking further in his seat.
Trent looked
sharply at him. "She's not," he said. "Although I wonder what
she wants drugs for? She's been clean for months."
shrugged a bit carelessly and not really putting much though into it either.
What did he care? He hardly knew much more about her than she was insane and
couldn't die.... Unfortunately for his own sanity.
watched the man, whom he still considered insecure about his masculinity. He
tilted his head with a slight frown. "Hey... you don't do drugs, do
"Nope, not at all" Sigefrid
replied as the other very blatantly asked suddenly. What did that matter? At
least to Trent anyhow.
"Okay, cool," said Trent.
"It's a terrible habit. Anyway, though, about Serena, I've known her as
long as I can remember and can I just tell you something? Whatever happened
between you, the more you push her away, the more determined she's going to be,
and she really doesn't take rejection well when she acknowledges it at all.
When she wanted me, she took me on vacation with her, to my own storage unit,
for a month. We... She-- well... he, in this circumstance, made love to me
every day." Trent's voice was soft as he explained. "I'm a strong
man, Sigefrid. I'm blessed with a fortitude known to few. But it was...
consistent enough, often enough, to be painful." He gave Sigefrid an
uncommonly serious look.
"I stayed, willingly. Because the
lives of two other people I love were at stake, as well as my own freedom in
the larger sense. He's my lawyer, but he's done quite a lot for me off the
books, and he kept receipts for every single thing I asked of him. Some things
aren't covered by attorney-client privilege under California law. Afterwards,
when my fiancée and our boyfriend and his other boyfriend came and got me....
It took me a while to process things, but I eventually came to the conclusion
that he had taken me with him out of love, and that all he wanted from me, more
than just access to my body, was love. We had been best friends forever, and he
had the means to destroy my life and kill the people I love, but besides that,
I found I truly was flattered that he would go to such lengths for a silly ol'
lug like me. I understand that it's different for you, because you just met
Serena, but whatever she said or did to you, it can't possibly have...."
He trailed off, searching for better words.
"I think you are strong enough to move
past it and at least try to be nicer. Serena's not usually reckless, so if
she's gone that far off the rails, playing nice might be your safest bet. I can
only keep her mellow to a point."
Sitting there looking as if he would have
rather been almost anywhere else through the entire explanation Sigefrid
let out a frustrated breath once the other had finished. "Are you
done?" He sort of growled before rolling his eyes. "Blowing my brains
out seems like a good option right about now. Thanks for your counsel Trent.
Now go away" He added though even as he said that he was already getting
up and preparing to take his leave. Honestly, all these people were VERY
Serena came
back just in time to hear that.
"No, please don't kill yourself,"
she gasped, breathless from running. She had a tote bag slung over one shoulder
and, as she tried to catch her breath, she reached into it and pulled out an unlabelled
bottle and handed it to Sigefrid.
"Try this," she said softly. "The potential side effects are minimum, even with mead, and it's real good for pain. All kinds of pain. Actually..." She wavered slightly, as if she might want to keep it for herself, then grimaced and handed it over. "I can't. Xander. He won't drink from me if I take anything. So, you can try this, and then call me if you like it or want something different or... or when you run out. I wrote my number on a paper and left it in there for you. I um..." She looked down. "I'm really sorry for the trouble. I lo... I'll see you around."
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